22 ~ Can't Help You

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Kimi stood in the back parking lot of the school with Tsukishima.

"I don't think I want to do this. I changed my mind," Tsukishima said, staring at the fence where a monster was desperately attempting to break in.

"Don't worry, now is the best time to practice killing them. Plus, I can help if you need it and no one will be here to see when you mess up," Kimi insisted.

"Thanks for the confidence," Tsukishima said sarcastically.

"Alright fine then. You can do it Tsuki!" Kimi said mimicking the tone of an overly enthusiastic cheerleader. The oddness of Kimi acting cheerful almost caught Tsukishima so off guard that he nearly missed the use of his nickname. Nearly.

"It's Tsukishima," he corrected as he finally decided to hold up the golf club Kimi had let him borrow.

"Whatever," Kimi mumbled. "I'm letting one in now," she added as she walked over to the fence.

There were two different openings on the fence. One at the front of the school which was used most often and a second at the back of the school which was mainly built for emergencies. They were currently standing at the back fence in order to keep their secret training sessions a little more under the radar.

Kimi let a single walker file in, quickly closing the gate behind it so no others could sneak in as well. As much as she disliked Tsukishima, she did not want to overwhelm him with too many monsters at once.

"Okay remember how I showed you to hold the club?" she called out watching the boy awkwardly tense up. Despite how difficult he could be to get along with she really did want to help him.

"I got it," he answered as he swung the club. He hit the monster several times, but none a strong head shot.

"Hit the head!" Kimi yelled to him.

"I know," Tsukishima retorted in frustration as he swung the bat once more, finally getting a solid hit on its head. He watched as the monster that was once human crumpled to the ground. Tsukishima stood there quietly staring at the corpse for a few minutes too long.

"Try not to think too much about it. It's better they are dead than walking around no longer themselves," Kimi said moving to stand beside the boy.

"I wasn't worried about it. I don't care about them," Tsukishima replied defensively, attempting to hide his saddened expression.

"Alright," Kimi responded with a shrug. "Ready for the next one?" she asked as she prepared to let a second walker inside the gate.

Tsukishima took in a deep breath. "Yeah, I guess so."

Kimi opened the gate allowing another monster to flood in. Tsukishima readied himself once again. He swung straight for the head, after the impact he swung again this time the walker completely collapsed.

"I think I am getting the hang of it, give me two at once," he said.

"Oh wow, slow down there might be too much for you to handle," Kimi teased grinning.

"Shut up and open the gate," Tsukishima said back with the faintest grin visible.

"Fine," Kimi said as she opened the gate for two monsters to get in as Tsukishima began to fight. But he got too preoccupied with one as the other continued to get closer while he tried to deal with the first.

Kimi quickly ran over, killing the second one as Tsukishima finished off the first one. "I said I could handle two," Tsukishima said turning angerly to face the girl.

"Well, that was too close so I stepped in," Kimi argued back unable to believe that the boy was angry with her for trying to keep him alive.

"I didn't need you to step in because I had it!" Tsukishima argued.

"Well, I did so deal with it!" Kimi yelled back at him. The monsters at the gate began to get more restless due to the sudden outburst as they tried even more desperately to get in.

Tsukishima suddenly began to walk away. "Where are you going? We aren't done yet" Kimi called to him. Once again, he was the most difficult human being for her to get along with. Every time she thought she was getting somewhere with him she would be wildly disappointed.

"I'm done," he responded as he walked away, not even bothering to glance back at her.

Kimi kicked the ground in frustration. She was doing her best to help this boy, so why did he have to be so damn stubborn?

Kimi heard something coming from one of the vehicles. It was whispering. "It's not real. This isn't real. It's not real..."

She walked towards the sound even though she already knew what it was. Takeda, Mai's father. He had been living in a truck since Conny and Kageyama brought him to the school. He refused to talk to anyone, even Daichi and Sugawara who knew him before the apocalypse. He would only take the food they brought out to him and eat without even glancing at them.

Kimi looked at the man. She felt bad, it was crazy how this world could really mess some people up.

Kimi cautiously opened the door hoping to talk to the man. "Hey, do you want to come inside? We have food and beds," she offered in a soft tone. But the man ignored her, continuing to mumble to himself.

"Your daughter is in there," Kimi said sympathetically. She felt bad that Mai may never really have a parent figure in her life, not if Takeda couldn't snap out of his daze.

Takeda slowly turned his head to look at Kimi for the first time. "I don't have a daughter," he replied looking confused

"Please she is a very good kid. Don't you want to at least hold her?" Kimi tried to reason with him.

"I told you I don't have a kid. Just a pregnant wife. She is waiting for me at home. I need to go home to her," he said once again, this time with more firmness in his voice.

Kimi gave him a sad look. She never wanted to see a person break down like this again. It would have killed her if Conny or Daichi had been affected by the apocalypse to the point where they were losing their minds.

Kimi nodded. "Okay. You'll be okay," she said not sure what other reassuring thing she could tell him. In truth she didn't think he would be okay, but she wanted him to be.

His eyes lit up at her words. "You mean this isn't real!?" he asked as excitement laced his voice. "It's all in my head, right?" he added.

Kimi didn't know how to respond. She didn't think there was any way this man would ever be okay again, but what could she do for him? The answer was nothing. Kimi knew it. There was nothing she could do for this man, there was no fixing him.

"Right?" he asked again breaking her out of her thoughts.

"Right," she replied. He looked happy with her answer.

"My wife. She is okay?" he asked excitedly.

"Yes, your wife is okay," Kimi answered. The man seemed overjoyed with happiness. Kimi knew there was nothing she could really do for him, but at least she could give him this little sense of happiness. If he was diving into madness at least he could have some sort of comfort in the thought that his wife was still alright.

"Do you want to come inside?" Kimi asked him again.

"No, I'm happy being here," he said sounding almost giddy. Then the man noticed a monster walking towards the fence and his small sense of calmness quickly disappeared.

"It's not real. It's not real. It's not real," he began murmuring to himself again. Kimi gave him a sad glance as she shut the truck door, she quickly walked over to the fence to kill the monster so the man didn't have to stare at it.

She felt almost defeated. She hated that she couldn't help him. Kimi was about to search for Kai when she heard a gunshot come from inside the school causing her entire body to tense up in fear.

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