70 ~ Red Flags

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The bunch of them finished eating fairly quickly completely devouring the freshly cooked meal in front of them. Afterwards the man led them back to their rooms, waiting for them to enter.

Kageyama glanced over at the man before moving to Conny, the man was still watching. So he quickly pushed his body against hers, and kissed her. Conny was taken by surprise at his sudden action but she kissed him back.

When she felt Kageyama lifting her shirt she tried to look down but he had a hand on her chin forcing her attention to stay on the kiss. She felt a cold metal being pushed against her skin as he tucked an object into her belt, pulling her shirt back down over it to cover it up.

Kageyama then pulled away looking the girl in the eyes and smiling softly. "I love you Conny, see you tomorrow" he said.

Conny knew exactly what was now tucked into her belt under her shirt. It was his knife, the one he always had hidden on him just in case. She wanted to ask him about it. She felt her stomach knot up at the thought that Kageyama thought she might need it. But she held in her questions knowing that there was a stranger watching them.

"I love you too Tobio" she said smiling. She knew that only Kageyama would be able to see the look of concern behind her smile.

"Sleep well" Kageyama said lightly squeezing her hand in reassurance before entering the room assigned for boys. Conny turned entering the girls room.


It had been a few hours since the group had split, well into the middle of the night. Kimi was desperately rocking Mai in her arms, attempting to calm the baby who had been crying for the past hour. Yachi and Natsu were on the other side of the room, Yachi trying to help Natsu sleep. Conny was trying to help Kimi with Mai. 

"I don't know how Tsuki does this" Kimi sighed looking down at the crying baby.

"Do you think food might help? I can go ask if they have any baby food" Conny suggested.

Kimi nodded still rocking Mai. "Yeah that might help, take one of the flashlights with you" Kimi said. They were given several flashlights, along with a lantern that was lighting up the room.

"Yeah okay. I'll be right back" Conny said picking up the flashlight and leaving the room. Once she was in the hallway she seriously considered asking Tsukishima to sneak into their room to calm Mai, but she pushed that thought out of her mind not wanting to cause problems between their group and this new one.

So instead she wandered down the hallway. She was almost positive she was moving towards the dinning area where they had ate dinner at earlier. She was just hoping someone would be there to help her. 

As she walked down the hall she had to bit her lip to keep herself focused on her task and keep her mind from settling on the fact that everything was dark around her.

She was about to turn the corner when she heard voices on the other side. She was glad to know someone else was still awake and could help her out, but she stopped herself from going to them when she heard what they were saying.

"... Yeah but I already called dibs on the hockey stick. That thing is sick!" one man was saying. The other laughed at the man.

Conny felt her entire being fall apart, her breathing became shaky and it was nearly impossible to get air into her lungs as her heartrate jumped through the roof. She knew that laugh. It was one that came back to haunt her every night since her night in the forest. A laugh she never wanted to ever hear again, yet could never forget.

No. No. No. No. Get out of here.

She began to back away from the hallway beyond the corner in a panic. Only she bumped into a large chest instead of continuing down an empty hallway.

"Everything okay?" a mans voice questioned when Conny jumped at the sudden appearance of someone behind her.

"Oh yeah. You just startled me, that's all. I was looking for baby food" she explained looking at the man with her flashlight still in hand, internally cursing herself for her shaky voice.

"Oh for the little one right?" the man questioned.

"Yeah" Conny nodded. She wanted to go back to her room but she had to act normal. It was killing her not to fall into a fetal position on the ground and make herself as small as possible.

"I know where there is some baby food" a voice came from behind her. She jumped, startled. That voice belonged to the person with the laugh. "You can come with me, I'll show you" the man said moving closer to her.

Conny felt her heart skip a beat when the man put a hand on her back to guide her. Conny began to memorize every step she took to as she walked with him so she would know which way to run if she needed to.

"You're shaking, are you cold?" the man asked.

Conny quickly shook her head. "No I'm fine" she said quickly not wanting to risk the man pulling her closer to himself. "Are we almost there?" she asked. She couldn't tell if they were taking a long time to get there or if she was just so panicked that things were moving at a slower speed than normal.

"Yeah, it should be just in here" the man said opening a door and pushing her in ahead of himself. Conny immediately turned to leave as soon as she recognized the room to be a bedroom, but the man had already shut the door behind them, locking it.

"You know, you really shouldn't walk around at night. You might hear something you're not supposed to" the man said, grinning as he took a step closer to her.

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