154 ~ Reality

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"Conny... Conny... " Kais voice rang out. Conny slowly opened her eyes, she was in the forest again. The one outside the prison. It had to have been around mid afternoon by the way the sun was shining so brightly nearly burning into her skin.

"Kai?" Conny questioned confused as she looked to the ginger who seemed to be the only other person in the forest. Oddly enough she couldn't hear any of the low growls of monsters around the forest like usual.

"Conny we need your help" Kai said once he saw that he had gotten the girls attention.

"What happened?" Conny asked confused as she slowly stood up trying to take in her surroundings and understand why she was there.

"You hit your head pretty hard there. Are you okay?" Kai explained putting a hand on her forehead.

Conny nodded to his words. She must have fallen and that was why she didn't remember getting there. "Where is everyone?" Conny asked.

"They're fighting. We need your help" Kai said, there wasn't any sort of urgency behind his voice at all. As if he had said they went out to the store instead.

"My help? But I'm not very strong. I can't fight well, not like the rest of you" Conny responded. She was sure that if it was fighting they needed help with then she was the least qualified to help. Besides everyone knew she hated fighting, especially Kai.

"You're the only one who can end it though. We need you to come back. Everyone will die if you don't stop the war" Kai said, his calm tone was starting to freak Conny out a little.

"I tried Kai. I really did but no one is going to listen to me! I can't do shit" Conny said finally snapping at the situation.

"Please just come back. You can stop the war" Kai begged.

"What about Tobio? I can't leave him" Conny retorted remembering that she wasn't supposed to be in that forest. She was supposed to be in a little house in Miyagi with the boy she loved. 

Even if she did go back to the prison she really didn't know what she could do that she hadn't already tried. No one was going to listen to her.

"You mean him?" Kai asked pointing behind her. Conny whipped her head around to see Kageyama in the form of a monster. He was standing there watching her but clearly not human like her. It was odd to her that he wasn't attacking, almost creepy. 

"Please come back. You can't live a lie forever" Kais voice brought her attention back to him.

Conny looked back over to Kageyamas monster once again. Then as if on cue, he began to run at her snapping his jaw.

Conny jumped startling awake. When she looked to the boy she was resting on he was already awake. Unlike the version of him she saw in her dream he was healthy and well.

"Are you okay?" Kageyama asked her with a raised eyebrow.

Conny stared at the boy for a long time. Her dream felt so real to her as if Kai were somehow trying to reach out to her and tell her it was time to come back home. As if deep down she knew it was time to let go.

"You aren't real are you? That body we buried in the backyard... it's yours" Conny said slowly still trying to fully understand everything. All she knew was that she had been clinging to Kageyama for a little too long... and that she couldn't hold on forever.

"I'm sorry" Kageyama whispered as he moved his hand to gently hold hers.

Conny slowly nodded, blinking a few times to force herself not to cry. "I think I want to tell you a story Tobio" she said.

Kageyama nodded. "Alright, I'm listening" he replied softly.

Conny took in a deep breath trying to think about where to start. "Okay. When I was younger Sugas grandmother passed away. His grandfather has carried flowers over to her grave everyday without fail. Until one day he only brought a single flower. He left it there and never went back again. I asked him why he stopped visiting her and answered that 'sometimes letting go is less pain than holding on'. I never understood what he meant by that..." Conny explained a few tears welling in her eyes.

"I think I finally get it now. You're gone Tobio. And I'm stuck here. As much as I hate it... I'm finally letting go" she said, her words pained her knowing exactly what they meant. But after several weeks she had finally managed to wrap her head around the thought that she couldn't have him forever. She sobbed at her own words, letting go was the last thing she wanted to do. But she had to convince herself that it was the right thing to do.

"I promise I'll see you again in some other world. Maybe one where we can just go to school together and be normal goofs. I'm always gonna love you though. I promise" Conny added wiping her eyes with her sleeve.

Kageyama stared at her for a moment taking in her words before replying. "I love you too Conny. And I won't ever leave your side. I'll be waiting for you. I promise... but keep me waiting a long time okay?" he whispered.

Conny nodded sniffling. "I can't do math but how about however many years till I'm ninety three" she said trying her best to smile through her cries.

"I wouldn't have it any other way" Kageyama whispered with a small smile as he pulled the girl close once again. Conny let the boy engulf her in a hug as she laid on his chest closing her eyes.

In that moment she was happy to take in everything about him one last time, his scent, his warmth, and his comfort.

When she opened her eyes again she was alone. She didn't need to call out to him or look for him. She knew. He was really gone this time.

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