129 ~ Safe

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Conny sat alone in the room, it had darkened significantly since Kimi and Sakusa had left. She was only hoping that he would at least return before it got pitch black. She really didn't want to be trapped in the dark.

Her mind was racing thinking about Kimi. She needed to see Kimi but at the same time she didn't want to know just how much pain Kimi was experiencing.

All of a sudden the door squeaked open as someone entered the room. It was someone Conny was not expecting to see.

"Conny, are you alright? Did Omi hurt ya? I came as soon as I found out you were here" Atsumu spoke as he quickly moved towards the girl. Once again Conny was confused by the boy, she was sure that he would be furious about her running away but instead he only wore a look of worry.

"Kimi... Is she okay?" Conny asked not actually answering his question.

"Kimi's gonna to be fine. Kita's working on her now so ya have nothing to worry about, he's a pro" Atsumu explained.

"Okay. Can you make sure she gets better quickly?" Conny questioned. She was worried about her sister and she figured Atsumu had the most say in this place or was at least an important person.

"You can. I'll take ya to see her in a couple of hours when she is feeling a bit better. How's that sound?" Atsumu questioned in a soft voice.

Conny nodded. "Yes please, I'd like that" she responded.

"Let's get ya somethin to eat and some clean clothes in the meantime" Atsumu said turning his attention to Connys shirt that was covered in Kimis dried blood.

"Okay, can I have seafood?" Conny asked quietly. She didn't want to overstep or test his kindness, but the thought of seafood made her stomach rumble and mouth water she couldn't resist the temptation to ask.

"Of course ya can!" Atsumu replied happily. Conny wasn't entirely sure why but his presence was calming to her, almost welcoming. As much as she didn't want to admit it and as much as it confused her, she was happy to see him.

Although she had been dreading the thought of seeing him again she was filled with comfort at his gentle expression and genuine worry. He was treating her like a friend. But she did stay careful not to let her brain trick her, she had experienced this same kindness from him before and that didn't end well for her.

"Come on, I'll find you some clothing" Atsumu said motioning for her to walk with him.

Conny moved to walk beside the boy being careful not to drop her guard even though she already felt so much safer than she had moments before. Atsumu was in a good mood and Kimi was with Kita. She trusted Kita. He saved her and she would trust him with her life if she had to, so she knew that Kimi was safe with him.

Atsumu led her down a few hallways until they turned to a familiar one. When Atsumu stopped in front of a door waiting for her to enter the room first, she immediately recognized the room to be the same one he had told her belonged to her. Conny walked into the room. She wasn't afraid. She fully believed that Atsumu wouldn't hurt her at least not unprovoked, and he had no reason to bring her from one locked room only to lock her in another one.

"Pick somethin out from the closet. I'll wait out here for ya" Atsumu said pulling the door shut so she was left alone in the room.

Conny was quick to change into new clothes found in the closet. Surprisingly she had no desire to stay in the room alone from everyone else. Atsumus promise of seafood was heavy on her mind. The idea almost made her giddy.

She opened the door, surprising Atsumu with her speed. "Ready to go?" he questioned raising an eyebrow at the girl.

Conny nodded to his question and the two of them began to walk down the hallway towards the food. Conny was pretty much silent, staring at the ground in front of her as they walked. Although she was happy to be away from Sakusa, being near Atsumu presented the same problem it did months ago. Atsumu wasn't going to let her leave easily, and escaping again would more than likely be near impossible.

"Yer thinkin about somethin..." Atsumu stated when he noticed her staring intensely at the ground.

Connys eyes shot up to look at his. "Nothing! I'm not thinking about anything, just Kimi" she lied. She didn't want to send him into a fit like last time she brought up the idea of leaving.

"Bullshit, you're worried about going home with yer sister" Atsumu said calling her out for her lie.

Connys eyes widened, fear gripping her body. She didn't want him to freak out like last time. She didn't want him to hurt her again.

"I'm fine. I just want Kimi to be okay that's all" she repeated hoping he would believe her.

"Conny..." Atsumu spoke, stopping in his tracks and holding her arm forcing her to also stop and face him.

"Yeah?" Conny asked nervously, already preparing herself for the worst.

"I'm not gonna force ya to stay here. Like Kita said yer not mine, if ya wanna go then you and yer sister are free to leave" he said. He sounded honest too. The words took Conny by complete surprise. She wasn't entirely sure how to respond.

"Thank you" she mumbled. She wasn't sure if those were the best words to choose but they were the only words she could think to say in the moment.

"Don't thank me. Instead get far away from the prison. It won't be safe there soon" Atsumu said. His words hit her like a ton of bricks.

He then continued walking down the hall towards the food as if nothing had just happened. As if his words hadn't just sent Connys world spiraling out of control.

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