170 ~ Don't Look Back

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"W-what? I don't understand" Yaku said in a panic. He just wanted to drop down and help his friend but he knew he couldn't risk moving in case Oikawa shot the gun again.

"I'm really sorry it had to happen this way Yaku. You know, Iwa likes you a lot. But you two were clearing the dead, one of our main defenses against attacks and we really couldn't stand for that. So you have to go, that's just the way it is" Oikawa explained finally revealing his true colours that had been concealed for so long.

Yaku finally processed the hard truth. Oikawa and Iwazumi were never really friends, they were in fact the scariest type of enemies. The kind who will slowly gain your trust only to quickly devour you later.

"Take our guns and leave. That's what you want right? You want us to stop killing the dead, we can't do that without a weapon" Yaku said calmly handing over his gun. Yaku didn't dare glance over towards Kenma in fear of giving him up, maybe Kenma could still get away. Oikawa accepted the gun and took Levs as well as the boy quickly followed Yakus lead.

"Again, I'm really sorry it came down to this. I'm just doing what I have to for me to protect my group. The same thing you guys are doing" Oikawa said before turning and running off. But before he could make it very far, Kenmas katana stabbed into his right shoulder.

Kenma then moved the katana to rest against Oikawas neck, stopping when the boy began to laugh. "You know since we first arrived to the prison I was always careful to stay clear of you. Because to be honest, out of all the people there you were the one that scared the shit out of me Kozume" Oikawa said not needing to look at the boy in order to know who it was.

Kenma remained silent. He didn't particularly want to have a conversation with Oikawa right now. He was about to slice through his neck when the boy started talking again.

"Always so quiet and strategic. Yet I could tell you could kill just about anyone in an instant with so few emotions to stop you. It took me time to figure out your weakness but I eventually did. I paid close attention since you intrigued me, which is why I know it's them. The two over there along with Kuroo and just a few others... You didn't really think I came here alone did you? Iwa probably has his gun aimed right at them waiting for you to make the wrong move" Oikawa explained further.

Kenma was still left speechless. He was generally pretty good at reading people but he couldn't tell if Oikawa was bluffing or not. Possibly because of the stress of the situation and the consequence if he was wrong.

Oikawa laughed some more at Kenmas clear indecisiveness. "Go on Kozume, kill me. I'm willing to sacrifice my life for my group. The question is... are you willing to sacrifice their lives for your group?" he questioned. Oikawa had to admit that the mind games he could play even scared himself at moments.

Kenma slowly moved his sword away from Oikawas throat in defeat. Suddenly another large storage tank could be heard opening as a swarm of monsters exited.

Oikawa looked over knowing Iwazumi was the one who had opened it. "Better go protect them" he said in a sly tone.

Kenma didn't say a word to that but instead ran off in the direction of Lev and Yaku. He wanted so badly to kill Oikawa but he had to get back over to Yaku and Lev so he could protect them.

Yaku immediately noticed Kenma running in their direction. "Lev stay here I'll be right back" he instructed. Lev nodded even though that was his only option anyways, he couldn't stand up let alone walk.

"There's so many of them coming. We don't have the time to get him away" Yaku explained to Kenma as he glanced over to Levs injuries.

"I'll take care of them" Kenma said holding on to his katana.

"Kenma, there is maybe triple the amount we were dealing with before and we were struggling with three of us" Yaku said looking at the oncoming monsters.

"I'm going to try then" Kenma said even though he knew deep down that even attempting to take them all on alone was a sure death sentence.

Yaku took in a deep breath before speaking. "Kenma keep going. I'm going to stay here with Lev. We won't be able to drag him with us" Yaku instructed.

Kenma glanced back at the various storage tanks bound to be filled with monsters as well as the hoard already approaching. "You guys won't be safe here" he said looking over to Lev on the ground clutching at his legs as blood spilled out.

Yaku glanced to the ground for a moment before looking back up to Kenma. "I know. I can't leave him though. You go find Kuroo and just... don't look back" Yaku replied he didn't sound angry or sad, just accepting of his fate to come.

"I don't want to leave you" Kenma said. He was never one to get overly attached to anyone but after Kuroo being taken and losing Yamamoto he had realized how important the Nekoma group had become to him. They had been together since the start of it all, he didn't want to lose Lev and Yaku.

"I know you don't. But you have to. You can keep surviving and you have to do that. Goodbye Kenma" Yaku said moving back towards Lev not giving Kenma the opportunity to respond to him. Kenma watched as Yaku sat down beside Lev and began to chat with the boy. They were going to die soon and all they wanted to do was talk to one another.

Kenma turned away not wanting to know when it happened. He then took off in the other direction away from them, never looking back even when he knew the monsters must have made it to them. He just kept going, determined to find Kuroo.

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