134 ~ My Reason

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The two girls had found their weapons where they had hiden them before revealing themselves to Sakusa. Now Kimi walked down the road a little ahead of Conny and Kita. She didn't know what to say to Conny, they didn't agree with what the next line of action should be so it was probably better that they didn't talk for now. Kita seemed to be sticking to Connys side. It seemed that like Conny trusted him, he trusted her completely.

"It's really cool at the prison, I guess a little creepy too but it's safe! There are rows of cells and there are beds in the cells. And there is a big yard area and a large fence surrounding the yard and prison. Oh and there are giant guard towers" Conny spoke quickly in an attempt to explain everything about the prison to Kita.

Kita began to laugh lightly cutting her off. It was the first time Conny had heard his laugh, it was soft and filled with just pure happiness, nothing fake about it. "So it basically looks like a prison?" Kita questioned raising an eyebrow.

Conny began to sheepishly rub the back of her neck. "Oh yeah, I guess that would be an easier way to describe it" she said with a small giggle. "Oh! There is an empty cell beside mine! You could be my neighbour Shinsuke!" Conny quickly added, her energy immediately returning.

Kita smiled once again. "Okay, we'll be neighbours Conny" he agreed. The idea that Conny was so excited to have him in the cell next to him forced a smile on his face. He didn't understand why everytime she spoke excitedly to him he felt a warm feeling wash over him and he wanted to smile. It was an odd experience to him, one that made no sense. But he didn't want her to stop, he wanted to continue to listen to her talk and talk about anything that made her use that excited giddy tone.

"Can we stop for a minute?" Connys serious tone brought Kita out of his thoughts. He immediately stopped walking watching Conny carefully. Kimi had also stopped a few feet ahead of them looking back to her sister concerned.

"Sorry I just saw something back there in a garden. I need to see it, I'll only be a minute" Conny said quickly moving back to the previous house. Kita immediately recognized the house. It was a place he wished he could visit more often, only he wasn't very good at fighting and no one else would be willing to come to this place with him.

He followed Conny walking to stand behind her where she was kneeling down in front of the garden. She was focused on a wooden grave with Atsumus messy writing carved into it.


hope there's lots of food in heaven

"He talked about Osamu to you?" Kita questioned surprised as he was carefully getting onto his knees to sit beside her.

Conny looked to meet Kitas eyes, hers were wide with wonder. "I thought Osamu was alive. Atsumu always uses present tense when referring to him" Conny said softly. 

"I had no idea. He hasn't spoken about his brother to anyone else since he lost him" Kita said. He still vividly remembered the day Osamu died, it was the last day Miya Atsumu was really Atsumu. After that Atsumu sort of shut down unable to control his emotions at all, it became nearly impossible to reason with the boy. He hadn't seen Atsumu smile or joke once since, which was why he was so shocked when Shirabu had claimed that Atsumu was laughing with Conny.

"How long ago was it?" Conny asked curiously. She couldn't even begin to imagine what Atsumu had to go through. She knew she would never be the same if she ever lost Kimi.

"A few months ago. We had been on the road travelling from Hyogo. We were headed to Tokyo prison, a place that would surely have enough safety and protection against the dead... It had been Osamus idea. When Osamu was attacked by the dead Atsumu lost it. Now he is determined to get the prison no matter what, he thinks that he needs to because Osamu wanted to get the prison. But Osamu never would have wanted a war over it, Atsumu doesn't understand that though. Instead he's clung to his brothers goal and I don't think he will ever let go of it" Kita explained.

"I had no idea..." Conny spoke dumbfounded. She still didn't agree with Atsumus actions, but at least now she understood where he was coming from and why he was so messed up. Hell she might have ended up the same way after Daichis death if Kageyama hadn't been there to keep her stable.

"I miss him a lot. He was a good person. It was kind of like we lost both twins that day... I miss them both. I'm a lot like you Conny. I really don't want to lose anyone else. If we continue with this war there won't only be causalities on the prisons side, Inarizaki will lose people too. I don't like what this world has done to my people but I don't want to watch them die" Kita explained.

Conny stared at the boy. "I never even thought about that. Shinsuke... we have to stop this war from happening" she replied.

"We'll do everything we can, but it takes a lot more than two people to stop a war" Kita agreed.

"I know but we'll try to figure something out" Conny said looking to him.

"Of course" Kita replied.

Conny turned back to the grave. "Shinsuke, do you mind if I have a minute alone?" she asked. She knew it sounded odd coming from her since she had never once even met Osamu, but she had something she needed to say.

"Yes of course. I'll wait for you by your sister" Kita said standing up and moving away.

Conny looked at the grave carefully, feeling somewhat awkward. "Hi Miya Osamu. My name is Conny. I know you are probably watching over your brother, so you probably already know me. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to save him. I won't let Atsumu completely disappear, I'll bring him back. I don't know how yet, but you can trust me. I want to help him" Conny said. Even though she was there alone she felt comfort in talking to the grave, she briefly let her mind wander to Daichi wondering if he were watching over her and if he would be proud of her.

Conny walked away from the grave determined to make her words true. She was going to find a way to stop the war and she was going to save Atsumu.

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