50 ~ Forgotten

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Kimi glanced over at Kai confused. Then she turned her attention back to Koganegawa. "I thought Jozenji destroyed Date Tech" she said.

Koganegawa looked at his feet at the statement. "They did" he said.

"There was a lot of us, a really big group of us. But we weren't really fighters. Jozenji invaded, demanding almost all of our stuff. We went along with it for weeks, giving them pretty much everything we had. But we had a lot of weaker people who couldn't survive on so little, they were going to all die if we didn't do something quick. So our leader at the time Futakuchi, decided we would fight back." 

"We tried... we really did. But they were too strong and had too many weapons for us to even stand a chance. Almost everyone was dead by the end of that day. Terushima gave us a choice, me and Aone could live with the weaker continuing to give to his group or we could die. But they would die without us so we are back to the same way things were before. Only now we have the memories of all our friends dying in front of us" Koganegawa expained.

Kimi and Kai both stared in shock. As bad as they had it, these two had it so much worse. Now they understood what the stakes were, what they were risking if they fought back.

"The weaker... are you talking about children?" Kai asked.

"Not quite" Koganegawa then glanced around the store as if someone from Jozenji would appear out of nowhere. "We can take you there. Show you a different perspective on this world" he whispered.

Kimi and Kai made eye contact. Then Kimi looked back to the boys. "Okay" she agreed.

"Did you guys drive here?" Kai questioned raising an eyebrow.

"No we walked" Koganegawa said. He moved to the doorway, slipping the bottle of pills into his pocket then nodding his head in a gesture for them to follow him.

Kai and Kimi followed the boy, Aone walking behind. Kais eyes met Kimis and he moved them to signal her to walk with Koganegawa. He was thinking it was probably smart to get to know as much as possible about the group before walking straight through their front door, just in case. Kimi nodded, knowing exactly what message he was trying to send her. So she moved forward to walk beside the more talkative boy and Kai took a step back to fall in stride with Aone.

"Are you guys staying at the Date Tech high school?" Kimi questioned.

"Oh no. We just call ourselves Date Tech because our group were all from the school or planning to go there like me. I would have been a first year this year" Koganegawa explained.

"I see... me too. Only I would have been at Karasuno" Kimi explained. It felt weird to be talking about school like this. It almost reminded her of middle school when everyone was asking each other which school they would be attending for high school.

"That's so cool! Maybe our paths could have crossed at some point!" Koganegawa said excitedly. It was odd to Kimi that the boy was still enthusiastic and excited despite everything he had seen his group go through, all the people he saw die.

"Yeah perhaps" Kimi shrugged. Although she was doubtful about that, despite Koganegawa seeming super social, Kimi was not. She only really talked to Conny and Kai in school.

"So you mentioned the weak being children earlier. I haven't seen any since this thing started, are there any in your group?" Koganegawa asked.

"Yeah I guess they couldn't make it very long. We have two though, a little girl and a baby" Kimi said. She normally wouldn't give out information about her group, but Koganegawa kind of reminded her of Conny which made her trust him more. 

"Oh wow! I miss kids so much! I used to have baby cousins, they were twins! ... I haven't seen them in almost a year though" Koganegawa explained. He didn't linger on the thought of his cousins though.

"I was an only child though, so no younger siblings. How about you?" he asked.

"Um, an older brother and a twin sister" Kimi said.

"A twin! Cool! Are you identical?" he asked. The more he spoke the more Kimi felt comfortable. The conversation honestly made her happy, because it almost felt like she was talking to Conny.

"Yeah, my sister Conny used to make me switch places with her to trick people. We have different eyes though so we'd have to wear contacts" Kimi explained with a light chuckle at the thought of Connys middle school pranks. Daichi would always get so mad at the two of them for getting in trouble, mostly Conny though since 99% of the time it was her fault.

"That sounds like fun! Oh we are almost there. See that building over there, it's that" Koganegawa said as he glanced behind him at the other two who were surprisingly chatting, mostly Kai rambling and Aone nodding with the odd addition to the conversation.

"Here we are" Koganegawa said as they walked up to a place that was once a grocery store.

"Do you mind if I hold onto your weapons for now? I swear I will give them back I just don't want you to scare the others in there" Koganegawa questioned.

Kimi hesitantly handed the boy her golf club, keeping a knife hidden in her clothing the way she had seen Kageyama do. Kai gave over his bat after Kimi had handed over her weapon.

"Thank you" Koganegawa said flashing a smile. "All right, welcome to Date Tech!" Koganegawa said as he opened the doors with a key.

The sight Kimi was met with was not at all what she had been expecting. It shocked her and made her want to help this group even more. Kai let his jaw fall in awe at the two boys consideration.

What was left of Date Techs group looked more like a nursing home than anything else. It was filled with elderly people, some sleeping on air mattresses, others sitting at table sets playing board games.

"These people were forgotten about, abandoned and left to die. Our group fought to save everyone. And we are still trying to do that, even if we are a lot smaller now" Koganegawa explained.

One elderly lady looked over from her bed. "Kanji, did you get the medicine?" she asked.

Koganegawa fumbled in his pocket for the container of pills and ran over to her side. "Yes Mrs. Kaneko. Here you are" he said handing her two pills.

"Thank you dear" the lady said as the young boy helped her.

Kimi and Kai were left speechless. Kimi had lost hope that people like these two still existed long ago. It was refreshing. But also sad knowing that the group couldn't possibly survive like this forever, especially with Jozenji taking their things every couple of days.

But even with the little hope this place gave Kimi, it was still as if the world was trying to send her a bigger message.

This world will swallow up any kindness.

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