26 ~ The New Girl

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"Come on Hitoka, we're safe now. Nothing to worry about anymore," Ennoshita said, offering the timid girl a hand to help her out of the now abandoned truck. Yachi hesitantly took the boys hand and let him lead her into the building. She was terrified but she trusted Ennoshita, he was her best friend's older brother and she had known him for years.

"Did you say safe?" she squeaked out, looking at the school as they entered.

"Yeah, safe. These people are good people. I knew some of them before this, you would've met some of them this year," he explained as Yachi continued to nervously clutch his hand.

"Okay I believe you Chikara," she said, glancing at some of the other teenagers as they watched the two of them with curiosity. Ennoshita noticed two boys awkwardly carrying a large board of wood.

"Asahi is around here somewhere too. Are you okay for a minute while I go help those two idiots?" Ennoshita asked the younger girl. She nodded, quickly waving for him to go.

"Okay I'll be right back," Ennoshita said before turning and running towards the boys. "Noya, Tanaka, let me help you with that!" he called out as he ran towards his old classmates.

Yachi watched as the three boys disappeared from sight. She was still staring at the door when she felt someone tap on her arm making her jump.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! I just wanted to say hi!" a smiling orange haired boy said to her.

"Oh, it's okay. You didn't scare me too bad," she quickly replied.

"That's good! You're new here. I'm Hinata!" the boy introduced himself. He had almost instantly spotted the girl standing awkwardly alone and decided he wanted to befriend her.

"Oh, um I'm Yachi," she replied shyly. Everything was a little overwhelming to her, since it was all happening so fast.

"You want me to show you around?" Hinata asked excitedly.

"Um sure," Yachi replied, only now noticing that Hinata was wearing roller skates.

Hinata noticed Yachi staring at his feet. "Oh, do you want a pair? We can skate around while I show you everything," he offered.

"Oh, that's okay. I wouldn't want to inconvenience you at all," Yachi replied quickly when she realized that she had been staring for too long. She felt like such a burden to everyone who was treating her group so nicely.

"Nonsense!" Hinata said as he grabbed her hand to pull her along. Yachi ran a bit to keep up with the hyper boy. He suddenly stopped by a shelf. "Hmm your feet are pretty small," he said to himself looking at Yachis feet.

"Oh, I can walk," Yachi offered trying desperately not to bother the boy or take anything of value from his group.

"Nope! You can use Connys skates. She has small feet as well and she's gone out with Kageyama right now. She wouldn't mind either!" Hinata said, handing Yachi the pair of skates Conny had used.

"Thank you," Yachi said as she quickly put on the skates.

"Oh, but Hinata," she said quickly.

"Yeah?" Hinata questioned, tilting his head slightly to the side as he looked at the girl.

"I never learned how to skate," she confessed, knowing she wouldn't be able to keep up with him and didn't want to slow him down.

"Me neither! I usually just go as fast as I can and stop when I run into something," Hinata said laughing.

"Oh," Yachi responded, widening her eyes slightly.

"Don't worry! I'll hold your hand," Hinata said grabbing hold of Yachi's hand before she could respond.

"Okay," Yachi managed to get out before Hinata pushed off full speed pulling her along with him. Yachi quickly tightened her grip on the boy's hand squeaking a little. Hinata laughed manically as he sped up.


"Kimi!" Kai called out as he ran up behind her. After Conny and Kageyama had took off he had started a search for the girl that didn't last very long since he quickly spotted her.

"What's wrong Kai?" Kimi asked, not needing to turn to know who was calling out to her.

"Well, uh let's talk," he said walking into one of the classrooms and taking a seat at one of the desks.

"Alright," Kimi agreed, following the boy into the classroom and taking a seat at the desk beside him.

Kimi looked at Mai sleeping in Kai's arms. "Conny and Kageyama gone out?" she asked since those two were the ones who seemed to have Mai most often when they weren't scavenging.

"Yeah, they left a few hours ago. I don't actually know where they went though," Kai explained.

"Probably just getting food or something," Kimi said, shrugging it off.

"You trust him with her?" Kai asked surprised. Kimi didn't usually trust people, especially not when Conny was involved.

"Not entirely. I don't trust people in general. But I do trust Conny. She's trusting but not stupid. She has spent the most time around him out of all of us and if she thinks it is safe to be out there with him then I trust her on that," Kimi explained.

"I guess so. It just makes me worry still. Conny isn't like you. She has been having a harder time adjusting to this world. Even though she kills those things now, I don't think she could ever kill a real human. She doesn't have the heart to," Kai retorted.

Kimi sighed. "You're probably right. But I really want to believe that Kageyama is an ally," she said. It wasn't that she had any sort of attachment to the boy, but she knew that Conny did, and she understood how much it would hurt Conny if something were to happen between her and Kageyama.

"This isn't what you wanted to talk to me about though," Kimi added changing the subject.

"How do you know me so well?" Kai asked smiling.

"Well unfortunately I've known you pretty much all my life," Kimi teased, flashing one of her rare smiles.

"Unfortunately! I'm hurt, I thought we really had something special Kimi," Kai joked back, acting offended by her statement.

"Whatever you idiot. What'd you want to talk about?" Kimi asked, shaking her head with a small smile on her face.

Kai watched one of his best friends, finally showing some sign of happiness. Kai knew that her smile was only a temporary thing that would quickly disappear as soon as something serious happened. He knew she was taking on way too much responsibility herself and wouldn't be able to keep it together forever.

Kai knew exactly what he had wanted to talk to her about, but now, seeing her happy and loosen up a bit he couldn't bring himself to talk to her about what he had wanted to. He couldn't risk being the reason that her amazing smile faded. He didn't ever want to be the one giving her a reason not to smile.

"You know what? I completely forgot what I wanted to talk about," Kai lied, lightly shaking his head.

Kimi scrunched up her face at him. "Are you an old man now? You forgot in the span of what? Twenty seconds?" Kimi laughed out.

"Yeah... Guess I'm an old man," Kai replied as he softly smiled at her, trying to memorize the image of her laughing.

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