68 ~ Safe Haven

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The group stayed in the arcade for another few nights. They didn't expect the missing people from the group to understand the messages left or to find them at the arcade. But for now it was a safe place where they could all fit. It was definitely nothing compared to the school but it was still something.

"We need a plan. We can't just stay here forever. But we can't really go anywhere, does anyone have any suggestions?" Kimi finally asked the group. She had given up on trying to figure out what the hell they were supposed to do next.

"Maybe they noticed the signs around town, me and Noya were seeing them everywhere. We were actually on our way to the place when we found Hinata and Yachi" Tanaka suggested.

"Signs?" Kimi questioned.

"Oh yeah yeah! There are signs about a safe haven! A group that takes people in!" Noya said excitedly.

"Really?" Kimi asked surprised. 

"Yeah, I saw them too!" Hinata jumped in.

"Didn't we see something along those lines?" Kai asked looking to Tsukishima for confirmation. Tsukishima nodded.

"Well if so many people noticed the signs maybe the others did too and that's where they are. Let's go in the morning to look for them" Kimi decided. The group nodded in agreement, no one offering an argument to that suggestion. After that everyone went back to doing their own thing.

Kimi glanced over to Kageyama. "What do you think?" she asked walking over to the boy. It was strange that his opinion was the one she felt most confident in, she might have even trusted his thinking more than her own.

"Hmm, well I'd say we have to be careful that a group like Jozenji hasn't already gotten to them, but we also need to keep in mind that they could be like Jozenji and waiting to jump people. On the other hand though, they would have to really have things together to be taking in people, and it wouldn't hurt to expand our group. But like I've said before, I don't like making group decisions so this is your choice, but I'll follow you whichever you choose" Kageyama said, offering his opinion.

"Right, you prefer to sit back and watch me make the tough decisions" Kimi said rolling her eyes sarcastically.

"Exactly" Kageyama said completely ignoring her eye roll.

"Alright, we'll go check the place out then. I want to see if Daichi or Suga are there" Kimi decided.

Kageyama nodded. "Sounds good with me" he agreed.

"Where are those two running off to?" Kimi questioned watching Kai and Conny take off in a run towards some unknown destination in the arcade.

"No idea, they seem really close though" Kageyama shrugged watching the two.

"Yeah, they are. Conny actually used to have a huge crush on him but it just completely went away one day in middle school. She always refused to tell me why though. Which was strange because the two never stopped being friends so it wasn't something idiotic he might have said or done" Kimi explained.

"Really?" Kageyama asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh you don't have to worry though, there is absolutely no romantic feelings between Kai and Conny. I swear to you" Kimi said quickly, remembering who she was talking to.

Kageyama laughed. "Don't worry I trust Conny" 

Kimi grinned. "So there is something going on between you two!" she said happily. She was almost positive that they were closer since they met back up after all being separated.

"Yeah, something" Kageyama said smiling softly as he shook his head.

"You hurt her I kill you" Kimi said in a very serious tone.

Kageyama threw up his hands. "Wow wow there. I don't plan on ever hurting her. But it honestly just sounds like you're just looking for an excuse to kill me" he said laughing a bit.

"Possible" Kimi said laughing.

"Me and Kai kissed" Kimi suddenly said. She wasn't entirely sure why she told Kageyama. But she had been dying to tell someone since it had happened and she still hadn't gotten a chance to talk with Conny alone and it just didn't seem right to talk to Tsukishima about it.

Kageyama grinned. "He kissed you? Even with your greasy hair?" he teased.

"Shut up" Kimi said immediately. 

Kageyama laughed in response. "I'm happy for you" he said still chuckling a little.

Kimi raised an eyebrow as if to say she didn't believe him.

Kageyama shook his head smiling. "Really I am, you deserve it" he said in a genuine voice.

Kimi laughed. "Alright, guess you're not a complete asshole" she said grinning.

"Asshole? You're the one who seems to always bully me!" Kageyama complained.

"Shut up" Kimi replied chuckling.

"See! Words hurt you know! And I'm pretty sure 'shut up' is more than half of the things you've ever said to me" Kageyama said pretending to be hurt.

Kimi rolled her eyes. "Shut up" she said mockingly at the boy, still laughing a bit.


"Conny, come with me!" Kai said excitedly pulling Conny to the side. Conny followed the boy into a photo booth curtain as he quickly shut the curtain to give them some privacy.

"Oh wow Kai! I don't think I'm ready to up our relationship to this level" Conny joked laughing when the boy had closed the curtain, confining them in the small area.

"Haha you're so funny Conny" Kai said sarcastically.

"I know" Conny said grinning. Kai couldn't help but laugh at her narcissism.

"This is serious though. What's the best thing that could happen to me?" Kai asked nearly jumping with excitement.

"Hmm, well best thing to happen to you? I'd have to say that you became half as funny as me" Conny teased laughing.

"Come on Conny, a serious guess. What have I wanted since middle school?" Kai asked, almost spoiling his news out of excitement.

"Wait - You and Kimi?!" Conny suddenly asked excited as she pieced it together.

"Yep!" Kai said grinning, nearly jumping out of excitement.

"That's amazing!" Conny said jumping up from the seat she had sat down in. "Finally, you got the girl!" Conny exclaimed excitedly.

"I know!" Kai said jumping up to hug Conny.

"Admit it, it was all because I was such a great wingman, am I right?" Conny grinned.

"No Conny I didn't use any of the stupid pick up lines you told me to" Kai laughed flicking the girls forehead. 

"Ouch" Conny complained despite it not hurting at all.


Tadashi sat with Tsukishima staring down at Mai. She was staring up at Tsukishima smiling. She made a small cooing noise as she reached her small hand up towards his face. Tsukishima smiled as he leaned forward so the girl could reach him. She then put her hand on his mouth.

Tsukishima pretended to bite her hand with his lips making Mai burst out into giggles. 

"She really likes you Tsuki" Tadashi said grinning at the two.

"What do you mean? She's a baby, babies like everyone" Tsukishima said, still playing with Mai.

"Yeah but she is always laughing or smiling around you Tsuki" Tadashi argued back.

"She can play peek a boo now, do you want to try Tadashi?" Tsukishima said changing the subect.

"Uh yeah sure" Tadashi said leaning closer to the baby. He put his hands over his face, stealing Mais attention from Tsukishima. He then removed his hands saying "Peek a Boo!" This caused Mai to erupt with laughter once again.

Tadashi also laughed at the sound. It was amazing to hear her giggles. So he continued to play the game with her, while she sat on Tsukishimas lap. 

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