90 ~ Prisoner

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Kuroo had temporarily put away his work to search out Kimi to ask for a favor. "Hi Thing 2, could we talk for a minute?" he asked when he found the girl.

"Yeah of course" Kimi said looking at the boy she had known since childhood. 

"Well I was thinking, things have been good here lately. Daichis garden is working out well and we all have plenty of clothes and blankets to keep warm, we have a stash of batteries for lanterns and flashlights. But since now we have quite a few people who can fight, why don't we journey out to the areas of the prison we haven't been to. Then we can spread out more and we can find the back up generators and old guard gear" Kuroo suggested.

It sounded like a good plan. "I think that would be a good idea, I just don't want us to split into groups while clearing out the area. We did that at Karasuno and it didn't turn out so well" Kimi said.

"Yeah, I'll let you lead that mission. Get as many people as you need or want to help you with it. I'm going to be honest with you I don't think it would be smart to take me because I don't really kill lurkers all that often, I mostly contribute through my brains rather than strength. But Kenma, Yaku, Lev, or Tigerhead would all be up to help" Kuroo said.

Kuroo was a fairly big guy and he definitely had muscles but it somehow made sense to Kimi that he didn't often fight the monsters.

"Don't worry, I will find people who can fight to help me with it" Kimi said smiling.

"Thank you, tell me if you need anything" Kuroo said returning her smile before walking off.

Kimi was quick to gather up a group of people to help her clear out the area. The group consisted of herself, Kai, Conny, Kageyama, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Yamamoto, Tadashi, and Iwazumi. They moved into the hallway that had been blocked off, Kuroo was there to quickly block it off again and wait for them to return.

Kimi led the pack along with Kai, Conny and Kageyama taking the back end just in case anything came from behind. As they made their way through the hall it was fairly easy to kill majority of the monsters since most were stuck in cells and unable to get out to get them. However, some of the cells had been left open, possibly in an attempt to start clearing out the prison when everything started happening.

"We'll have to clear out the cells and burn the bodies when we are done" Kimi mumbled.

"Yeah, I guess so" Kai agreed his eyes taking in the scene around him. He couldn't help but feel guilty about how all these people had to slowly die in their cell and now have been stuck in there for months living as monsters.

"This looks like it was the cafeteria, there might be a few more in there. You ready?" Kimi asked looking to Kai as they stopped in front of doors. He nodded before she tried to open the locked door.

"Here use this" Iwazumi said handing the girl his axe. Kimi accepted the weapon letting him hold onto her golf club while she swung at the door a few times. The thing eventually broke open, but the flood of monsters she was expecting never came. Instead there was someone seated at one of the tables who was now looking at her.

"What are you doing in here?" Kimi called  now holding up Iwazumis axe threateningly. The man was middle aged with an orange jumpsuit on.

"I hid in here when the guards started losing it shouting out nonsense about walking monsters. I ran straight here when they opened my cell and locked the doors. I don't know how long it's been but no one came to put me back in that cell so I've just stayed here" the man explained standing up from his seat and putting his hands in the air.

"...Are you a bunch of kids?" he then asked confused.

"We have to kill him..." Kimi whispered to Kai. 

"What no we don't. We have to hear him out, the man doesn't even know what's going on out there" Kai whispered back harshly.

"He is a criminal Kai!" Kimi said reaching for her gun.

"Wait! Please!" the man begged out dropping to his knees when he saw the gun in Kimis hand. "I have a daughter. I'm in here for tax evasion that's it! Please" he begged again.

"Kimi, let's just lock him into one of the extra cells until we decide what we should do" Kai pleaded. Kimi looked back to the man, tempted to shoot him. But she stopped herself. 

"Stand up! You are coming with me!" she shouted at the man, handing the axe back to Iwazumi so she could hold her gun with both hands to point it at the man.

The man nodded immediately standing. "Follow the ginger I am walking behind you with my gun, so don't even think of doing anything stupid!" Kimi shouted moving farther into the room. The man nodded. Kai took that as a hint to start walking towards the area they had already cleared out. There was a small section of the prison that had no monsters or corpses but still wasn't occupied by the group yet.

"In there!" Kimi yelled at the man. He nodded walking into the cell. By then Conny had already run off to retrieve the keys for the cell from Kuroo. She returned quickly handing them to Kimi. Kimi locked up the cell before leaving to find Kuroo telling everyone else to stay clear from the cell and make sure no one goes into that hallway for a while.

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