77 ~ Radio

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"You guys are okay" Kimi said smiling.

The two boys were already looking at her from the sudden outburst of the door swinging open. "Kimi! Kai!" Koganegawa said grinning.

"We thought you two died, your place..." Kimi said letting her voice trail off at the thought of the store they had used as a nursing home for the elderly.

"It was taken over by the roamers. We barely got out, but we couldn't help the others... It was a really tough day. I can still hear them in my head" Koganegawa said sadly. Kimi could only imagine how awful that would be to have the memories of old people begging for help when you can't help them.

"Now it's just the two of us" Koganegawa said pointing to Aone, trying not to linger on the thought of the elderly they tried so desperately to protect.

"Join us" Kai said quickly. "We don't have a home yet but you can come with us and we can help each other out" 

Koganegawa looked over to his friend. Aone nodded.

"Besides we are allies aren't we. Let us help you" Kimi added to Kais offer.

"Alright" Koganegawa nodded.

"What's in Aones hand?" Kai questioned looking at the old looking device the boy was holding.

"Oh that's a radio. It's old and it doesn't use a lot of high tech stuff so it didn't shut down when the rest of the world did. We thought maybe we could contact someone with it, if someone else has a similar device. Only thing is we have no idea how it works" Koganegawa said looking at the rusty device. "Do you?" he suddenly asked.

Kimi shook her head. "I wouldn't have a clue. But I have a feeling someone in our group might know what to do with it" she said then laughed. "His dad probably taught him"

Aone held the device out for Kimi to take, she accepted it then motioned for them to follow her back to the bus. The four of them entered the bus.

"This is Koganegawa and Aone from Date Tech. They are our allies" Kimi introduced them to everyone else as the got on.

"Is that a baby?" Koganegawa asked excitedly as his eyes landed on Mai.

Kimi nodded. "Yeah you can hold her if you want" she offered.

Koganegawa nearly jumped with excitement as he made his way towards Tsukishima. Tsukishima hesitantly handed him Mai but Koganegawa held her carefully making funny faces causing the baby to giggle. Aone took a seat beside Koganegawa also smiling at Mai while he let her little hand wrap around his finger.

Kimi walked towards the back of the bus where Conny and Kageyama were sitting. "Do you know how to use this?" she asked holding up the radio.

Kageyama looked at the device. "I can try, my dad taught me a few things about these but I might need some sort of screwdriver or something" Kageyama said.

"I'll run back into the store and grab one" Kimi said exiting the bus quickly. She reentered a few minutes later with the tool in hand.

"Will this work?" she asked holding it up for him to see.

"It should, thank you" Kageyama said taking it as he examined the radio.

Sugawara decided to park the bus for the night in a parking lot that seemed to be empty. Most people fell asleep on the seats or floor, despite it not being the most comfortable place in the world.

Kageyama continued to work on the radio well into the night, Conny was sleepily sitting up holding a flashlight for him to see what he was doing. 

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