6 ~ Hinatas House

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The five teenagers were now standing around the kitchen table debating on what their next course of action should be.

"We need to find Daichi and Suga as soon as possible. Any suggestions on how to do that?" Kimi asked since she seemed to be the one who had taken leadership of the group.

"Well, they were on their way to Karasuno. So why don't we make our way over there?" Conny suggested. It was a shot in the dark but it was also the only plan she could come up with.

"That might be a bit of a challenge," Kageyama interjected. Everyone's attention turned to him.

"I was just thinking that Hinata and I came to your neighbourhood from a busier area, and that area was completely swarmed with the walkers. Karasuno will be another busy area for sure," Kageyama explained.

"Okay, I get what you are saying. But maybe if we just get close enough to see if the place is already taken over by them or not. Then we can decide if it is too risky to look around. We wouldn't even have to get close enough to alert them," Kimi said. Everyone agreed to this plan.

"We should leave some sort of note for Daichi if he comes back though," Conny said before they had left the table.

"Good idea. I'll write one for him and leave it here and we can put one in our house too," Kimi .agreed.

"I can run over now and do that, it's not too far and I don't think I will have a problem getting there on my own," Kageyama suggested.

"I'll go with you," Conny quickly said picking up her hockey stick.

Kimi looked from Kageyama to Conny unsure. She still didn't fully trust this boy and to send her sister with him on their own seemed like it was just asking for trouble. "I can fight fine. We will be there and back, no problems," Kageyama said seeming to sense her wariness.

"Fine. Be back in ten minutes or we will come looking for you," Kimi finally agreed. She was still unsure about the plan but she wanted to search the house for any potential weapons anyways and this would give her more time to do that.

Conny followed Kageyama out of the house. "You can stay behind me. No need for you to kill any of them, I will protect you," Kageyama said pulling out his knife. Conny shook her head even though he wasn't facing her.

"No, I want to be strong, I want to be able to protect myself too. I'll fight with you, they're not human anyways," Conny said holding up her hockey stick. Kageyama glanced back at her for a minute at this statement.

"Aim for the head and swing as hard as you can. If you ever have a problem, shout to me. But I won't be leaving your side anyways," he instructed. He wasn't about to stop her from learning an important skill that would help her survive, but he also wasn't going to let her get overwhelmed.

"Okay," Conny replied as she followed closely behind him. When they began walking the streets it was still mostly cleared from earlier but there were a few monsters now roaming around.

Kageyama was quick to kill multiple with his knife. Conny also kept to her word and began swinging her stick at the monsters, she ended up killing two before they made it to the house. Kageyama quickly opened the door and closed it when they were both safely inside.

"I'll run and write the note," Conny said darting to the kitchen. She quickly wrote down a few words on a piece of paper making it as clear as possible. Conny found her eyes continuously glancing over to the fridge though.

A magnet held up a picture of her, Kimi, Daichi, and Sugawara from when they had gone to the zoo a few months prior. Sugawara had taken the photo selfie style holding up a peace sign, Conny was in the background standing in front of the monkey's cage mimicking one, Kimi was stuffing her face with an ice cream clearly caught off guard, and Daichi was awkwardly waving to the camera with a huge smile on his face.

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