49 ~ Survivors

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"Where are you sneaking off to?" Kais voice rang out across the front hallway. Kimi turned to see the red head running up behind her to catch up to her.

"I'm going to scavenge for food. Kageyama and Conny usually do that, but neither of them can really do that right now. And we need food because Jozenji took pretty much everything we have, so someone's gotta do it" Kimi said, she didn't mean for her words to sound so harsh but she was stressed beyond belief and she had no plan at all on how to fix things.

"Okay. Let's go" Kai said moving to stand beside his friend at the front doors. Kimi tried not to pay too much attention to the boys nose that was now bent out of shape. She had been the one to help him patch up his rib cage, it was bruised and possibly broken. She had done her best to wrap it up so that it would help with the healing process, but there wasn't much she could do about his nose.

"You don't have to go. I can do this" Kimi said in her normal stubborn manner.

"I know you can. But you don't have to. Not alone" Kai responded, he was used to hearing Kimi trying to take on too much responsibility on her own.

"Okay, fine. Let's go" Kimi said giving a very small smile to the boy. As stubborn as she was, she knew all too well that Kai would not give in when he set his mind on an idea.

Kai followed the girl out to a truck, where she took the wheel with him in the passenger seat.

"We are going to have to go out pretty far, I think Conny and Kageyama have already looted pretty much everything in this area already. I told Suga that I will be back tonight, he'll let the others know. I left him in charge till we get back, but we have to be back tomorrow at the latest before Jozenji returns" Kimi explained as she pulled out of the driveway, giving a small wave to Tanaka as he closed up the gate after her.

After the incident with Terushimas group they decided to keep someone on the gate at all times just to be safe, which Nishinoya and Tanaka volunteered to take majority of the responsibility.

"Okay, we can venture out a little farther. You don't plan on leaving Miyagi though, right?" Kai questioned.

"Not if we don't have to. I was hoping to check out the outskirts of the town for now" Kimi replied.

"Sounds good with me" Kai said. The car dove into a long silence after that. There were a thousand things jumping around Kais head that he wanted to say, but nothing that he could actually manage to put into words. Kimi on the other hand had nothing to say, she was intent with the silence and had no reason to fill it with chatter.

"What day do you think it is?" Kai finally asked. It wasn't one of the questions he was itching to ask but it was a question none the less.

"August fourteenth. Kiyoko has been keeping track" Kimi answered.

"August? Jeeze, it's hard to believe that the world has been like this since March. I thought that maybe things would be fixed by now" Kai said sadly.

"Did you really think that? Or were you just pulling a Conny, and trying to wish it to reality?" Kimi asked, she didn't mean to sound rude but she was genuinely curious if Kai was really that optimistic.

"Probably more of the second one" Kai admitted. "But I really didn't think things would ever get to this point" he added.

"You mean the amount of walking monsters or the people?" Kimi questioned.

"Honestly at this point I'm not so sure there is much of a difference between those two things." Kai said.

His statement took Kimi off guard. She hadn't thought about it before this moment. But the people living were just more walking monsters out to get them. How can you win against two enemies?

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