28 ~ Being Prepared

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It had been a few days since Conny and Kageyama had brought the guns back. Kimi walked down the hallway quietly attempting to not wake anyone since it was early in the morning.

She entered the office where all the guns were being kept in a safe. Only her, Daichi, and Kageyama knew the passcode to get them just for added safety. It wasn't that they didn't trust the people within the group, it just seemed smarter to have less people know.

Kimi quickly typed in the digits, taking out one gun and some ammo. She then turned to head towards the door when she was stopped by Daichi standing in the doorway.

"Where are you off to with that?" he questioned raising a disapproving eyebrow at her.

"Secret lessons Daichi. I will bring it back and put it away when I am done, I just want to try to help someone," she explained.

Kimi had been shocked when Tsukishima had asked her for help only the day before. It seemed so out of character for him. But she was more than willing to help the boy, especially after how their last defense session had ended.

"Please be careful," Daichi said, pulling Kimi out of her thoughts. "And when did you even learn how to shoot a gun? You're fifteen and I'm pretty sure it wasn't in the school curriculum," he added in concern.

Kimi laughed. "You sure Daichi? I think it might have helped a lot of people more than knowing how to multiply right now," she joked. It wasn't often that Kimi made jokes, so it made Daichi smile to see his sister so cheerful.

"But to answer your question, I learned with Tsukishima's gun. I taught myself through practice after accidentally shooting Tadashi. Guess it was a waste of bullets but that doesn't really matter now since Conny and Kageyama brought back so much ammo," she added to answer his question.

Daichi raised an eyebrow at Kimi's explanation, but then just shook his head in defeat. He couldn't get mad at her for learning to shoot so that she wouldn't accidentally hurt someone, besides he knew just how bad the girl felt about shooting Tadashi even if she didn't show it.

"Okay, go on then," he said. stepping aside to let her pass.

Kimi left the room, but when she got in the hallway she stopped and turned to face her brother again. "Oh, but Daichi, keep this on the down low. This person doesn't want people to know about this," she said, remembering how embarrassed Tsukishima had been when he asked her.

Daichi nodded. "I won't tell a soul then," he agreed, still not entirely sure who it was Kimi planned on teaching.

"Thanks, see you," Kimi replied before running off.

Kimi made her way outside to the place her and Tsukishima had first practiced killing monsters. He was already there waiting on her. "About time," he said as she made her way towards him.

"Oh, shut up. Do you have any idea how early it is? I was what - a few minutes late? We can do this in the middle of the day with everyone around if you would prefer?" Kimi replied. Tsukishima had no remarks after that which made Kimi grin because she finally found a way to shut him up. Although their current banter back and forth was harmless, not meant to be taken seriously.

"So, is shooting easier than using the golf club?" Tsukishima asked as he eyed the gun in her hand.

"Depends. It's nice to not have to be close but then you have to worry about running out of ammo and the loud noise the gun makes drawing more in. It's good to know how to use both weapons. I can teach you both if you want," Kimi explained. She didn't think of herself as an expert in any way, but she wanted to give him her honest opinion anyways.

"Yeah, I want you to teach me both," he replied, not making eye contact out of embarrassment.

"Alright, no problem," Kimi replied while loading the gun with ammo.

"Here," she said handing the boy the gun. He hesitantly took it and stared at it in his hands for a few minutes.

"So, what's the first step?" Tsukishima asked after getting used to the feeling of holding the weapon.

"Take the safety off," Kimi instructed.

"Okay how do I do that smartass?" Tsukishima asked in a slightly sarcastic tone. While it sounds like a simple command it made no sense to someone who had never used a gun before. In fact, the only time he had held a gun was when he used one to threaten the group, and even then he had to hope they wouldn't call his bluff since he had no idea how to work the thing.

Kimi sighed heavily to show her annoyance at the tone he was using but she took the gun from him to show him how to complete the task anyways.

"Okay, now aim. Kinda like this, lining it up with your dominant eye. The trigger is here, and it will shoot once you pull on it," Kimi explained demonstrating with the gun. Tsukishima nodded then took hold of the gun.

"Like this?" he asked, aiming the gun on his own, trying to mimic the way Kimi did it.

"Looks right to me, go for it," Kimi said, examining his position as he aimed at the empty can she had placed for him.

He took the shot, missing.

"Try again," Kimi instructed. Tsukishima lined up once again, shooting and missing. He tried several more times, not even leaving a dent in the can. Kimi could tell the boy was getting frustrated, just about ready to quit.

"Line up one more time but don't shoot yet," Kimi instructed. He gave her a confused look but still obeyed the command.

"Okay, I'm lined up," Tsukishima said being careful not to lower the gun or move positions at all.

"Okay, I'm gonna help you," Kimi explained as she moved behind him to wrap her arms around him so she could move the gun slightly.

Tsukishima froze immediately when he felt her chest press up against his back.

"Like this. You've been missing to the left, so I guess we'll aim a little more right than you usually do," Kimi said as she moved his hands slightly with hers. Tsukishima only nodded, not trusting himself to speak in his normal cool, emotionless tone while she was so close to him.

"You can shoot now," Kimi instructed, taking a step back. Tsukishima did, this time hitting the can. He immediately looked back at her with a flash of excitement on his face.

"You did it Tsuki!" Kimi said, grinning brightly. She was honestly so happy that her shot in the dark worked because she didn't know what she was going to do if it didn't.

"It's Tsukishima," he corrected, moving his attention to the second can. He started by aiming the shot, then moved the gun ever so slightly to the right. Almost instantly after clicking the trigger, he heard that incredible sound of the bullet making contact with the can.

"Look at you being a pro now," Kimi teased, bumping her shoulder into him.

"Whatever. This isn't surprising. I'm naturally talented," he responded, Kimi only laughed at that. She had to admit that even he had his funny moments.

"I think I'm going to teach Natsu and help a few other people with using guns later today. Are you going to tag along?" Kimi offered.

"Yeah, maybe. We'll see," Tsukishima replied with the faintest grin visible on his face.

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