29 ~ Similar

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Conny skipped down the hallway in search of Kageyama, she was positive that if there was an expert at shooting guns among the group it was most likely him. It honestly scared her how prepared he always was, but she was thankful because she knew he was going to defend her no matter what.

She poked her head into one of the classrooms but found a different dark-haired boy instead. "Oh hey, sorry to bother you, I was just looking for Kageyama," Conny said when the boy looked over at her.

"No problem," the boy said, shaking his head at her dismissively.

"Everything okay Ennoshita?" Conny asked when she noticed his body language. The way his shoulders were slumped over and his head rested in his hands with his elbows on his lap suggested that he were upset about something.

"Yeah, don't worry about it Conny," he replied. Conny walked into the room, intrigued by the boy, wanting to at least attempt to offer him comfort.

"I'm sorry that you ended up with that group," she said, assuming that might be the reasoning for his sadness.

He looked at her for a minute, shock evident in his expression.

"I'm sorry, those were the wrong words, weren't they?" Conny finally asked after he had stared at her for too long.

Ennoshita quickly shook his head. "Oh no no. I was just surprised by you," he explained quickly, not wanting the girl to feel bad.

"Surprised by me?" Conny asked confused.

"Yeah, I mean I helped those people, I know they weren't a nice group and you... you must have been terrified. So why are you not angry with me for helping them kidnap you and force you to bring them here? And why on earth are you being sympathetic to me?" Ennoshita explained his thoughts confused.

"But you were like me. Forced to do bad things to stop a greater evil from happening. I let them in to try to protect the people I care about, sounds stupid but it isn't a lie. I'm sure you had a reason why you had to stay with them," Conny said genuinely confused about why she should be angry with him.

"Yeah. You're right. You know, you're pretty good at reading people. Don't ever stop trusting your instincts, you have them for a reason," Ennosita said. He found himself liking the girl, she almost reminded him of his sister before the apocalypse happened.

"Wait, you don't think I'm stupid for being too trusting?" Conny questioned.

"I mean it can be stupid at times I guess. But we're all human, not all of us are bad. I really believe that," Ennoshita responded.

"We are similar, aren't we? Just want everyone to live," Conny said with a smile.

Ennoshita smiled back at her words. "That's what I want. I'm going to do everything to protect Hitoka. She's all I have left of my sister," he explained.

"I'm really sorry about your sister. I'm not even going to pretend I know what you are going through. I can't imagine ever losing Kimi or Daichi, I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone," Conny said sadly, she hoped her words didn't come off as insensitive but she was being genuine.

"Honestly I think she might be happier this way. She wasn't ready for this world, she hated it. She cried almost every day and nothing Hitoka or I did could help her. I like to think she is in a better place now though," he said with a mixture of sadness and hopefulness in his voice.

"I think that you are right about that," Conny responded with a small smile.

"Besides, now I have more of a reason to fight. I'm going to live for both of us, and one day when things are better, I'm bringing this to Tokyo. She always talked about living there when she grew up," Ennoshita explained, holding up a necklace for Conny to see.

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