136 ~ Panic Attacks

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Kimi walked through the hallway towards her room when she heard two voices coming from Tsukishima and Tadashis room.

"Tadashi you need to go take a walk and calm down! I can't help you right now okay? You are being ridiculous!" Tsukishimas voice rang out a little harsher than she imagined it was intended to be.

"But Tsuki just listen to me, please... I just want us to live that's all" Tadashis voice responded. It sounded a lot more quiet than Tsukishimas. But Kimi could also pick up the hint of panic in his voice. Something was definitely wrong.

"This is stupid. Just take a walk, we'll talk later" Tsukishima said dismissively, obviously pissed about whatever it was Tadashi was trying to say.

"Tsuki please just listen to me. I don't need to walk I just need you to listen" Tadashi begged.

"I did Tadashi. I heard what you had to say and I want you to go think about it some more because you don't sound like yourself right now" Tsukishima said sternly.

"Fine then..." Tadashi gave in. A second later he was storming out of the room nearly running into Kimi. He glanced at her eyes wide before running off down the hallway.

"Tsuki..." Kimi called out as she knocked on the door, slowly pushing it open. 

Tsukishima was sitting on the bed his arms folded on his lap as he stared at the ground. "You're back" he stated not bothering to look up at the girl. 

"I am back. You and Tadashi... Are you guys okay?" Kimi question. She knew that the two were close and had been friends for years but she had never once seen them argue like this.

"I don't know. Tadashi is really freaked out right now and I honestly have no idea how to help him" Tsukishima explained.

"Is he okay? Why is he so freaked out?" Kimi questioned. The only reason she could think of was if Conny had told him that Inarizaki was planning on starting a war really soon and had taken Kuroo captive but she really didn't think Conny had gotten the chance to tell anyone yet, probably only Kageyama.

"Something about overhearing one of your meetings back in February where you guys were trying to determine if we should leave or stay at the prison. Aparantly some group poses a threat to us" Tsukishima explained.

"Inarizaki. That's right" Kimi answered. She figured there was no point in lying about it.

"Tadashi has been steadily panicking more and more about it. Today he went over the edge freaking out that we need to leave now. I've been trying to calm him down but he doesn't seem to be listening to reason" Tsukishima said. "I don't know how to help him anymore, usually I can calm him down but today he had a really bad panic attack about it" he added.

"You've known about Inarizaki this whole time?" Kimi questioned. It wasn't like it was some big secret but the people on the council had agreed to keep it quiet to avoid panic. Tadashis reaction to the situation only proved that they made the right decision.

"Yeah, but I trust you to keep us all safe so I haven't been worrying about it" Tsukishima said finally looking up to her. As soon as his eyes landed on her face he moved his hand to her left cheek gently running his thumb over it.

"You look really beautiful, you know that right?" he said. It was something out of the ordinary for him to say. But he felt the sudden need to make sure she knew it, even with only one eye.

"Thank you Tsuki" Kimi said moving her hand to touch his hand resting on her face. She suddenly felt a surge of emotion running through her entire being. She almost wanted to cry at his words, she didn't understand why since it was a simple phrase but she needed to hear it more than she had realized.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight? I think Tadashi needs some space right now" Tsukishima asked.

Kimi nodded. "Yeah of course" she said standing up letting Tsukishimas hand fall off her face. "Come on" she added beckoning for the boy to follow her. Tsukishima stood following Kimi down the hallway a few cells to her own.

The two climbed into the bed and laid there facing each other in silence for a while.

"I'm worried about Tadashi" Tsukishima finally spoke.

"We are going to get through this. Tadashi will be okay. We might have to fight Inarizaki but we won't lose to them, I'll make sure of it" Kimi said. She was determined to make her words true. She wanted to keep everyone in the group safe and once Inarizaki was out of the picture they would be safe.

"I know. It's just I've never seen him freak out this much... he used to get bullied by this group that called themselves the gucci gain who would beat him with their gucci belts but even then he still wasn't this bad" Tsukishima explained.

"Did you just say they beat him with gucci belts!?" Kimi asked in surprise. 

"Yeah the gucci gang. They stopped when he started hanging out with me. Then he started getting better, didn't panic as much. But now he's losing it at the thought of an attack from another group" Tsukishima said.

"He'll make it through this. Don't worry, I promise" Kimi said softly.

"Okay" Tsukishima mumbled before they both drifted off to sleep.


The next morning Kimi began to walk down the hallway in search of Kenma. As much as she hated it she needed to tell the boy that Kuroo was taken captive.

"Greasy! Can we talk?" she heard the familiar voice call out to her from down the hall. Kimi made an effort to overexaggerate her sigh before moving over to the boy.

"What is it Kageyama?" she questioned moving closer to him so they could fall in stride together.

"I heard about everything. I really don't think it's smart to attack them, we will be starting a war we aren't prepared to handle. I trust Conny on this one, if she thinks we can negotiate with them then we should at least try, don't you think?" Kageyama said.

"I don't know Kageyama. Are you sure it's smart? What if they try to attack during the negotiation? And then we definitely lose the benefits of a surprise attack" Kimi said. She understood where Kageyama was coming from but she was so used to things never working out that she hated even the thought of risking it.

"I know what you are saying, I just think that it doesn't hurt to give it some more thought" Kageyama said.

"Alright" Kimi agreed although she was heavily swaying towards attacking. It just made so much more sense to her.

"Thank you, I'll see you around greasy. The eyepatch looks badass by the way" Kageyama said before turning to leave.

"See you" Kimi mumbled watching and smiling as the boy walked away. "And I'm not greasy!" she called out when she sort of snapped to her senses. Kageyama just chuckled as he continued to walk away.

Kimi laughed a bit, rolling her eyes slightly before she continued on to Kenmas spot outside where she found the boy staring at the forest.

"Hey" she said as she took a seat beside the boy.

"Oh hi Kimi" Kenma responded glancing over to look at her before looking back to the forest. He noticed the eye patch but chose not to comment on it out of fear of making Kimi feel awkward. "Where is Kuroo? I couldn't find him last night when you guys got home" he asked. Kimis stomach knotted up, she knew she needed to tell him but she still didn't want to.

"Um... Kuroo didn't come home" she decided it was best to be honest with Kenma, he would appreciate it more if she just told him the truth.

Kenmas eyes darted over to her.

"He is with Inarizaki right now. They won't kill him but will use him for his brain. I want to attack them to get him back but everyone seems to have mixed feelings on that" Kimi explained knowing that Kenma wanted more details.

"Kuroo made a bomb. We can use that to get him back" Kenma said instantly not even considering the option of not attacking. 

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