34 ~ State of Mind

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"Before we go in, where are Tanaka and Noya?" Kimi asked looking at Kageyama. She wanted to make sure the two were safe. But Kageyama was just speechlessly staring at the hoard of monsters down the hall. The three had taken a run for the corner to hide in order to give themselves a minute to come up with a plan. Luckily, very few of the monsters followed them around the corner and the ones that did they easily killed.

"KAGEYAMA FOCUS!" Kimi shouted when the boy didn't answer. She was just trying to get him to snap out of his daze.

"What?" Kageyama asked as he finally looked at her, doing everything he could to give her his attention.

"Where are Tanaka and Noya? They were with you," Kimi repeated, hoping Kageyama's instincts that had been insanely good up till this point would kick in soon.

"They are with the man," Kageyama replied before moving his attention back to the hoard.

"Man?" Kimi asked, not having a clue what he was talking about or who he was referring to. But Kageyama had lost focus once again as he scanned the monsters staring, blankly at random ones.

"Kageyama, what man?" Kimi asked, physically grabbing his arm to turn him to face her.

"He was in the classroom. He's part of the reason for the loud noise. On accident though. It was an accident," Kageyama explained. He then turned his head to stare at the monsters once again. "It was an accident," he whispered to himself as he glanced at each separate monster.

"Kageyama what are you looking for?" Kimi asked the boy, grabbing his arm to try to pull him back to reality.

"Her," he responded.

"Okay, look at me," Kimi said as she grabbed both his arms again and moved to stand directly in front of him to make sure she was making eye contact.

"Snap the hell out of it! We are going to find her, but I need you to help me, and you are no help to me in this state. So, wake up and look around you!" Kimi shouted in Kageyama's face, hoping it was enough to bring him back to reality.

Kageyama froze for a minute, then shook his head a few times snapping back to reality. "You're right, I'm sorry. Conny is tough she can defend herself. We just need to find her," Kageyama said, he still sounded like he was trying to convince himself but Kimi could tell his brain was deep in thought, now trying to come up with a strategy.

"It would be smarter to hide than take them all on just the two of them. We have to assume that Conny and Kai came to that same realization. Since this is a science hall, I'm assuming that most of the classrooms have storage closets for the equipment. So, let's assume they are in there, it would be difficult to get out without help so it makes most sense that they are in a closet waiting for someone to come help," Kageyama explained after a minute of thinking logically.

Kimi was thankful he had finally managed to snap out of it because they really needed his mind. He was somehow really good at coming up with plans for terrible situations, as if he were trained for an apocalypse.

"Tsukishima, how willing are you to help?" Kageyama questioned as he glanced to his side at the other boy who had remained silent for the previous conversation.

Tsukishima narrowed his eyes at Kageyama. "Why?" he asked.

"The classroom Noya, Tanaka, and I went in had a connecting door to another classroom. So, here's the best plan I can come up with right now. Kimi and I hide while Tsukishima reveals himself to the walkers. Shoot the gun a few times to get as much of their attention as possible. Then run into the second classroom. The door in there is unlocked, so go through to the other classroom and shut the door as fast as possible. Then get a few things to block off the door from opening again. Got that?" Kageyama explained.

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