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After Kageyama finished helping Conny with her injuries, Conny collected everyone on the council to form a meeting. Within the next hour there were twelve people sitting around a table. Eleven were the same people who had voted last time they had an issue, the twelfth was Bokuto who was sitting in to represent Fukurodani, their new allies.

Everyone looked at Conny expectantly, not entirely sure why she decided to call a meeting. "Okay, I have some new information that I think might be valuable to know" Conny spoke when she realized everyones attention was on her.

"I'm sure you've all probably noticed at some point that my loud presence was absent these past few days. The reason being I was taken to another group living in Tokyo. The Inarizaki group led by Miya Atsumu" Conny began to explain.

"I don't know much about them. But from what I can gather they want the prison and they are willing to attack us for it. They ARE stronger and they WILL win. So I think we need to leave and find somewhere safe because as it stands I don't think we can fight them" Conny stated.

Everyone was left staring at her, a silence taking over the room.

"Um Conny.. We might wanna back up a few steps there" Kimi began to speak. "They haven't shown any signs of attacking us and who said we can't fight back? This is our home" she added.

"You don't understand, this group is dangerous Kimi. We should just go somewhere safer. There are so many people who can't fight here, we'd be putting their lives on the line" Conny argued back.

"Conny listen to yourself? Safer? Where is safer? No matter where we go we are going to run into problems with other groups. And say we do leave. Let's pretend we all go to Fukurodani, what's to stop them from following us there and still taking what we have?" Kimi countered.

"I don't know but it's better than waiting around for an attack we know is coming" Conny said. She couldn't help but get frustrated, she knew that it was a lot to ask to just up and leave but she thought it would be easier to convince Kimi at least.

"But how do we know an attack is coming? Did this Miya guy tell you he wanted the prison? Because they haven't actually done anything to suggest they are planning on attacking yet" Kimi questioned.

"Well he didn't actually say he was gonna attack... But his questions were asking how strong we are. Plus isn't kidnapping me at least some sort of sign that they aren't going to be friendly?" Conny tried to argue, but she could feel her points becoming weaker.

"I get that. But we would be risking everyones life out there on the road. We shouldn't leave unless we have a sure reason to" Kimi said. She was giving Conny a soft smile trying to explain her reasoning calmly. She could tell that her sister was getting frustrated.

"How about that Conny? We just give it some time and if something else happens to suggest that Inarizaki wants the prison then we reopen this chat if we should stay or not?" Kuroo asked looking at the girl.

Conny was pissed by now. She felt like her arguments were valid to the group, but she didn't want to cause too many problems so she just pretended she was fine. "Yeah I guess so" Conny said shrugging.

"You're upset Conny. Do you want to vote on this now or do you have something to add?" Kuroo asked. 

"I just don't understand why we are waiting until someone else gets hurt to do something about it!" she shouted. She didn't mean to yell, it just slipped out from anger.

"Because we can't just pick up and leave Conny. This place is crucial to our survival" Kuroo tried to explain.

"I have an idea" Bokutos voice came from the place he had been sitting. Almost everyone seemed to be surprised by him talking since he wasn't even a part of the group.

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