168 ~ Be Safe

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Atsumu straightened up and quickly wiped his face with his sleeve to conceal the tears that had streamed down his cheek. He then moved to his bedside table to grab the walkie talkie and shove it in his pocket. He picked up a gun from the drawer and began to move towards the door.

Upon seeing the weapon Conny seemed to snap out of her daze.

"Wait Atsumu, you can talk to Kimi about this. We can find her and come to a verbal agreement. No one has to die" Conny begged quickly grabbing onto his arm to stop him from leaving the room.

"I'm done listening to yer attempts to sway me Conny. I want the prison and it's clear that yer sister isn't gonna give it up. This is the only other way to get it. I'm sorry" Atsumu said. He couldn't bring himself to face her though. The truth was that he really did care about Conny and it would hurt him to see the look of pain that was most definitely painted on her face.

"Please" Conny begged. She didn't know what else to say to him.

"Sorry" Atsumu replied as Connys grip fell letting him continue towards the door.

"I know you want the prison because of Osamu" Conny suddenly blurted out in a second attempt to stop the boy from moving forward. Atsumu stopped so suddenly practically frozen in his place.

"Don't talk about him" Atsumu said in a deep quiet voice. A voice that sent chills down Connys spine and made her even more aware of the gun in his hand. But she couldn't let him walk away. She had to convince him not to leave. If she couldn't, the people she cared about would end up dead.

"I know you miss him. I know it feels like you need to do everything possible to be close to him. But maybe he wouldn't want you to get the prison like this, there has to be another way to feel close to him without killing people" Conny said quietly. She knew she was on thin ice, one wrong word could make him accidentally snap.

"You don't know shit about him!" Atsumu shouted as he turned and slammed her against the wall. Conny cried out at the pain of the sudden contact with the wall. But Atsumu continued to pin her, his grip digging into her causing pain.

"Atsumu you're hurting me" Conny cried out as she reached up to grab onto his arm. At her action Atsumu seemed to notice the scar left on her wrist from the burns he put there. His eyes widened as he quickly let go of the girl.

"Conny I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It was an accident" he said quickly as he shook his head uncontrollably, slowly taking steps away from him.

"Atsumu let's talk" Conny said rubbing her shoulders, trying to relieve the pain while still trying to calm the boy down. He reminded her of a wild animal about to flee.

Atsumu shook his head again. "I'm sorry Conny. I really didn't mean to hurt you. But I - I have to go" he said continuing to step away.

"Wait Atsumu" Conny said quickly moving towards him.

But Atsumu just turned and ran off. Conny tried to follow him but he was gone too fast. She felt defeated. She knew that she needed to find him again though. And quick.

She could hear gun shots from outside as well as various shouts and growls. She knew there was a fight going on between three groups. One that was doomed to end bad. A fight between Inarizaki, the prison group, and the walking monsters.

Conny returned to her room taking hold of her hockey stick. She didn't plan on using it on a person but she still figured she might want the weapon just in case she needed to fend off walkers.

She moved outside to where all the action was taking place. Things were bad outside. The gun shots were louder and the screams and cries felt so much more real. There were also various walking monsters everywhere. Connys head was clouded by a flood of thoughts, but she needed to focus on her goal of finding Atsumu. She still wanted to try to stop the war and save as many people as possible.

As she ran close to the wall of one of the factory buildings she spotted a familiar face running towards her. "Conny things are bad out here. I don't know what to do... I'm scared" Shirabu said upon seeing her. 

"Don't worry Kenjiro. You are going to be safe. So don't worry" Conny said giving him a quick hug to attempt to comfort the terrified boy.

"I don't know how to fight very well Conny. I don't wanna die" Shirabu confessed in a panic. "I think the inside is soon going to be just as bad as outside soon" he added.

Connys eyes widened at the news. This attack was fast and brutal. It was almost hard for her to believe that it was led by her group. She never would have expected something like this from them, this was even a lot for Kimi who had always had the mindset of attack now ask questions later.

"Okay, I need you to listen carefully to me Kenjiro" Conny said firmly. 

Shirabu nodded making eye contact.

"I need to find Atsumu. I'm going to figure out how to stop this thing. You know how to fight though. You've done it before. So take my stick and survive, okay?" Conny said holding her hockey stick towards him for him to take.

Shirabu hesitantly wrapped his hands around Connys weapon. "Are you sure? Are you going to be okay?" he asked.

Conny smiled at him. "Yeah, I'm kind of a badass. Plus I've got my knife" she replied referring to Kageyamas knife.

"Please be careful" Shirabu said, not really wanting to watch his only friend run off towards the battlefield.

"I will. I can stop this. I know I can, then we can go find your grandparents" Conny replied doing her best to give him a reassuring smile. She was faking her confidence for his sake but her words still rang true, she still believed she could stop the fight. She just needed to find both Atsumu and Kimi.

"Okay. I'll fight and live. On the condition that you do the same" Shirabu said now holding onto the stick tightly, ready to fight.

"Deal" Conny said nodding before running off to find Atsumu.

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