133 ~ Freedom

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"Did Sakusa hurt you at all?" Kimi questioned. She knew well that Conny would just pretend to be okay if it meant that Kita could focus all his effort on Kimi instead.

"No, Atsumu found me" Conny replied moving away so she could look at her sister.

"Miya Atsumu? The leader?" Kimi questioned. She had already known that Conny was with Atsumu since Shirabu had spotted them in the cafeteria together but it still surprised her to hear Conny referring to him so casually.

Conny nodded. "Yes. He is willing to let us leave when we want but when I asked about Tetsu he refused to give him up... Kimi I'm not gonna leave without Tetsu" Conny explained, the last part sounding like a beg more than anything else.

"I don't want to leave Kuroo either but let's think over our options before making a decision" Kimi said. Then she nervously glanced at the other two in the room. She didn't want to come up with a plan in front of two people she didn't trust. Shirabu was in the corner of the room reading, not bothering to pay attention to either of them. Kita was standing close by busying himself with something in the shelves.

"I think we should go while we can. We can get others to help us get Kuroo back. He's smart which makes him valuable, they won't kill him. But it would be stupid to try to break him out on our own" Kimi whispered.

"We can't break him out Kimi, I think I have a better idea" Conny said.

"What's that?" Kimi asked curious. She respected Connys plans, they were usually a little reckless but always had the best intentions.

"We can bargain with Atsumu. He wants the prison, but he won't fight us if we let him have it and surrender control. We make a deal that we give him the prison if he returns Tetsu to us" Conny suggested, she was sure that Atsumu might be reasonable about that demand as long as he gained control of the prison in return.

"What? No. Why would we do that? We'll just be setting ourselves up to be in the same situation as with Jozenji" Kimi said. She had no interest at all in being bossed around by Atsumu.

"I don't think it will be like Jozenji though. I don't know for sure but my instincts tell me that he isn't anything like Terushima. Yes he wants the prison but he's not gonna treat us like shit. Plus it's a hell of a lot better than fighting them, they are a lot better off than us and they'll destroy us" Conny tried to argue.

"No Conny that's stupid. I trust you, always. But I'm not going to risk the whole group on your instincts alone. I'm sorry" Kimi said. She felt bad but there was no way she was ever going to trust Atsumu, not after what he had done to Conny. Her trust had to be earned and his chances of ever earning her trust were nearly zero percent.

"Fine then. Let's just agree to leave the prison if we get Tetsu back. I don't want to fight them, I can't lose anyone else! We'll find another place" Conny shouted. She knew before even starting this conversation that there was a very slim chance of Kimi taking her side on this.

"You want to leave the prison Conny? Are you even listening to yourself? We can't leave the prison. If we leave our home everytime we run into conflict then we would never be able to settle" Kimi explained. "... Besides that's where Daichi is buried. I won't leave him" Kimi added in a whisper.

"I understand Kimi. I don't want to leave Daichi either. But Daichi wouldn't want us to fight them like this. We will lose people in a battle, Daichi wouldn't want that" Conny tried to explain. It hurt her to think they might never be able to visit their brothers grave again but she wasn't willing to watch more people she loved die for that.

"I'm not leaving the prison Conny. If you really want to then go. I don't care. We'll save our home without you" Kimi said. She didn't mean for it to sound so harsh but she was frustrated at the fact that Conny was willing to leave everything behind without even trying to fight.

"I'm not leaving you Kimi... I just really think we should consider all our options before coming to a decision" Conny said.

"I'm not leaving the prison. That's not changing alright?" Kimi said sternly.

"Alright" Conny agreed reluctantly. She needed to come up with a new plan to stop a big war from beginning but she had no idea where to even start.

Kimis expression softened. She felt bad for Conny, she could tell how hard she was trying to make sure that no one else died. Kimi wished more than anything that they weren't put in the situation where they had to argue over the best way to deal with a quickly approaching war.

"Let's go home and then we can get other opinions on how to save Kuroo, okay?" Kimi said softly.

Conny hesitantly nodded. She still hated the idea of leaving without Kuroo but she understood that they couldn't do much on their own. She despised the feeling of being so useless.

Conny then looked over to Kita and Shirabu who had both moved their attention to the two girls at some point during their argument. 

"There's a side door beside this room correct?" Kimi asked Kita completely ignoring his stare. She was sure that she had noticed the door on her way to the room with Sakusa.

Kita quickly nodded. "Yes there is" he answered.

"Thank you for the help with the eye and everything you have done for Conny" Kimi said to Kita as she stood up, holding onto the table for stability as she tried to adjust to her new depth perception.

"You are welcome. I have a small bag of things you will need to take care of your eye with" Kita said holding up a small bag. Kimi took the bag from him nodding as a thank you.

"Also, I can let you two out the back door. It is locked by keypad, it would be a lot less of a hassle than trying to explain to Suna that you have permission to leave" Kita said as he moved towards the door.

"That would be very kind of you, thank you Kita" Kimi said walking towards the door. She was quickly adjusting to seeing with only one eye.

"It's no problem" Kita said allowing the two girls to exit the room before him. He quickly glanced back to Shirabu who was sitting in the corner of the room watching them curiously. "I'll return in a few minutes" he said.

Shirabu quickly shrugged looking back to his book. "Sure, you don't have to tell me. I don't really care" he said not bothering to look back up to Kita. With that Kita left the room, following the twins out the door to the outside world.

Kita brought Kimi and Conny to the back gate and quickly opened it to allow them to leave the place. Kimi was quick to exit the gate and Conny began to follow her sister but stopped herself.

Conny looked back at Kita. "Come with us Shinsuke. We have good people there, they would accept you no problem. You could be happy there" Conny offered. She wanted Kita to be happy but he seemed so unsatisfied with his life here at Inarizaki.

Kita stared at her wide eyed. He hadn't expected those words to come out of Connys mouth. He was unprepared for this choice. He knew he should stay at Inarizaki, he should stay by the people he had been with since the beginning of the apocalypse. But he wanted to go with Conny. He wanted to go to a place where people weren't blinded by their goals, a place where people lived happily among one another.

"Okay" Kita shocked himself by agreeing. 

Conny smiled. "Let's go then, home" she said waiting for the boy to follow.

Kita had never once considered the factory buildings Inarizaki had been staying at a home. It was just a place where people he cared about stayed. But he desperately wanted to go to a place that got the title home.

Kita didn't even look back as he closed the gate behind him following Conny and Kimi towards the road. Towards a place they called home.

In the building containing the Inarizaki group brown eyes watched them carefully from the hospital room where a boy was sat taking in the scene of the three running towards freedom. A freedom he had never experienced.

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