11 ~ Getting Settled

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Kimi entered the classroom containing the two boys, both Tadashi and Tsukishima turned their attention to her immediately.

"So, we need to talk," Kimi said as she glanced at each boy.

"About?" Tsukishima asked raising an eyebrow. He seemed to be way to calm for the situation he was in, as if he just expected things would always just work out for him no matter what.

"What are your plans when you leave?" she asked.

"Well, we weren't originally planning on leaving," Tsukishima responded with a large amount of sass.

"Alright, then I have a proposal for you" she responded choosing to completely ignore his tone.

"Your last proposal didn't work out too well for us," Tsukishima retorted instantly.

"Tsuki, let's just hear her out," Tadashi jumped in quickly, he clearly wanted desperately to leave the classroom he was confined to with Tsukishima.

"Fine. What is your proposal?" Tsukishima questioned as he looked back over to Kimi who had once again been taken by surprise by Tadashi's words. It made her wonder how the two had ended up friends when they clearly had very different personalities.

"Well, you need a place to stay, and we want a larger group. We can help each other out here," she began.

"So, you want us to join a group with you. Are you that stupid that you are going to trust someone who tried to kill you?" Tsukishima cut in. "Because in that case I'm not sure that it is logical for us to join a group that is too trusting to the point of stupidity," he added.

"Wow you really don't do yourself any favours, do you? I mean I literally hold all the power here and you think it is a good idea to insult me?" Kimi asked laughing.

"I'm just being straight with you" Tsukishima said not offering a reaction to her insult. Kimi sighed heavily already frustrated with this boy. Although she had to admit that the boy did seem to know what he was doing, it was impossible to trust everyone now.

"It would not be a stupid idea to have more people able to defend against the walking monsters wanting to eat us. Plus, I feel bad for Tadashi having to deal with a little shit like you all the time. But really, it's up to you if you would rather take your chances out there on your own," Kimi explained calmly.

"Tsuki we should stay. It would be safer," Tadashi begged the boy.

Tsukishima rolled his eyes. "Fine we'll stay for now," he said standing up from the desk he had been sitting on.

"One last thing," Kimi called out as Tsukishima made his way towards the door, wanting to leave the classroom as quick as possible. He turned and raised an eyebrow. "I'm in charge around here. Not you," Kimi said. Tsukishima turned without another word walking out to join the others.

"Thank you!" Tadashi said bowing before also leaving to meet everyone.

Kimi made her way down the hall to one of the classrooms where all of the beds have been set up. "We figured it was safest for everyone to sleep in one room for now until we clear more of the school out and make sure it is safe," Daichi explained to her when she entered the room.

"There are only four beds for now though, so some people will have to share until we can get more and spread out a little," Conny added as she walked over to join the conversation between her siblings.

"Oh, well Suga and I can share," Daichi offered. Tsukishima who had been standing on the other side of Kimi began to laugh at Daichi's statement.

"What's your problem now?" Kimi snapped at him. She had very little patience left for the boy.

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