33 ~ Save You

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"Tadashi told me you went off on your own to find Conny. I figured your dumbass would let your emotions take control over logic when it comes to your sister," Tsukishima shouted to Kimi, still holding the gun out to prepare to shoot again.

Kimi grinned brightly feeling herself being hit with a large assortment of emotions. Out of all the people she expected to save her from a group of deadly monsters, Tsukishima had to be pretty low on that list. Although he had surprised her multiple times in the past. Maybe he wasn't really the person she had originally painted him to be.

"Was that a smile that just flashed across your face?" Tsukishima questioned, smirking as Kimi was now able to move to stand by his side as he continued to fire at the monsters.

"It wasn't. I'm just... surprised to see you here. As your teacher I should be mad at you since you're not done training with that gun yet," she said quickly shaking the smile away to hide her more vulnerable side from him.

"Mad? More like you should be on your hands and knees thanking me," Tsukishima replied still firing into the crowd. The noise had now drawn some of the monsters away from the classroom they were previously occupying and towards them.

"Tsuki! You are going to pull them all towards us," Kimi called out over the noise of his weapon.

"That's the point, you want to find your sister, right?" he responded.

"Conny?" Kimi heard a voice calling out, she instinctively turned even though it wasn't her name being called.

"Kageyama, over here," she called out, motioning for the boy to join them. She knew almost instantly who it was. Not even because of his voice, but because it made the most sense for him to be the one looking for her sister in the chaos.

Kageyama noticed Kimi almost immediately and quickly jogged over to her while Tsukishima continued to defend them.

"Kimi, have you seen Conny?" Kageyama asked with clear panic lacing his voice. It was the first time Kimi had seen Kageyama in any state other than calm and collected. It seemed almost like he opened a door to let some emotions flood out.

"She was in that classroom, wasn't she?" Kimi shouted, trying to be heard over the dozen monsters around them. It didn't take much to figure out that Conny had to be in the classroom that was now being flooded with walkers.

"I honestly thought she would've been with you by now," Kimi confessed, feeling her stomach knot up from knowing Kageyama wouldn't be there to protect her sister if needed.

"I've been looking for her since the walkers came out," he replied.

"She was with Kai in there, right?" Kimi asked, pointing past the crowd of monsters quickly approaching them.

Kimi couldn't help but notice Kageyama's expression and entire body language die as he looked at the room already taken over by the walking monsters. "I shouldn't have separated from her," he mumbled to himself, but Kimi still heard.

Kageyama suddenly turned to face Kimi. "Okay, you two keep killing the ones out here. I'm going in there to find her," he said, staring at the classroom.

"Slow down Kageyama, you can't go in there. We'll make our way through the group of them together, that's the smartest way to do this," Kimi explained, instantly rejecting his plan. As much as she wanted to get to Conny as quick as possible, she knew there was no point in letting the boy recklessly run to his death.

"Look if you two just distract as many as possible I will try to slip in without drawing too much attention," Kageyama argued back, stubbornly sticking with his plan.

"That's dumb! You will die doing that, do you have a death wish or something? I want to get to her too but that's not the way to do it!" Kimi yelled at him, trying to make him think straight.

Kimi could tell Kageyama was completely out of it just by the way his eyes kept staring blankly at different places. It was like a switch flipped and he wasn't the same Kageyama.

"But I- I told her that as long as I was around everything would be okay..." Kageyama responded with no emotion to his voice.

"Alright we'll go in now. But we are doing this my way," Kimi gave in.


"Kai there are just too many!" Conny called out to the boy beside her. She felt like any minute they would completely overwhelm the two of them, even if she did continue to kill them.

"I know. But I'm fresh out of ideas," Kai grunted as he continued to struggle against the weight. He felt like his entire body might give out soon and there was absolutely no way for him to stop it.

"Okay, this might sound really strange, but I think I might have an idea," Conny said as she killed another monster.

"I'm open to any suggestion," Kai huffed out.

"Okay. They don't seem to care about the dead walkers on the ground. And the only difference between us and them that I can think of is our breathing and our smell. So why don't we get under that stack and stay completely still? Maybe their smell will mask ours," Conny suggested.

Kai contemplated her idea for a minute. "You realize that if we gamble on that we are dead if you are wrong," he said.

"You're right sorry," Conny said, immediately trying to think of a new plan. "Fuck! I don't know what to do! If Kimi were here she'd be smart enough to figure something out, you got stuck with the wrong twin."

Kai looked over to the girl, he could only make out a few of her features due to the darkness, but she looked really frustrated and upset with herself.

"Get ready," Kai suddenly called to her.

"For what?" Conny asked confused as she sunk her stick into the skull of one of the monsters.

"I believe in your plan," Kai replied, not needing any further explanation.

"What? Are you stupid? My plans never work," Conny questioned in shock. She usually let other people come up with plans and go along with them rather than putting her own ideas out there.

"I've got a good feeling about this one. Besides yolo," Kai said, adding a small chuckle at the end.

"YOLO!? You can't say yolo when we are about to die! I mean are you really okay with 'yolo' being your last word?" Conny cried out as she began to freak out.

"Conny calm down. You came up with a plan, have confidence in it," Kai reassured her. He was one of the only people to know that despite always acting overconfident and arrogant, Conny was really lacking in the self esteem department, especially when it came to being compared to Kimi.

"Alright, let's do it," Conny agreed, taking in a deep breath.

"Three... Two... One..." Kai counted down in a whisper. Conny got the hint as soon as he said 'one'. She swiftly killed one monster but instead of letting it fall to the ground like the rest she pulled it towards herself, falling backwards with it.

As soon as Conny was on the ground under a dead walker, Kai let go of the door he had been struggling to keep open and fell to the ground, quickly rolling to the side to pull a few dead monsters on top of himself.

He reached into his pocket to find his knife so he could quickly use it to slice the stomach of the monster on Conny, hoping it would help masking her scent. Conny nearly puked as she could feel the guts spilling out onto her, but she held it in.

Kai did the same to the walkers covering him. Then he quietly reached his hand to the side, finding Conny's and giving it a squeeze to reassure her.

Conny held tightly to her friend's hand and closed her eyes as she could hear the monsters still moving around only a few steps away from her. This was one of the most terrifying situations she had ever been in. She knew there were monsters that desperately wanted to rip her apart all around her, yet she had to stay still and silent instead of running.

But she was hopeful about her plan, especially since they weren't attacking them yet.

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