105 ~ Food

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When Atsumu and Conny arrived to a large room with tables spread out across the floor resembling a restaurant from before Atsumu asked one of the waiters for a table. The minute they saw him they rushed him to a quiet end where no one was surrounding them, only reminding Conny how much power he held.

"Here ya go" Atsumu said pulling out a chair and nodding for Conny to sit. Conny did and he pushed it into the table. Then took the seat across the table from her.

"You weren't kidding when you said restaurant" Conny said looking around her. "Or date" she added laughing lightly at her own joke. Conny had always found that making jokes helped her cope with different situations.

"Yeah, we have a lotta things here. And I wasn't jokin, I'm takin ya out fer our first date" Atsumu said grinning cheekily.

"Do you woe all your girls with torture?" Conny asked. She was beginning to relax a bit, attempting to just have a normal conversation. She figured acting like nothing was wrong would help calm her down a bit, plus she didn't think she was in any immediate danger.

"Torture is sexy" Atsumu answered moving his hand to his face to mimic the fuck boy face.

Conny couldn't help but laugh a little. "I'd have to disagree with that. And unfortunately for you I'm not single" she said. She had to admit if he hadn't spent the last day torturing her she probably wouldn't mind hanging around him.

"Bummer" Atsumu pouted.

"So where are ya from?" he asked suddenly. "And I'm not talkin about the prison shit right now. Before the dead started bittin peoples asses" he added.

Conny chuckled at his comment on asses. "Uh... Miyagi" Conny said deciding that the information was irrelevant.

"Ah smaller town I see. I too am a country rat. I lived in Hyogo" Atsumu said.

"Wow, that's pretty far from here" Conny said amazed that he traveled so far to be in the city.

"Yeah, I had my reasons for coming here" Atsumu said. "Do ya know what yer gonna eat?" he asked turning her attention to the menu.

Conny was starving but she didn't want to eat. "I can't eat here" she said closing the menu Atsumu had opened for her to look at.

"Why not? There's a large variety I'm sure you'll like somethin" Atsumu said opening the menu again insistent that she looked at it.

Conny shrugged looking down. "I don't wanna owe you anything" she said quietly.

Atsumus eyes widened. "Are ya stupid or somethin? I'm the one who shot you, I owe you" he said. "If ya eat you'll just be evening things out, ya won't owe me a thing. I promise" he said.

Conny thought about it, but ultimately her stomach got the better of her. "Can I have seafood then? That was always my favourite" she asked letting herself get excited.

"Of course you can!" Atsumu said before calling the waiter over to order for the two of them.

"Which school did ya go to? I only know Shiratorizawa and Aoba Johsai from that area though" Atsumu asked.

Conny laughed. "Nah I was gonna go to Karasuno, we weren't well known" she said. "But I didn't ever get to go, I was going into first year when the world got fucked" she added.

"Ah so I'm yer upperclassmen then! I was at Inarizaki going into my second year" Atsumu said proudly.

"Okay, so I gotta ask something" Conny said suddenly.

"Go on" Atsumu said waiting for her next words.

"Did you play volleyball? Because it seems like everyone we meet played volleyball beforehand" she explained laughing.

"Hell yeah I did! And that's because us volleyball players are just built different. I was a really skilled setter and my brother, Osamu, plays spiker. We make insane combos together" Atsumu said excitedly.

"That's so fun! My sister and I used to play once in a while with my older brother. Although I preferred spiking. My sister did the setting and my brother was a defensive player. But I was really a hockey player at heart" Conny explained.

"Is your brother close in age? If you guys were on the same team?" she added.

"Yep! He is actually my twin. Although we both know I was better" Atsumu said arrogantly.

Conny smiled. "I'm sure he probably disagrees on that. I have a twin too, she's the one who set for me" she said.

"Maybe I can set for you once you heal up a bit. It might be fun" Atsumu suggested. Conny felt her heart drop a little at his words. Although they seemed harmless it was implying that she would still be here by the time she healed.

"Foods here" Atsumu said as their plates were placed in front of them. Conny devoured her food in minutes. She had been so hungry and the taste was amazing. She hadn't eaten anything remotely close to being as good since the night they celebrated Christmas.

"Can I walk ya to yer room?" Atsumu asked standing up after they finished eating. Conny nodded although she was sure she didn't actually have a choice in the matter.

"I think I might have broken the chair, sorry" Conny mumbled as they walked through the hallway.

"Huh?" Atsumu asked confused. Then something clicked in his head. "Oh, yer not stayin in there. I have a real room for ya. Figured a bed might be more comfortable" he said.

Again Conny had a bad feeling about that. She didn't want her own room at this place. She wanted her room at the prison. She wanted to go home where Kageyama would be waiting for her. But she didn't complain in fear of setting him off again.

"Here ya go, unfortunately I'm gonna have to restrain ya to the bed cause I don't know if yer gonna try to leave or not" he said motioning for Conny to get on the bed. Conny didn't like the idea of just openly letting the boy tie her down but she figured it was better than the chair so she laid in the bed.

"I'm just gonna cuff one hand to the bed post, okay? I'll try to be careful" Atsumu said as he hooked a pair of hand cuffs to the bed. He took Connys left hand and carefully attached the cuff to her wrist.

"There ya go, not so bad" he said when he finished. "Oh I put a bottle of water on yer bedside table" he added.

As Atsumu stood up he glanced around the room. "I also hooked up a nightlight over there so I can turn off the light. You don't like the dark right? That's why ya didn't want me to turn off the light in the other room" he said pointing to a light plugged into the wall.

Conny nodded surprised he put that much thought into her room. "Thank you" she said.

"Yer welcome. If ya wake up through the night and need anything call fer me. My room is just next door, I'll hear ya" he added.

Conny nodded. 

"Alright night" Atsumu said turning off the light and closing the door behind him. Conny laid there staring at the ceiling. She felt so much confusion, she just couldn't understand this boy.

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