130 ~ Vision

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"You aren't Conny Sawamura, are you?" the boy with grey hair spoke when he noticed Kimi had opened her eye. She recognized him, he was the boy who she had seen in the store with Kayo and Bokuto. He had been with Suna at the time, she was almost positive Suna had referred to him as Kita. When they last met Kita mistakenly thought she was Conny, Conny had also mentioned Kita, she said that she would trust him with her life. Kimi had to have faith in Connys instincts and trust Kita for now.

As Kimi became more aware of her situation panic began to set in. She immediately reached up to her left eye only to feel bandages wrapped around her face.

"Please don't touch it, that will only make it worse" Kita said gently pulling her hand away from her face.

"Conny, where is she?" Kimi asked quickly, almost standing up but being stopped by another boy holding her down firmly. She looked to her other side, only now registering that there was another boy present in the room.

"You can't go moving around, you will probably run into things since your peripheral vision is kinda messed up" he spoke pushing her back down fully.

"Shirabu! Be more gentle! She's probably already freaked out" Kita scolded the other boy. 

"What? I could have let her run into the door if you really wanted" Shirabu responded in a sassy tone as he shrugged nonchalantly. 

"Thank you then. Could you please go get some food for Sawamura?" Kita responded looking at Shirabu. Shirabu nodded as he stood up and swiftly exited the room.

"I've given you a lot of medicine to ease the pain, but once that wares off you'll surely be in a lot of pain" Kita explained. Kimi couldn't help but notice how the boy was to the point and seemed to tell things exactly how they were, no need for softening the truth.

"However, after seeing how tough your sister is I'm sure you will be fine" he added.

Kimi felt a serge of pride, not for herself but rather for her sister. Kimi had alwasy been proud of Conny, but this time it felt different. It was as if her sister had said 'fuck you' to the world that had been desperate to break them down.

"I'll be fine. Can't say the same about Sakusa when I find him though. Especially if he lays a hand on Conny" Kimi replied. She knew it was stupid to tell the enemy that she planned on killing one of his people, but she couldn't care less. Nothing Kita could say or do would stop her from getting her revenge.

"Sakusa won't do anything if it doesn't benefit him as long as he is left unprovoked. Your sister doesn't strike me as the type to pick fights and I don't think Sakusa plans on killing her, at least not now. So you only have to worry about healing yourself right now" Kita explained. He also had taken a liking to Conny, he still couldn't shake the feeling he got when she had hugged him before escaping. It had been so long since anyone had shown him any sort of affection that it sort of caught him off gaurd.

"I guess I was stupid. He just pissed me off so much, everything about him pisses me off. I still plan on getting Conny away from him as soon as possible" Kimi explained.

"I'll talk to Sakusa and see what I can do but I really don't have much say here. Especially not after helping Sawamura leave" Kita said. He did want to help the two girls as much as possible. While he understood why Atsumu acted the way he did, he still couldn't bring himself to agree with his actions.

"Did you... get in trouble for helping Conny?" Kimi suddenly asked. There were no visible signs of injury on Kita, but it had been months since Conny left Inarizaki. The thought of a leader punishing his own people had never even occured to Kimi.

"Every action has consequences. Don't worry about that though. I chose to help Conny knowing full well what would happen to me. But I'm still going to do what I think is right" Kita explained trying to brush over the fact. Kimi stared at the boy, the only other person she knew that would openly risk their own life for a complete stranger was Conny.

"Conny was right about you" she said.

Kita laughed lightly. "Should I assume that is a good thing or not?" he questioned.

"She said she'd trust you with her life. So you tell me if that's a good thing or if I should be concerned at her stupidity?" Kimi joked laughing a bit.

But Kita didn't laugh at her joke, instead he stared at her through wide eyes. "She really said that?" he asked. His entire face was frozen in shock.

Suddenly the door burst open. Shirbau entered the room looking between them with an emotionless expression. 

"I brought food" he stated carrying over a bowl of soup to hand to Kimi.

Kimi accepted the bowl and looked at the spoon he held in an outstretched arm waiting expectantly for her to take it as well. "Is it alright if I just tilt the bowl to eat?" Kimi asked, the sight of the spoon making her stomach do a flip.

Shirbau shrugged once again. "Why would I care?" he said placing the spoon on the bedside table.

"By the way your sister was in the cafeteria when I went there" he added.

"What?" Kimi asked nearly dropping her bowl.

"She was with Atsumu though" Shirabu stated clearly, seeing nothing wrong with that statement as the other two straightened up.

"I'll go get her. Is she still okay?" Kita asked immediately moving towards the door.

"Yeah, she was sitting with him eating. And she was laughing so I'm assuming she is okay. Plus he was also laughing. I wouldn't be so worried" Shirabu responded moving into the room to pick up a book left on one of the counters.

"Wait, I'm confused. Are you sure she is happy? He is the leader right? The one she was scared of?" Kimi asked, although the question was directed towards Shirabu she looked at Kita as she spoke.

"I don't know. They looked like two friends hanging out to me but I could be wrong, I don't know much about friendship" Shirabu said dismissively as he opened the book to block the other two out.

"I'll go find out what's happening" Kita said to Kimi as he left the room headed to the cafeteria.

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