137 ~ Hate

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Kimis mouth dropped open. She knew Kuroo was smart and inventive but she had no idea he was capable of building a bomb. She knew that it was wrong to use it or even consider it but a bomb might be everything they needed to tip the odds in their favor, they could win without any causalities. That's what Conny and Kageyama were so worried about, they wouldn't have to lose anyone and they could keep the prison if they figured out how to bomb the other side.

Kimi cleared her throat before speaking almost scared to ask. She wasn't sure it was entirely a good idea that she had access to a bomb, she almost didn't trust herself with that kind of power. "Where is said bomb?" she asked.

"Kuroo never intended on using it. He said he regretted making it so he hid it only telling me where it was. No one else even knows about it. But I don't care about morals right now, if it means getting Kuroo back then we have to use that bomb" Kenma explained. "It's hidden in the treehouse the four of us used to play in across from Nekoma" he added quieter.

"Okay, I'm going to get it. Not everyone needs to know about this right now" Kimi said. Kenma nodded to her.

"I'll be back in a couple hours then" Kimi said moving towards the prison to get her weapon. She also wanted to talk to Conny before leaving, she didn't want to go behind her sisters back on something this big. Conny deserved to at least know about it. But as Kimi turned the corner she nearly ran into Tadashi who seemed to be a lot calmer than the last time she had saw him.

"Kimi, there you are! Tsuki needs you, he seems really upset" Tadashi said quickly.

"Oh okay, hold on one minute and I'll be in there" Kimi replied. She had no idea what could be bothering Tsukishima but she wanted to try to help. She wanted to get the bomb soon though, it felt necessary to have it as a precaution in case Inarizaki beat them to attacking. Conny made it sound as if they would attack soon.

Kimi took a detour towards the cafeteria to talk to Conny. She quickly found her sister seated at a table beside Kai and across from Kita laughing loudly.

She moved behind Conny and tapped on her shoulder. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" she questioned when her sister looked back at her. Kai raised an eyebrow at her. "It's nothing big I just need Connys help with something" she quickly explained to Kai. She knew while Conny would need a lot of convincing Kai would never side with her on using a bomb.

"Yeah of course" Conny nodded before turning to the other two. "I'll talk to you guys later" she said standing up to follow her sister out of the cafeteria. Kimi led her to a private room where the two could be completely alone.

"Conny I need you to listen carefully to me... I know you and I don't always agree on things and I know that we don't agree with the actions to take on this war but I don't want to hide things from you" Kimi said making eye contact the entire time she spoke.

"Alright Kimi, I'm listening" Conny replied. She had no idea what her sisters next words would be but she knew they were going to be important.

"Kuroo made a bomb. I know you don't want to use it but I think we should at least have it as an option in case we need it to survive" Kimi explained.

Connys eyes widened. "A bomb?" she questioned in shock.

"Yes, it's in that treehouse we used to play in. Do you think you and Kageyama could get it for me? I swear to you that I won't use it without your permission" Kimi asked. She hated putting Conny in this situation but she had no idea how long Tsukishima was going to need her and she wanted them to have it before dark.

Conny was clearly deep in thought. "This bomb... You promise me that you won't use it unless we agree on it? And if we do use it then it will only be to defend the prison in the worst case scenario" Conny asked. This was important, she didn't want to use it at all and she knew for a fact that she could never get behind using it to attack.

Kimi had hoped to use it to attack but she didn't want to ruin her relationship with her only remaining family over it. Luckily the bomb could also work as a good defense so it was not the worst restrictions. "Alright. I promise" Kimi agreed.

"Thank you" Conny said. It meant a lot to her to hear Kimi promise something like that, she trusted Kimi to never go back on her promise when it was something this big. "Me and Tobio can go get it now" she added. As much as she hated that she would be getting a bomb she still loved going out with Kageyama like they used to.

"Thank you" Kimi said.

"Yeah yeah, you owe me big though" Conny joked laughing lightly. Kimi grinned at her sister watching as she walked away.


Kimi found Tsukishima in her cell curled up on the bed. "Tsuki... are you okay?" she asked quietly as she entered the room.

"Yeah, I'm fine" he responded in a shaky voice, definitely not his normal entitled voice.

"I'm here for you" Kimi said carefully climbing into the bed behind him and wrapping her arms around him.

"Why?" Tsukishima asked in a quiet voice. 

"Why?" Kimi repeated confused. "Because I care about you" she replied as if it were obvious.

"I hate myself you know. Sometimes I pretend I don't but I'm just constantly waiting for people to leave me. Why would they ever want to stick around a piece of shit like me. I feel like I'm losing Tadashi. Mai will eventually leave me when she is old enough to realize the type of person I am. And you, you pretend to want to be around me but I'm just your last choice, your desperate attempt at making a relationship work" Tsukishima confessed.

"Tsuki! Shut the hell up about that stuff. All the people you just named stick by your side because you aren't a piece of a shit. Because we know you better than you know yourself" Kimi scolded. "No one is going to abandon you" she added in a softer tone.

Tsukishima was silent for a few minutes. "You swear you aren't going to abandon me?" he asked.

"I swear on my life that I will never abandon you" Kimi whispered moving closer to him. She wasn't sure why he was breaking down on this day but she was willing to do everything to help him through it. There had been a lot going on the last few months and she was sure that everything was steadily leading him to feeling more and more alone.

"I won't abandon you either" Tsukishima whispered. Kimi held him tighter in response. She wished it hadn't taken her so long to realize her feelings for him.

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