104 ~ Confusion

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When Conny finally calmed down enough to think she was determined to come up with an escape strategy. Atsumu seemed to jump between two personalities very quickly and she didn't want to be around when the angry side showed up again.

She frantically looked around the room for some sort of idea what to do. The only weapon she could think to use against her restraints was her own teeth. So she leaned forward and began chewing at the rope keeping her left hand pinned down. 

She had to work fast, hoping Atsumu wouldn't walk in as she was trying to get out. An hour went by and her mouth was killing her, the sides of her lips were bleeding from constantly rubbing against the rope. But she continued to work at it.

Another hour and she was getting closer to breaking her left hand free. She purposely chose the left one so that when she had to untie the knot on the other hand she wouldn't be relying on the hand missing two fingernails.

Finally after what felt like forever of chewing the rope was barely still holding her hand down. She pulled up on her hand with enough strength to break the remainder of the rope. She quickly untied the other side. Conny was overjoyed to be out of the chair, but the second she stood she was quickly reminded of her gunshot wound in her leg as she fell back down.

"Fuck Conny, ignore it. This is nothing compared to what he'll do if he finds you" she scolded herself in a mumble as she forced herself to stand. Conny picked the chair up moving it to stand underneath the window, but as she was about to stand on it the knob on the door started to twist. Conny instead settled for picking up the chair and throwing it as hard as she could at the boy when he walked in the room. It completely caught him off guard.

She forced herself to run over to the other chair trying to also throw it at Atsumu but he was already on his feet putting up his arms to stop the attack. She did manage to hit him again though causing blood to flow down his arm from a gash where the chair scraped him.

Atsumu took hold of the chair ripping it from her hands. She took that as her cue to race for the door but he had already dropped the chair running after her. Atsumu took hold of her wrist as soon as he got close enough to grab it, Conny shrieked out in pain as part of his hand accidentally put pressure on her burn wound. Surprisingly the boy moved his hand farther down her wrist away from the burn at the sound of her cry out.

Conny turned to kick him but he dodged. "Stop Conny don't make me pin ya down. I'm not gonna hurt ya" he instructed.

"You already did!" Conny cried out trying to get free from him.

"I know, but yer safe right now. I just wanted to take ya out for food" he said. Conny continued to cry trying to kick at him, but he caught her leg. Holding her up, he was the only support stopping her from falling while he had a hold of her leg.

"Promise you won't hurt me?" Conny asked tears falling down her face.

"Yeah, I just want ya to eat" Atsumu said. He sounded genuine but Conny was so confused by him that she had no idea whether she should believe him or not. "I'm gonna let go of yer leg, don't kick me okay?" Atsumu said making eye contact with her. Conny slowly nodded.

Atsumu carefully lowered her leg. Every instinct inside Conny screamed at her to kick him, but she clung to his promise instead not wanting to anger him again.

"I'm not gonna tie ya up to go to the restaurant. Don't make me regret that" Atsumu said sternly. Conny nodded still confused by everything he did.

"Did you say restaurant?" Conny asked wiping the tears away from her face.

Atsumu nodded then grinned at her. "We got restaurants here with fancy food an all. It'll be like I'm takin ya on a date" he said cheerfully.

Conny nodded once again, not entirely sure what to say.

"Come on" Atsumu said nodding his head towards the door. Conny began to walk out the door, limping in front of the boy as he rest his hand on her back to guide her.

"Oh did ya want to change first? Yer clothes are filthy. This way, I've got some girly stuff or more comfortable lookin stuff. Whatever you prefer" the boy said as he stopped in front of a room and opened the door to revel a bedroom. Conny walked inside.

"Can I have something comfortable?" she asked shyly. 

"Mhm" Atsumu hummed moving to the closet. "This?" he asked holding up a hoodie and comfy pants. "Or you can pick it out yerself" he offered motioning to the closet.

"That's fine" Conny said nodding towards the outfit he pulled out of the closet.

"Okay" Atsumu said throwing the clothes on the bed. "The window is locked and the vents are bolted, please don't try to leave. I'm gonna wait in the hall fer ya" Atsumu said opening the door.

"Oh and here look fer any red lights in vents or hidden anywhere" he added momentarily turning off the lights. Conny scanned the room finding no lights. 

"I don't see anything" she replied confused.

Atsumu turned the lights back on. "That means no cameras. I wanted ya to see for yerself. I'm not a creep I promise" he said before leaving the room and shutting the door.

"Yay not a creep just a fucking psychopath" Conny mumbled to herself once he was gone. She was thankful though that he wasn't insisting on being in the room while she changed. She sat on the bed and slid off her pants, as she pulled the new pair up she was careful not to touch the wrapped up area on her left leg.

Next was her shirt which took her a while to change in and out of due to how sore her arms had become. She couldn't help but wince at the sight of the irritated red skin peeking out from under the tape.

Conny had to take an extra few minutes to gain the courage to open the door again. When she did Atsumu stood up from the spot he had been sitting against the wall. "Ya ready to go?" he asked smiling at the girl.

"Yeah" Conny said nodding slowly. Part of her was still waiting for him to snap.

"Do you want help walkin?" Atsumu asked as Conny limped along beside him.

Conny shook her head. "No that's okay" she said. As much as it hurt her to walk on her own, she didn't want him to be any closer to her than he already was. But Atsumu respected her answer, simply continuing to walk beside her.

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