127 ~ Clean

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Both Kimi and Conny froze in their spots. There was no question about it, he was talking to them... He knew they were there. Conny felt a shiver climb down her back, she was trying to decide between running and obeying. Her brain told her to run away, get as far away from that place as possible and never turn back. But her instincts were telling her to stay, maybe out of fear that he could easily catch her or fear that Kuroo would take the punishment for her actions.

Conny always trusted her instincts much more than her brain, although that hadn't always worked out in her favor she still continued to act on instinct. It was like a habit that could never be broken.

Kimi was the opposite of Conny, she chose to trust her brain over her instincts. She told herself that it was the only way to keep herself and the group alive. She always analyzed each situation carefully, determining what would best benefit her and the people she cared about. Right now her biggest worry was Conny. She had a desperate need to protect her sister... no matter what. She wasn't going to lose Conny, she couldn't handle it if she did.

"Don't run Conny, he probably has people watching us with guns. He wouldn't have made it known that he was aware of our presence if not" Kimi spoke in a whisper to her sister. It was the only logical explanation Kimi could come up with for the boys words.

Conny nodded slowly as she nervously glanced around them unable to see anyone other than the initial man. The thought had never even occurred to her that they might not be the only hidden ones. Conny is sure that she wouldn't have run away if she were alone but the possiblity that she would have taken off out of fear was still there, in that case she could have had a bullet in the back of her head right now.

"Come here" the man said. He didn't shout with any sort of authority, but his quiet tone made the statement seem more like an order than it would have with a raised voice.

"Let's go" Kimi said standing up. She didn't sound like she had given up, but instead like she was determined that nothing was going to happen. Conny trusted Kimi so she slowly followed her sister towards the stranger, sticking close to Kimis back out of fear.

"We're here" Kimi stated standing face to face with the boy. He narrowed his eyes at the girl for a minute.

"Do you always do exactly as you are told?" he asked, one of his brows raised.

"Rarely" Kimi answered.

"I would ask you why you are spying on the warehouse, but quite frankly I don't really care" the man said unamused.

"Well you were sort of the one who called us over here. So you see how that kinda contradicts that statement" Kimi said sounding annoyed. Conny on the other hand remained silent, terrified of what the boys motives might be for calling them over.

"I could call you over for a variety of reasons actually. Maybe I wanted to take your weapons, or kill you, or possibly I just wanted to see if you would come when called" the boy said, since he had started speaking his voice didn't changed once remaining emotionless and cold.

"Well then now that we've obeyed your stupid little command to get you off or whatever your problem is, we're gonna take off" Kimi replied. Conny swore she noticed the boys eye twitch at Kimis insult.

"I said that I didn't care if you were spying on us. I never said anything about letting you leave" he responded carefully adjusting his gloves on his hands. He then searched through his pockets until he found a new mask, this one was a black one. He pulled it over his face while he waited for Kimis reply.

"We aren't staying here" Kimi said reaching behind her to take hold of one of Connys arms without ever breaking eye contact with the stranger.

"You don't have much control over that actually" the man said as he took a gun out of his jacket. It wasn't like some quick reveal, but more of a natural action. "You know now a days everyone is caught up on blades and tools, but those are such messy weapons. A quick bullet to the head gets the job done with much quicker and much cleaner results" he said as he carefully handled the weapon in his hand.

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