163 ~ Reflection

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"Ya gonna keep starin at yerself?" Atsumu asked after Conny had been inspecting her reflection for several minutes.

"I've changed" Conny said as she continued to look in the mirror.

"Of course ya have. Everyone's changin lately" Atsumu stated in agreement, then he shrugged. "Not a bad thing though, just means yer a little tougher than you were" he added.

Conny nodded to that. Perhaps he was right, she was tougher than she used to be. She hadn't only changed her appearance but she had transformed into a survivor who would beat this world. One who was going to figure out how to stop a whole damn war.

"Could ya help me wash this stuff out?" Atsumu questioned as he leaned over a bucket of water.

Conny let her smile return trying to shake the feeling of all the weight put on her shoulders. There was so much she needed to do, so many people she truly believed she could save. But for now she tried her best to push that aside as she began pouring water over the boys head.

As Conny began to carefully wash his hair she quickly reached her hand in the bucket of water splashing it up in his face. Atsumu immediately shot up. "You want this dye all over ya?" he asked as he reached for the bowl of dye on the counter.

"You get that piss coloured shit away from me!" Conny yelled with a fit of giggles as she fled away from him.

Atsumu grinned as took a step closer with the bowl in hand.

"That's it, I must defend myself!" Conny said enthusiastically as she darted at the boy and began to tackle him causing the bowl to fall splashing all over his shirt and the ground. Atsumu just laughed though as the girl continued to wrestle him.

"I think I'm gonna need a change of clothes now" Atsumu stated looking down at his dyed clothing once he had finally managed to pry Conny away from him.

"Your own fault" Conny claimed folding her arms over her chest.

Atsumu chuckled a bit. "Come on, I've gotta go change quick" he said opening the door to the washroom letting Conny leave first.

The two walked down the hallway and Conny couldn't help but think back to something that had been circling her mind for a while now. Something she needed to ask him.

"Atsumu..." she questioned looking at him as they walked down the familiar hallways.

"Yes Conny?" he replied returning her attention.

Conny took in a deep breath before speaking again. "I want to visit Tetsu. I know you won't let him go free, but please let me talk to him again. He is one of my closest childhood friends and I miss him" she asked.

Atsumu stopped for a minute clearly deep in thought. "Alright, but you have to go to him and he can't leave" Atsumu agreed after thinking over the question for several minutes.

"Thank you" Conny said. She had to admit she was a little surprised he agreed, she thought that for sure it would be a hard no.

A few minutes later Atsumu was in a clean pair of clothes leading her down a hallway she had never been to. He stopped in front of a door using a key to unlock it. "Knock when you are done, I'll wait here" Atsumu instructed waiting for Conny to nod before opening the door for her. 

Conny hesitantly walked into the room, she had no reason not to trust Atsumu but she still didn't like openly walking into a room that would be locked back up as soon as she was inside. But Conny managed to push that thought aside as she entered the room watching the door close behind her and hearing the lock click.

But every bit of fear that bubbled up inside her quickly disappeared as she saw her friend sitting on a chair at a desk. He looked healthy and well. There were no signs of restraints or injuries.

"Tetsu" Conny whispered.

The boy immediately whipped his head around at the sound of her voice. "Thank god you're okay" he whispered as he stood and immediately moved to pull her into his chest. Conny was hit by an instant wave of comfort from being so close to him.

"Are you okay?" Conny asked as she closed her eyes allowing herself to feel like a child again when he would wrap his arms around her to pull her into a massive hug.

"I'm okay. They feed me well and haven't ever hurt me... But I'm worried Conny" he replied resting his chin on the top of her head the way he always did when they hugged.

"Why are you worried?" Conny asked pulling away to look at the boy.

"I think something big is going to happen soon. Something you can't stop. People have been talking... and the weapons they've been getting me to make... I just am worried about what is going to happen" he explained.

"You think they are going to take over the prison?" Conny asked. She already knew Atsumu was planning on taking over the prison, it was always his plan. She still had a little hope to deter him from that plan.

Kuroo quickly shook his head. "That's not it. I think there is going to be a civil war at Inarizaki. I don't think Atsumu is really the bad guy here" Kuroo explained.

Connys eyes widened. "You mean while Atsumu is distracted with the prison someone is planning on back stabbing him?" Conny asked attempting to clarify what Kuroo was trying to say.

Kuroo nodded in confirmation. "Suna.. I think he is planning to rise to the top and he is using me to do it. I also have a bad feeling that if Suna is in charge, then Inarizaki won't only take the prison but they will completely wipe our group out" he explained.

Connys stomach twisted at the thought of everyone she cared about back at the prison soon becoming nothing more than a memory.

"How do we stop him?" she asked immediately. "Can you refuse to stop working for him?" she added trying to come up with a suggestion.

Kuroo shook his head. "I don't want to put the people at the prison at risk. If I refuse he will probably retaliate by killing one of them" he replied clearly having already thought about that idea.

"What can we do then?" Conny questioned trying not to panic. 

"Don't worry I already have a plan" Kuroo responded.

"What is it?" Conny asked her curiosity peeking. She knew that at this point she shouldn't be surprised that Kuroo had thought of a plan, he always seemed to know what to do.

Kuroo smiled softly. "Don't worry about it Conny. I'll take care of it" he said brushing her question off.

"Alright I trust you" Conny replied figuring either his plan was too complicated to explain or he was afraid someone was listening in on their conversation.

Kuroo glanced back at his desk where he had been working. "Actually I have quite a bit to finish up for my plan to work" he confessed.

"Oh I can leave you be then" Conny said quickly not wanting to be a bother or distraction.

Kuroo flashed a look of disappointment before nodding to her statement. "I guess that's for the best. I'm really happy you came here today though" he said giving her a small smile. Conny couldn't help but notice the hint of sadness and longing behind his smile that wasn't usually there.

"I'll come visit again real soon" Conny said not really wanting to leave but knowing she shouldn't distract him or he'll get in trouble.

"Could we push that visit for a bit? I think I am going to be fairly busy for the next week or so?" Kuroo asked instead of agreeing.

Conny nodded. "Yeah of course" she answered before turning and walking towards the door.

"Wait Conny!" Kuroo said quickly grabbing her hand and before she even fully registered what was happening he had pulled her back into a hug. Conny hugged back quickly, she was sure that the past few weeks must have been really hard on him.

"I love you" Kuroo whispered as he rest his chin on her head once again.

"I love you too Tetsu" Conny answered squeezing him tighter.

Kuroo eventually pulled away holding her face in his hands to look at her. He then leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Take care of yourself Conny" he whispered.

Conny nodded, she was starting to worry about his odd behavior. "Are you okay Tetsu?" she asked.

Kuroo nodded. "I will be soon" he answered.

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