Authors Note

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Hi, if you are reading this then thank you so much for spending so much time reading my book! It has been quite the journey with a lot of emotional ups and downs. I am officially finished and would just like to thank you guys for sticking around!

It took me nearly a year to write all of this and the final word count is around 250k words!

I did my best to close up any lose ends but if you guys have any questions about the ending or any part feel free to ask!

Just a few questions I have for you guys out of curiosity:

Favourite character?

Hardest death?

Best arc/plotline?

Favourite couple?

Opinions on ending?

I don't know what I will be working on next but I will most likely be doing an au of some sort that is also somewhat long, feel free to leave any suggestions and I'll take a look!


(about the planning process and how it changed over time)

- Kageyama was one of the first planned deaths. I think Daichi was the first.

- Conny was originally supposed to live through the entire book. But that changed when she started getting connections to both sides of the war.

- Shirabu and Conny were never planned to be friends. In fact, he was supposed to be just an extra to die in the war. But I ended up loving his interactions with Conny so much that I couldn't kill him.

- Kai was originally supposed to die at some point throughout the book.

- Tsukishimas death was a very last minute decision.

- Tsukishima and Kimi were going to get together before they were separated by Iwa and Oikawa's attack. But instead I wrote it so they never got the chance to confess their feelings for each other.

- Kageyama and Conny were originally planned to be Mais parental figures since they felt responsible because they were there for her birth. But I chose to focus more on Conny and Kageyamas relationship with one another instead. Plus, Tsukishimas soft spot for her was too perfect. 

- Karasuno was never supposed to move to the prison. In fact, Nekoma wasn't there either. But the Jozenji group was at the prison.

- The condom wrapper becoming so significant was a complete accident.

- Daichi was supposed to be the leader of Karasuno with Kiyoko taking over when he died. However, there was so much potential development, interactions, and conflict from Kimi taking on that role instead.

- It actually took me quite a while to come up with Atsumus reasoning for wanting the prison so badly. I was going to originally have Osamu be alive and disagree with Atsumus goal of taking the prison. But instead I came up with the idea that Osamu was Atsumus reasoning.

@BasicCanadian0 helped with all the planning and ideas.

Digital Art I Made:

Digital Art I Made:

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