117 ~ I'm Here

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Kimi stomped into her bedroom, slamming the door shut. She almost began to scream in frustration when she realized the boy on the bed waiting for her.

"Tsuki?" she questioned looking at him.

"You told me to be here... so I'm here" he spoke shrugging slightly.

Kimi nodded, sitting down on the bed where he was laying. He sat up so he was sitting beside her and placed a hand on her back. "You okay?" he asked softly.

Kimi considered lying, but instead she shook her head no. As strange as it was for her to admit this to herself, she was okay with being vulnerable around him.

"Daichi is letting them stay here in the other cell block. I don't want them here. He knows that! I just don't understand why we have to pretend that we could all be a happy family. That's not an option, it never has been" she ranted. It was nice to talk to someone about it, someone who wouldn't tell her she is wrong or just being overdramatic.

"You don't owe them anything, so don't give them what they want. Don't go see them or give an effort. If you don't want to be anywhere near them, then you shouldn't have to" Tsukishima replied.

Kimi looked at the boy trying to figure out if he was joking or being serious. But there was no hint of a joke behind his expression. "I thought you would say that I should be making an effort if everyone else is" she said. In all honesty that's what she thought anyone would tell her.

"I would never say something like that Kimi. I don't know much about your family and I'm not going to pretend to. It's clear that they hurt you so you shouldn't have to do anything for them" Tsukishima explained.

"Thank you" Kimi whispered. She had never meant those words more than she did right now. She needed someone to just side with her for once, to tell her that what she was doing was okay.

"Let me stay in here with you tonight" Tsukishima said. It was a question but it almost sounded like a statement, as if he were desperate.

Kimi nodded slowly. They both climbed into the bed, laying on their backs staring up at the darkened bunk above them. Kimi laid there silent unsure if he wanted to continue talking or just sleep. But then she felt something brush against her hand from under the blanket, it quickly moved away for a second before moving back. She quickly realized it was his hand when his fingers hesitantly laced with hers. Her hand lay limp for a minute before she slowly moved her fingers to also wrap around his hand.

Neither of them spoke as they both laid there in silence. Eventually they both drifted off to sleep without ever bringing attention to their hands.


Conny laid on Kageyamas chest with his arms wrapped around her. Her burns still hurt a lot but she could now cuddle him without feeling pain.

"Hey Tobio, you know how when we met your dad and you said I can ask you any questions I want about him?" Conny asked into the darkness, she could tell he was still awake though since his breathing still hadn't evened out.

"Yeah, I do remember that" Kageyama said nodding.

"Well the same goes for you. You can ask me any questions about my family and I will answer them for you" she said. She wanted to be open with him about everything, she trusted him enough to want to tell him anything he wanted to know.

"Alright, well I do have some questions" Kageyama answered. He had never planned on asking any of them unless she told him to.

"Go on, ask away" Conny urged.

"Okay, well first of all. I was a little confused why Daichi refers to your mom as mom but your dad as Kim" Kageyama said.

"Oh Kim is my dad, not Daichis. We are technically only half siblings, although that's never really mattered. Daichi is as much my brother as Kimi is my sister... My mom slept with some random guy from a bar and had Daichi. Then Kim came along and we were born, they managed to stay together all these years after that" Conny explained.

"You didn't have a very good childhood did you?" Kageyama asked quietly. It was odd to him because at first glance he would have assumed that she had an ideal childhood due to her positivity and optimism.

Conny smiled a little. "Actually despite what people might think I did have a good childhood. Maybe my parents weren't ever really there, and maybe things got bad when they drank too much. But when I think of my childhood I don't think of those times. I think about running around the arcade with Kai and Kimi, or staying up all night playing video games with Kenma while I joked with Kuroo, or Daichi and Suga taking me from place to place around town for these scavenger hunts they would make, or going over to the Sugawaras house for Christmas.... Those are the things I choose to look back on and smile. Not the parts that make my life look like some crappy villain origin story" Conny explained.

Kageyama couldn't help but smile as he held the girl even closer. "I swear every single time I talk to you I'm reminded how amazing you are. I love you so much" Kageyama spoke. He was so thankful that Conny wasn't only his best friend but the person who would always return his love without fail. He couldn't help but think that she was just too good for this world, and he was determined to make sure she survives it.

Conny couldn't help but blush. "You think too highly of me, I just try to look at the positive side of things it's really nothing special" she replied.

This took Kageyama slightly by surprise, it was the first time her response to something like that wasn't narcissistic. "That takes a lot of will power Conny. Not everyone can see the positive in every situation" he explained.

Conny just nodded, not responding.

"... You want to fix your family" Kageyama said. It was supposed to be a question but it sounded more like a statement than anything else.

Conny was silent for a few minutes before responding. "I know it's stupid to be this naïve, but I've always just wanted a normal happy family. So even if there's only like a one percent chance of this working out I want to try. I mean worst comes to worst things don't work out and everything just go back to normal, but what's the harm in trying? Besides I want so badly to believe them, I want to believe that people are capable of changing" Conny replied.

"I think it's rare but people can change for the better sometimes, just like they can change for the worse. Just promise me that you will be careful, you can't force people to change" Kageyama said in a serious tone.

"I know I won't be stupid, I promise" Conny responded.

Kageyama smiled as he leaned forward to kiss her forehead. "I love you, goodnight" he whispered.

"I love you too Tobio" Conny whispered back, cuddling closer to the boy before drifting off to sleep. 

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