122 ~ Kiyoko

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Kiyoko laid in bed comfortably wrapped up in Daichis arms. She was content laying beside the boy. Everything about him seemed so perfect in her eyes.

"Daichi..." she whispered looking up to the boy.

"What's up Kiyoko?" Daichi spoke looking down at her from the book he was reading. He loved her and he loved having her so close to him. 

"I... nothing. I just really love you, that's all" she said quickly changing her mind about telling him what had been caught in the back of her mind. 

Daichi carefully folded his book, putting it on the table beside their bed. He looked down at the girl and smiled softly as he brushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "Alright, you've got my full attention now. You can talk to me about anything at all" he said in a calming tone.

"I just... I'm really sorry" Kiyoko sobbed out suddenly.

Daichi looked at her confused, immediately trying to comfort her. "Kiyoko, you haven't done anything wrong so why are you sorry?" he asked. He loved her so much and it hurt him to see her crying like that.

"I'm late... really late Daichi" Kiyoko explained looking up to meet his eyes as more tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Late?" Daichi questioned confused but almost immediately after the question he realized what she was referring to. "Oh... you mean..?" Daichi asked as the realization hit him. He didn't have to finish his question for Kiyoko to know that he understood.

She nodded slowly. "I'm so sorry" she whispered.

"What? Kiyoko why would you be sorry?" Daichi asked immediately. He sat up, pulling her up as well so they were sitting on the bed face to face.

"Because we are young... and the world is so messed up" Kiyoko tried to explain wiping her face in an attempt to get rid of the tears.

"Who cares. Sure we're young and our reality isn't ideal. But I practically raised Kimi and Conny, I'm sure we can do this! Besides just imagine a mini us running around in a few years" Daichi said, his eyes wide with excitement.

"You're... happy" Kiyoko stated confused.

"Of course I am Kiyoko! I know this isn't how I imagined this happening but a little bit of surprise in life is never a bad thing. And in this crappy world why should we wait to be happy. Besides I already know how amazing you are going to be with the little one!" Daichi explained almost laughing out of pure joy.

Kiyoko couldn't help but let out a small laugh herself. "I love you so much" she whispered happily.

"Me too" Daichi smiled. Then he excitedly leaned forward towards her stomach. "Do you think they can hear yet!? I wanna talk to him! Or her!" Daichi said excitedly.

Kiyoko laughed. "I don't think the baby has developed enough yet, but you can if you want to" she said smiling.

"Alright!" Daichi responded almost sounding like a giddy kid. But before speaking he looked back up to Kiyoko. "What do I say?" he asked.

Kiyoko giggled at him. "Anything you want the baby to know" she answered.

"Alright" Daichi nodded before looking back down again. "Hey... well I'm your dad... Just wanted to say I love you" he spoke in a whisper.

He then sat back up looking to Kiyoko. "Is it too early to tell Suga? I really wanna tell him. Can I tomorrow?" he asked excitedly.

Kiyoko smiled. "Yeah you can tell him" she answered.

"I don't know how I'm going to tell the girls. Kimi will act all normal about it but secretly she'll be excited. Conny will probably start running around happily... oh my god I don't know if I can trust Conny not to teach our kid all the stupid little pranks she would do as a kid..." Daichi spoke his thoughts out loud.

"Slow down a bit Daichi" Kiyoko said bringing him back to reality.

"Right. Their birthday is in three weeks, I think I will tell them after that, as soon as I figure out how to" he said.

"But for now, let me hug my girl... and our baby!" he said happily wrapping her up in a hug and pulling her back down onto the bed. Kiyoko couldn't help but smile as she cuddled up close to him.


Kiyoko sat on the edge of Sugawaras bed trying not to think about Daichi. But it seemed to be a task far beyond possible.

"I'm here for you. Always" Sugawara said gently placing a hand on Kiyokos shoulder. He had to hold in his own tears at the loss of his best friend, a person he had always considered family. But he knew that Daichi needed him to be strong for Kiyoko and the twins now that he couldn't himself.

"Thanks Suga" Kiyoko barely managed to get the words out as she leaned over to hug Sugawara. They held onto each other for a few minutes before both of them started silently sobbing into the others shoulder.

"We'll get through this... I promise. And I'm going to help you" Sugawara whispered. Kiyoko knew that he wasn't talking about helping her get through her grief, she knew that Sugawara wasn't stupid enough to believe this pain would ever go away. Instead he was referring to raising her kid. She was almost positive that was what he meant.

"Daichi was so excited..." she cried out.

"I know, I remember him telling me. I thought he was going to give me a concussion from how fast he was shaking me" Suagawara said as he laughed lightly. A forced laugh for sure, but it was still something.

Kiyoko let out a painful laugh in the form of a sob. "He read to the baby every night you know. Without fail" she whispered.

"I think you should continue to do that. For him, besides it's not fair to the baby if they don't get to know the ending of the book" Sugawara said.

"I think I will eventually... it's just going to take me a while to pick up that book" Kiyoko said.

"Of course, there is nothing wrong with that" Sugawara whispered continuing to hug the girl, hoping to give her even the smallest bit of comfort.

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