12 ~ New Comers

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Everyone was up fairly early the next morning. It might have been because there were so many people in the same room or maybe because everyone was still on edge. Either way the morning was busy.

"Hey Kimi and Daichi. Me and Kageyama wanted to go get more food if that's okay," Conny asked as she skipped over to her two siblings. She had been in a really good mood all morning.

"I guess so, but you better be careful out there," Daichi replied. He was hesitant to let her leave, but he knew that Conny was the type of person who needed to do something and couldn't just sit around while everyone else did stuff. This was her way of contributing to the group.

"I know, don't worry!" Conny said cheerfully.

"Anytime you say that my worrying shoots through the roof," Daichi called out as Conny started skipping away.

"I was planning on starting to clear out the parking lot today so that it is easier for them to get in and out," Kimi said casually.

"You better be careful too, this isn't just a game," Daichi warned. Unlike Conny, Daichi knew Kimi would get overconfident about her skills and become somewhat careless.

"I know Daichi," Kimi replied.

"I could help you. I feel like I've really been useless," Daichi offered. He just wanted to contribute like everyone else was, he really didn't want to be seen as the weak link in the group.

"No way, you can barely walk on that leg. You heal up then you can help later. I'll get some of the others to help instead," Kimi said, completely denying his offer without even giving it any consideration. Daichi nodded reluctantly.

Kimi collected Hinata, Kai, Tadashi, and Sugawara to help her out with the parking lot.

Kimi was using her golf club to swing at a walker when she noticed Tsukishima standing in the front doorway of the school just watching. "You gonna help or just stand there?" she called out to him.

"Just stand here," he replied. She rolled her eyes at him, he didn't even want to attempt to contribute after they generously took him in.

"You know we are really going out of our way to help you out here. Wouldn't hurt if you at least attempted to return the favour," she called back while attacking another one of the monsters.

Tsukishima just stood there watching her. "You know I can get you a weapon. We have a whole bag of golf clubs, they really do wonders," she offered, considering the possibility that he didn't want to help since he didn't have a method of killing the monsters.

"I'm okay," he repeated.

"Whatever your highness," she mumbled not wanting to continue the conversation with him.


Kageyama had slipped into the driver's seat of the truck, beginning to drive. "Dude aren't you like fifteen? How are you so good at this?" Conny questioned, as he moved the truck with caution down the road.

"My dad taught me how to drive when I was thirteen," he answered with a grin.

"Oh my fuck! I swear your dad taught you everything you could possibly need if the world ends," Conny said rolling her eyes at him jokingly.

"He pretty much did," Kageyama replied, completely oblivious to the sarcasm in her voice.

"Anyways, we might have to go a bit farther out to get food, a lot of the places around here have been looted already," Kageyama explained.

Conny nodded. "Sounds good," she said. She didn't really care where they went as long as they could return before it got dark out.

After about 20 minutes they arrived at a store. They both hopped out of the truck, clearing any walkers they needed to in the parking lot.

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