78 ~ Tokyo

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Kimi stared at the radio in shock. "How do we answer him?" she asked quickly. She had already convinced herself that Kuroo must be dead, so hearing his voice was a complete surprise to her.

"Hold on" Kageyama said frantically fiddling with the radio.

"Speak" he then instructed holding the microphone towards her.

"Hello, Kuroo. It's Kimi we have a group in Miyagi. Are you okay? Where are you?" she said into the radio. They waited several minutes for a response.

"Kimi...is....you...where....you....Conny" his voice came back in crackles, his sentences were being cut out by static. Kimi had to assume that he was experiencing the same difficulties hearing her on his side.

"Where are you? We will come to you" Kimi said into the radio hoping enough could be heard for him to make sense of what she was asking him.

"Safe...where...here...Tokyo" Kuroos voice came out in short bits.

"Somewhere in Tokyo" Kimi said looking to Kageyama for help. 

Kageyama nodded and brought the microphone to his own mouth to speak. "Where... in... Tokyo?" he asked taking pauses between each word, hoping that would help.

"Prison...safe...group...come" Kuroos voice came back through the radio.

"The prison?" Kimi asked looking at Kageyama with an eyebrow raised. 

"It makes sense. If you can manage to clear it out okay the place would be pretty safe since it's so secure" Kageyama said shrugging. He then turned his attention back to the radio. "Kuroo... we... are... coming...." he said hoping the message would make its way through the radio.

"...Okay" Kuroos voice responded.

By now multiple people had gathered around Kageyama and Kimi, listening in to the conversation. "I can drive us to Tokyo Prison" Tanaka suggested. Sugawara nodded pointing to the drivers seat where the keys were still in the ignition.

"Let's get going then! To Tokyo!" Daichi said enthusiastically as everyone found a seat on the bus once again.

Conny and Kimi switched places as Conny slid into the seat beside Kageyama. "You tired?" she asked knowing that the boy stayed up all night fixing the radio.

Kageyama nodded. "Yeah" he replied.

"Alright, lay down. You can sleep" Conny said pulling the boy down so his head rest on her lap. She gently ran her fingers through his hair over and over again as he drifted off to sleep. She couldn't help but smile at the sleeping boy.

Kimi returned to her spot beside Kai who was now awake, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder to pull her close to him. She rest her head on his shoulder comfortably.

The ride there was fairly silent, everyone was too exhausted to really talk. There were the odd conversations like Nishinoya sitting at the front of the bus excitedly talking with Tanaka, but even they were hushed to a quieter tone.

"Kimi I think we might need to clear out the road, there's no way we are getting through here" Tanaka said stopping the bus and looking at the cars abandoned all over the road leading from Miyagi to Tokyo.

"Right, uh... Kageyamas the one who knows how to hot wire cars..." Kimi said feeling a little guilty as she looked at the boy out cold on Connys lap.

"What if we just make our own path? We could drive along the grassy area beside the road, we'd just have to break down this metal fence thing to get there" Nishinoya suggested looking at the road.

"Yeah good idea Noya! Can we do that?" Tanaka asked looking to Kimi for permission.

"Um, sure why not" Kimi said looking at the fence thing. 

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