126 ~ Trouble

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Kimi immediately grabbed Connys arm yanking her down to crouch beside her, hidden behind a shelf. Kimi also wrapped her arm around Conny so she could cover her sisters mouth to stop her from shouting out or doing anything stupid.

Conny made eye contact with Kimi and slowly nodded as if to say she wasn't going to yell. At that Kimi let go of her sisters mouth.

"Tetsu..." Conny whispered quietly. 

"He'll be okay" Kimi whispered back. She was trying to hear what was going on at the front of the store.

It sounded like someone was telling Kuroo to go with them. She could almost recognize the voice but she needed a face to figure out who it belonged to. 

"Suna" Conny whispered beside Kimi. Kimi glanced over to Conny who was peeking out around the corner to watch the scene. Kimi crawled closer to Conny and leaned over to see what was happening. As soon as she saw the boy she was able to figure out who was demanding for Kuroo to go with him. It was the same boy she had saved when she was out with Bokuto and Kayo.

"He is going to take Kuroo to Atsumu" Conny whispered in a panic. 

Kimi reached forward once again grabbing Connys arm to keep her from moving. "We'll follow them. We can't fight them directly" Kimi spoke.

Conny stared at her sister for a minute, thinking over her options before finally nodding. 

After only a minute the front of the store was empty as a truck drove away with Kuroo in tow. Kuroo never gave the girls away or tried to fight back. He knew he couldn't win in a fight where the other person had better weapons, and he was determined to still protect the twins, so going calmly was most likely the only option he saw viable.

"Who is Atsumu?" Kimi asked when she was sure they were alone. 

"Atsumu Miya. He is the leader of Inarizaki, the one who kidnapped me. He probably wants Kuroo for his brain, but I don't know how he would have figured out that Kuroo was the smart one in our group" Conny explained quickly. 

"Oh, Suna is with Inarizaki?" Kimi questioned. "And someone named Kita. Is he with them too?" 

"Yes they both are. I don't know much about Suna, but Kita is their doctor. He helped me escape" Conny explained.

"I met them both once. Kita seemed very nice, not that I trust him or anything. Especially if he is with Inarizaki" Kimi said.

"I trust him" Conny said as she stood up.

Kimi narrowed her eyes at Conny. She knew that Conny generally trusted people, but she was positive that Conny didn't trust Inarizaki at all.

"I'm not being stupid. Like I said, he helped me escape. Plus he seemed like he genuinely didn't agree with what was happening" Conny explained offering her sister a hand up.

Kimi accepted her sisters help as she stood. "We're close to Inarizaki right now aren't we?" she asked. She had never been there before but she had a feeling that they were a lot closer to Inarizaki than the prison.

Conny nodded. "Yes. It isn't far from here at all. Should we try to figure out where they took Tetsu?" she asked. She really wanted to find her friend, but she trusted her sisters judgement much more than her own.

"We should go scout it out, see if they are still bringing him in. Or even just check out the size of the building and anything we can figure out from outside, I'm assuming you don't remember too much from your visit there. But we won't go in or very close until we get back up from others" Kimi decided. She was also worried about Kuroo but she didn't want to put herself or Conny in a dangerous situation without anyone back at the prison knowing where they were.

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