2 ~ People Gone Mad

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Kimi, Conny, and Kai made their way to the other side of the house opening the gate and quietly sneaking away, careful not to alert the little girl of their presence. Conny didn't like the idea of leaving her there in case she attacked someone else but she also didn't know what else to do, none of them were anywhere near qualified to deal with the situation.

Once they made it to their middle school they were met with another horrifying sight. There were more monsters running around chasing people. People were screaming and shoving others to get ahead. But the most disturbing part was the blood smeared everywhere as people bit and clawed at others. Conny could feel the cookie she ate that morning coming back up, she was going to vomit.

"We've got to go," Kimi said quickly grabbing Conny's wrist to make sure she wouldn't do anything stupid. She could never trust where her sisters mind would be at in a moment like that, Conny was known for wanting to help others and would probably run smack into the middle of danger to do so without even meaning to.

Although Conny hated the sight of so many people in pain and fear she only had one thought on her mind. She looked over to Kimi. "Daichi?" she questioned in a whisper.

"We will go home. He might be there," Kimi said, then she looked at her terrified sister. "If he's not there we can at least figure out a plan to find him," she added. Kimi was also worried about Daichi but she trusted him more than Conny to be able to take care of himself, so right now her number one priority was to make sure nothing happened to her twin. She had to trust that Daichi would be trying to find them as well.

"Do you need to go home?" Kimi asked looking over to Kai. He was still staring at the scene of their middle school yard becoming a scene from some horror movie with way too realistic effects.

"And leave you two alone? Not a chance. I'll come with you," he said shaking his head in disbelief. Kai lived with just his two parents, and he was sure that they were more than likely at work right then. Plus, there was no way he was going to abandon the girls in a time like that, they were just as much family as his parents were and he wouldn't risk something happening to them. Not that he was any more prepared to deal with the situation than them, but he figured three people working together was better than two.

The three were careful not to be seen by the monsters as they began to walk, not wanting a repeat of earlier.

Kimi and Kai led the way, Conny trailing close behind as her eyes darted around her in fear. She had a tight grasp on her uniform skirt to stop her hands from shaking so much, not that it was very effective.

When they made their way down the familiar street Conny let out the breath she had been holding in, she was utterly terrified and had no idea how the other two were holding it together so well. But at least the familiarity of their neighbourhood brought her a little comfort.

"Alright, let's go in and see if Daichi is there," Kimi said opening the door to their house. Everything looked the exact same as when they left it probably only around an hour ago.

"Daichi..." Conny called out nervously. No answer. She called out again and was met with the same silence. They decided to take a quick sweep of the house, but no one was there.

"Should we go to the store and stock up on food? I mean, if this lasts a long time we might need things to eat," Conny suggested. She was terrified of going back out into the streets but at the same time she didn't want things to be even worse when they did eventually have to go out. Better to do it now.

"Good idea. Everyone will head to the police station first, so if we go to the store we get first choice," Kimi agreed. Kai nodded as well to Conny's quick thinking.

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