85 ~ A Gift

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Kenma and Conny were nearing the city when Kenma spotted something in the forest. He grabbed Connys sleeve to make her stop walking and pointed towards his finding. Conny stopped and stared, wide eyed.

"You wanted a Christmas gift right?" Kenma asked taking a cautious step towards the animal standing there. 

"Wait Kenma" Conny whispered grabbing Kenmas arm. "You'll scare it off" she said when the boy looked back at her.

"It's been months since it has seen a real human. I doubt it even registers that we are dangerous" Kenma said taking another step towards the deer. Conny let go of his arm and watched as one of her closest childhood friends walked right up to a deer.

Kenma had a joyful look in his eyes as he stood next to the deer that seemed to be ignoring him. After a minute Conny forced herself to look away from the boy as she knew he needed to kill the animal.

"It's done" Kenma said after she looked away. Conny looked back at the deer now laying on the ground and Kenma with a bloodied weapon.

"It will be okay here while we run into town. Then we can pick it up on our way back. This will feed everyone for a few days, a Christmas gift" Kenma said moving back to the road.

Conny nodded. "Yeah I think everyone will be happy with that" Conny agreed.

The two continued into the city. As they came across buildings they both slowed to a stop. "Stay close to me Conny. Don't drop your guard out here" Kenma said motioning for the girl to get closer to his side. Conny couldn't help but think back to when she had first started going outside and Kageyama had insisted she stay close to him.

Kenma chose to move down a small ally quickly slicing off the heads of any monster they ran into. Conny helped with the odd one but Kenma was much faster at killing them than her. Following Kenma through the ally and killing monsters together reminded her of when she used to play video games with the boy all night long, it was a strange idea that she was now one of the avatars in the game.

They made their way into the doors of a mini mall, quickly shutting the doors and securely locking them behind them as a few monsters banged against them in an attempt to get in. The inside was nearly clear only a few lingering walkers that Kenma was quick to kill.

"I already cleared out this small area but lurkers still seem to find their way over here" Kenma explained when he noticed Conny looking around her at the open area that was nearly empty. This only made Conny wonder how Kenma managed to get rid of all the corpses from the countless monsters he must have needed to kill.

"I see" Conny said not really sure what else to say.

"There's a store over there that sold video games and stuff. I'm going to look if they have batteries. They should since no one has really been here other than me since I had to clear the whole place" Kenma said pointing down the hallway of the mall.

"Alright" Conny said as the boy went off in the direction of the store. Conny looked around her at the stores. There was one in particular that caught her eye. She couldn't help but move over to it. 

When she entered the store, she examined a few of the objects before finding one she liked and shoving it in her pocket.

"Conny" Kenmas voice rang out from the hallway of the mini mall.

"Oh coming!" she called back racing out of the store to join the boy.

"I got the batteries. We can come back again later on if we end up needing something else" he said looking at her confused when he noticed what store she exited.

"Sounds good to me" Conny said giving him a smile.

The two then left the mall, killing the monsters that had gathered around the doors and shutting it. They had to kill even more on their way back to the road. They were only on the very edge of the city yet there were already so many walkers. Conny couldn't even imagine what things would be like farther into the center of the city.

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