79 ~ A Home Again

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"If you guys wanna bring your group in we have a lot of extra rooms to spread out in. We aren't actually a very large group ourselves so we have quite a few empty cells. And there's still a portion of the prison we haven't even attempted to clear out yet, but we haven't needed to with so few of us" Kuroo explained wrapping an arm around Connys shoulder as they walked.

"It looks like Yamamoto is already bringing the rest of their group in. He's so obnoxious" Kenma stated looking over to the loud boy chatting away with Tanaka and Nishinoya as the group followed behind.

"There's quite a few of you..." Kenma observed in his quiet voice.

"Yeah, we've grown a lot since the beginning. But we trust every single one of them, so you don't have to worry about them" Kimi said also watching the group.

"Yeah! Kimis been leading everyone! You should see how great she's been doing" Conny said excitedly bragging about her sister.

"Oh yeah?" Kuroo asked raising an eyebrow.

"Conny goes out on supply runs to keep the group fed and make sure we have everything we need" Kimi jumped in trying to keep the attention away from herself.

"Really? That's what Kenmas been doing out there. He likes to solo it though" Kuroo said grinning.

"It's not a big deal, it's just easier to sneak around on my own" Kenma said shrugging.

The four continued to walk into the prison which was fairly well lit by various lanterns. "The prison has back up generators but we haven't ventured out to that room yet, there are too many lurkers to deal with. But this lighting does us well" Kuroo explained.

"If you guys want to claim a cell and settle in for the night we can talk more in the morning" Kuroo suggested.

"Thanks Tetsu!" Conny said hugging the boy once more before running off to the place she spotted Kageyama standing at.

"Who's the boy?" Kuroo questioned watching Conny excitedly talking with him while he smiled nodding his head to her words that were more than likely just spilling out.

"That's Kageyama, he's a good guy" Kimi said also watching the two.

"Well I'll see you two tomorrow then" Kimi said waving before walking off to find Kai.

Conny laced her hand with Kageyama excitedly pulling him towards a cell. "How about this one? It looks nice, well maybe not nice but it'll be nice to have a safe place to sleep right?" Conny said looking inside one of the cells.

"It's good with me" Kageyama said shaking his head at her grinning as he sat down on the bed pulling Conny closer so she was standing in front of him.

Conny smiled. "Good" she said as she leaned forward to plant a quick kiss on his lips.

There was a sudden knock on the cell even though the door was wide open, and was only made of bars so it wouldn't do much if it was closed. "Come in" Kageyama called out confused.

A boy with grey hair and green eyes stepped into the room. Conny had to look up to him due to the massive height difference. 

"Hi I'm Lev! I'm just putting blankets over the cell doors for more privacy if that's okay with you guys" he said smiling as he introduced himself.

"Yeah of course" Kageyama said returning his smile. "Do you need help?" he added.

"Oh no that's okay, it's really easy" Lev said pinning up the blanket to their door. 

"LEV" a voice called out from the hallway.

"Oh boy, I probably did something wrong. I better go... Coming Yaku!" the boy said quickly  before running off to the person named Yaku.

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