99 ~ Missing

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"YES!" Kageyama shouted in victory as he finally got the walkie talkies to work. "Those stupid things took far too much effort" he mumbled to himself putting them on the table. By now the sky had darkened indicating it was night.

Kageyama glanced out the window at the night sky then turned to the empty bed behind him. It was odd for Conny to not be there yet. The two agreed to spend their days doing whatever they wanted or needed to do. But they always checked in with one another by the time it got dark.

But Kageyama hadn't seen Conny all day, in fact the last time he saw her was at the debate. He spent all day working on the walkie talkies except for the brief amount of time he decided to take a nap. But he had no idea what she had even been doing all day.

He grabbed the flashlight on the desk beside him, they were still working on getting the back up generators up and running so they had to work with what they had. He choose to leave the lantern in the room in case Conny showed up and needed light.

The first place Kageyama decided to check was the roof, since his birthday the two went up there frequently to talk or sometimes just sit there and enjoy one anothers company. But as he made it onto the rooftop he was met with nothing.

So Kageyama wandered through the halls checking in several rooms she might have been in. He saw Kai and Kimis room thinking that was a good possibility, but only Kai was inside.

"Hey Kai" Kageyama said, realizing just how few times he had actually spoken to the boy. 

"Oh Kageyama, everything okay?" Kai asked looking at the boy.

"Where is Kimi?" Kageyama asked. He was looking for Conny but it seemed strange for Kai to be hanging out in their room alone.

"Kimi left for a few days" Kai said.

Kageyama flashed him a confused look. "She left? Why?" he asked.

"She really just needed some time to herself. But she knows how to take care of herself, I have faith that she'll be fine out there. And I know she'll be back, she would never abandon us" Kai explained.

"Yeah, I trust her fighting capabilities. I get it I guess, sometimes you need to step away from things" Kageyama said. "Did Conny go with her?" he asked, he wasn't sure why Conny would leave without telling him though.

Kai looked at him confused. "Conny? No, it was just Kimi" he answered.

"Oh... okay. Have you seen Conny lately?" he questioned instead. He wasn't worried yet, there was a good possibility she was just around somewhere and completely lost track of time.

"I talked to her this morning when she was looking for Kimi. But I haven't seen her since then. Although come to think of it, she never actually found Kimi because when I found Kimi she said Conny never talked to her, then she left" Kai said.

"Alright" Kageyama nodded turning to leave.

"Could you just pop in and let me know when you find her so I don't have to worry?" Kai asked before Kageyama left the room.

"Yeah of course" Kageyama nodded.

Kageyama made his way outside where there were several people hanging around despite it being cold out. There was a fire going so most were in small groups around it.

"Iwazumi" Kageyama called out as he walked over to the boy who was sitting beside Oikawa.

"Yes?" Iwazumi answered turning to face Kageyama.

"You were on gate duty today right?" he asked. Iwazumi nodded to his question. "Did Conny leave at all today?" he asked.

"Conny spoke to me today" Iwazumi said unsure of whether he should rat Conny out when she asked him to keep it a secret.

"Please Iwazumi. I can't find her. If she left I really need to know" Kageyama begged, he was now getting more worried about the girl.

"She said she wanted to run out for ten minutes to pay respects to her dead mom, she didn't want people to know though. I left the gate for ten minutes to give her time to slip in and out, when I came back the gate was locked so I figured she finished what she needed to do" he explained.

Kageyama felt instant confusion. He knew for a fact that Connys mom wasn't dead, or if she was Conny didn't know about it. Why would Conny lie to leave? Was she going after Kimi? And if she was then why didn't she tell him?

"Um..." a voice came from behind them. The three of them turned to see Lev standing there. "Please tell me that wasn't this afternoon" he said.

"Yeah, why?" Iwazumi asked confused about why the time was relevant.

"Well I sorta was walking out here and I noticed the gate was left unlocked. I thought it was a mistake so I just locked it again" Lev explained.

Kageyamas stomach twisted as he began to feel sick. That meant that Conny left with the intention of coming back, but never made it back and no one even knew she was missing until now.

"I'm going out to look for her" Kageyama said standing up moving towards the gate.

Iwazumi also stood up and chased after him, grabbing his arm. "Wow wow man. Not smart. We will put together a search group and go out together, with lights and weapons, and warmer clothing" he said with a firm grip on Kageyamas arm.

Kageyama nodded as he glanced back at the gate. "Okay, I'll get some people" he said moving towards the prison. As much as he wanted to go out there and start looking immediately he knew that he had much higher odds of finding Conny if there were multiple people looking.

He knew the first person he needed to tell, someone who would be just as persistent as him to find Conny. He knocked on the door to the boys room.

"Yeah come in" his voice rang out.

"Daichi..." Kageyama said as he walked into the room, seeing Kiyoko already asleep on the bed in Daichis arms while he was reading with a light.

"Kageyama, how can I help you?" Daichi asked confused by the boys presence.

"Can you come out to the hall for a minute to talk?" Kageyama asked. Daichi nodded carefully moving Kiyoko and tucking her into the bed before exiting the room.

"Conny is outside somewhere on her own. I'm getting a search party together. I'm not waiting till morning I need to go now" Kageyama said in a panic.

Worry instantly surfaced on Daichis face. "Yeah I'll help you get some people together" he said rushing back into the room to grab a coat.

Within only a few minutes there was a search party formed. They decided to split into three groups to go in each direction since no one saw which way Conny left. They decided to still keep some stronger fighters back at the prison to guard over the rest of the group.

Kageyama, Daichi, and Iwazumi took to the left of the road into the forest.

Kuroo, Kenma, and Yaku went to the right of the road.

While Kai, Tsukishima, and Tadashi went down the road.

Everyone else stayed behind to keep the prison safe. Each group took one of the walkie talkies Kageyama had just finished working on.

Kai had decided to tell the group about Kimi leaving before they left, determining that it was the right thing for him to do. Everyone acted differently to the news but they all tried to stay focused on the task at hand for the time being. That task being finding Conny.

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