164 ~ Threat

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As Conny left Kuroos room she couldn't help but get the lingering feeling that he wanted to tell her something but decided against it. She wished he had told her so that it wouldn't be weighing on his shoulders so much since it was clearly bothering him. But there wasn't much she could do to make him tell her so instead she figured he would say something when he was ready.

"Atsumu I need to tell you something" Conny said in a whisper as she walked beside the boy. She quickly glanced around them to ensure they were alone. She figured if Atsumu knew about the situation Kuroo had informed her about, then maybe he would be able to do something to stop Suna from starting a war within Inarizaki. 

"What's that?" Atsumu asked in a hushed voice getting the hint that it was something they should be quiet about.

"I think Suna is going to attack you" Conny said, she didn't mention Kuroos name so that he wouldn't get in trouble but she didn't want Atsumu to die and she didn't want Suna to be the one running the place.

Atsumus face briefly contorted in anger. "The hell? Suna and I have been friends since high school he is one of the only things I have left of my old life, I know ya don't like the guy but don't start drama for no reason" he nearly shouted.

"Please Atsumu, I would never accuse someone like that just because I don't like them. I just really don't want you to get hurt" Conny pleaded trying to justify her statement.

"Shut up Conny. I know yer only here because ya got nowhere better to be! Don't pretend to give a damn about me or this place!" Atsumu responded as he began to storm down the hallway away from the girl.

Conny quickly ran after him grabbing his arm to try to stop him. "You know damn well that that's not the reason I'm still here" she argued. But Atsumu ignored her as he continued to walk.

"Please listen to me. I don't want to lose you" Conny begged pulling at his arm.

"Fuck off Conny" Atsumu said shaking the girl off his arm. He didn't sound the same as he usually did when he was angry, he sounded more like he didn't want anything to do with her. Like he regretted bringing her back to Inarizaki. Conny stopped in her tracks and she knew as she watched him walk away that the little amount of trust they had established between them was gone. 

Conny moved without thinking towards the hospital room, it had become nearly second nature to go there, she felt safe when she was there. As if everything wrong with her life didn't actually exist.

Shirabu glanced up from his book and raised an eyebrow at her as she entered the room. "You look awful" he said upon seeing the girls expression.

Conny just quickly shook her head no as if to tell him she wasn't in the mood to joke around. Shirabu seemed to almost immediately understand as he stood from his seat and moved across the room to get something.

"I like your hair" he said as he picked a blanket up off a bed and walked over to Conny.

"Thanks" Conny mumbled to the compliment. Instead of responding, Shirabu threw the blanket over her head pushing her head through a hole in it that had a hood attached.

"What's this?" Conny asked confused looking down at the thing Shirabu had put on her.

"I found it today and thought of you. I think it is called an oodie but I could be wrong. It's basically a blanket that is used as a hoodie" he explained. "When I saw it I figured it was worth getting since you'd get a real kick out of it" he added.

Conny couldn't help but let a small smile find its way across her face. "Thank you, I do like it. It's a little weird but I guess that suits me well" she replied. She was thankful for Shirabu, he was really trying despite not being used to having a friend.

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