84 ~ A Special Day

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It had been over a month since Conny and Daichi said their final goodbyes to Ennoshita. Things seemed to be going well for everyone. Iwazumi took the responsibility of helping with guarding the gate and Oikawa began helping out with tasks inside the prison. Both were friendly and easily fit into the group.

"Conny!" Iwazumi called out as he ran up behind her in the hallway. 

"Oh Iwazumi" Conny said turning her attention to the boy who began walking beside her.

"I was talking to Kiyoko the other day, she's been keeping track of the days" Iwazumi stated. Conny nodded, she already knew this and wasn't sure why the boy was telling her.

"Well according to her today is December twenty second. And I'm sure Oikawa has made it aware by now that we went to middle school with Kageyama" Iwazumi said.

Conny nodded. "Yeah Tobio mentioned that. Have you talked to him since you've been here?" Conny asked.

Iwazumi shook his head. "Honestly I want to, but I don't know how to. Oikawa sort of broke his spirit back then. It was a long time ago but I still don't know what to say to the kid" Iwazumi explained.

"Well first off, he's not really a kid anymore. He has changed a lot since middle school, trust me. I think he would like talking to you or Oikawa" Conny said

Iwazumi chuckled a little. "Yeah I can see he's changed a lot. Not only does he look older, he's also a lot more mature. You've been taking care of him I guess" he said.

"We've been taking care of each other" Conny corrected.

"Good for him you two seem happy, he really did come a long way. Maybe I will talk to him" Iwazumi said in thought.

"Well you seem happy as well, you and Oikawa are close" Conny stated.

Iwazumi rolled his eyes. "The guys such an idiot, but honestly I can't imagine life without him" he said a small flash of a smile crossing his face. Conny smiled in return.

"Anyways, I wanted you to know that Kageyamas birthday is actually today" Iwazumi said. Then he shrugged. "Just thought you should know since I doubt he said anything about it" 

"Thank you!" Conny said genuinely. "That really means a lot to me that you told me" she said smiling. She was glad to know, Kageyama had done so much for her and she wanted to do something in return.

"No problem. I'll see you around" Iwazumi waved before walking away.

Conny then took off down the hall in a frantic search for someone. She noticed Kuroos office and ran in, not bothering to knock.

"What's up with you?" Kuroo asked looking up from his work.

"Have you seen Kenma?" Conny asked.

Kuroo gave her a confused look. "He likes to sit outside at the left side of the building, did you check there?" Kuroo asked.

"No I'll do that" Conny said. "Oh and please keep this quiet for a while but I'm going out for a supply run with Kenma" Conny added.

"Alright" Kuroo said raising an eyebrow at the girl.

"Thanks!" Conny said before running off to find Kenma. She made her way to the place Kuroo had suggested and sure enough Kenma was sitting there.

"Kenma!" Conny called out as she ran closer to the boy. He looked over to her as she called. "Will you go on a supply run with me? Christmas is in a few days and I figured we could get some sort of something for the group to share" Conny suggested.

"Oh okay. Did you want to bring anyone else with us?" Kenma asked.

"Actually I normally go on runs with Tobio, but I want to get something for his birthday while we are out. Tetsu knows we are gone so could we keep this a secret? If that's safe" Conny asked.

Kenma nodded. "Yeah, as long as Kuroo knows it's fine. I usually go alone anyways so we don't have to worry. I'll go grab my katana and meet you at the gate. I think Yaku is there so he'll keep it quiet" Kenma said getting up to leave.

"Alright" Conny nodded as Kenma walked off in the direction of the prison entrance. 

After several minutes the two were ready to leave, Conny holding her hockey stick and Kenma with his katana. Yaku opened the gate and locked it after the two exited.

"So do you usually walk?" Conny questioned as the two began walking down the road in the direction of the city. The prison was located towards the edge of the Tokyo so it was sort of isolated from the busier areas.

"Yeah, it's easier to sneak in and out of the streets if I don't have a car" Kenma explained. "It's only about a half an hour walk to the areas we will be going" he added.

"Makes sense. We used to always use vehicles to be fast and efficient. But it makes sense to walk if the area is overpopulated by walkers" Conny replied.

"There is some lurkers that hang out in the forest though. Just wandering around aimlessly" Kenma said glancing beside them to the forest.

"Do you go in there often?" Conny asked also looking over.

Kenma shrugged. "No need to, but you can hear them from the road. Listen" he instructed. Both went silent and as if to prove the boy right Conny could make out the low growl of some of the monsters coming from within the forest. She tried not to let her mind stick to that thought, since it really was creepy. Something about being isolated surrounded by a forest of monsters was so much more unsettling than being out in the open in a town full of monsters.

"You've changed a lot" Conny stated, trying to steer the conversation away from the forest beside them. 

Kenma shrugged again. "I guess so, people might say the same about you. But I really don't think you've changed all that much" he said.

Conny scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion. "You don't think I've changed?" she asked. It surprised herself since she thought that she was barely even recognizable to the person she used to be.

"The obvious things have changed. But I'm pretty sure if I were to ask you to do something your thought process would be the same as earlier. You are still using your same ideals from before" Kenma answered.

"What do you mean by that?" Conny asked still a little confused.

"Think of it this way. Before if someone stole from you would you kill them?" Kenma asked.

Conny immediately shook her head. "No"

"If I asked why the answer would be because they didn't do something that should cost them their lives. But if someone stole from you now, that would mean they are taking something away from you that is required for your survival. They would practically be putting you at risk of death. What was simply taking something of value before is practically attempt of murder now. So how can you use your same morals and ideals as before when the same actions result in much greater consequences to the victim?" Kenma asked the question watching as Conny tried to figure out a response to his words.

Conny couldn't come up with a response to Kenmas explanation. But his words didn't sit well with her, she didn't like the thought that she might have to change her morals to fit the new world.

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