131 ~ Laughing

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Conny took a deep breath as she decided to follow Atsumu. His words were weighing her down, as soon as she got back to the prison she needed to do everything possible to convince the others to leave. They couldn't stay there anymore, she didn't want to lose anyone else.

"Can ya smell the food Conny? The cafeteria is just over here" Atsumu said turning to face the girl. A thought crossed her mind briefly that maybe she could convince him to back down, his set up here was much better than their prison anyways.

"I can smell it, it's only reminding me how hungry I am though" she said laughing lightly. The smell was causing her stomach to rumble, she couldn't wait to eat. Conny then made the decision that she would eat, try her best to convince Atsumu not to attack the prison, then find Kimi and Kuroo and leave the place. She hoped this plan wouldn't be too hard to execute, but even Atsumu said she was free to leave when she wanted to. She didn't want to waste too much time at Inarizaki since she knew Kageyama was probably freaking out right about now.

"Don't worry, you can stuff yer face with as much seafood as you would like!" Atsumu said happily as he opened the doors to the cafeteria, holding it open for Conny to walk in. It wasn't as nice as the mini restaurant they had gone to last time but Conny didn't care at all, food was food it didn't matter where she ate it.

"You go find a table to sit at, I'm gonna get us some food" Atsumu said gesturing towards the variety of tables. There were a few people sitting at different tables but not many. Conny nodded moving towards a smaller table near a window. It was weird to her how much freedom Atsumu was giving her but she wasn't about to complain about it, plus it made Atsumus promise of her freedom to leave the place seem that much more believable.

After a few minutes Atsumu took a seat at the table across from Conny, placing two plates on the table one in front of each person. Connys eyes widened at the plate he filled with seafood. She couldn't stop herself from stuffing her face.

Atsumu started laughing at her nonstop eating that lacked all table manners. "Samu eats the exact same way as you. Can't ever get that guy to stop eating" Atsumu stated as he also began to eat but unlike Conny he was using the cutlery he brought.

"I think me and your brother will get along then!" Conny said stopping to talk only for a second before eating again. She realized after the words left her mouth what she had just done. It was the same thing Atsumu had done several times, she said something that suggested she would be staying for a while. The last thing that she wanted to do was give Atsumu the impression that she was going to be staying.

But Atsumu didn't respond to her statement, he seemed to be staring off at something outside the window.

"Conny?" he suddenly said in a quiet voice as he moved his attention back to the girl in front of him.

"Yes Atsumu?" Conny asked, she wished it was easier to get a read on the boy. It was just about impossible to figure out what he was thinking about ever. And she still had no idea how to tell when he was about to lash out or why he did. Although she was beginning to think it had something to do with the apocalypses messing with his state of mind.

"Do you think that when I take over the prison you could return to it and live there with me?" he asked. He looked at her shyly, as if his words were asking her out to prom not asking her to live in a place that he planned on taking from her group.

"You don't have to take over the prison Atsumu. You can come over there, I'll let you in as long as you don't hurt anyone there" Conny said softly, hoping he would agree.

Atsumu quickly shook his head. "No I need to take it over Conny" he responded not even entertaining the idea of even considering her proposal.

"I don't understand why Atsumu! Why is it so important to you to do that! You're going to ruin so many lives!" Conny shouted in frustration. She had promised herself that she wouldn't lose her cool, that she would stay calm during this conversation but she couldn't help herself. He was being so unreasonable.

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