71 ~ Locked Door

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[TW: implied intentions of rape. No rape]

Kimi sat in the room for twenty minutes waiting for Conny to return. After another ten minutes she began to worry. It shouldn't take that long to find baby food. Something is wrong.

"Hey Yachi, could you please hold Mai for a few minutes? I'm going to go check up on Conny, she's been gone for a while now" Kimi said walking over to the other girl in the room. Natsu was now fast asleep, and Mai had at least calmed down a little.

"Yeah of course. Just uh be careful okay?" Yachi said taking Mai in her arms.

"I will" Kimi agreed moving to the door. But as she went to leave she was stopped. The doorknob wouldn't turn. At some point between Conny leaving and now the door had been locked.

Kimi began banging on the door loudly. "Hey, open the door!" she called out in a panic. Now she was positive. There was something wrong, and Conny was missing.

"Kimi?" a familiar voice called out from somewhere beyond the door.

"Kai! The door is locked!" Kimi called back to the boy. "Ours is too, this isn't good" Kai replied.

"Is someone out there? Open the door!" Kimi called out, she was in a panic and couldn't think straight. She didn't know how to handle the situation properly. All she could think was that Conny was out there somewhere while she was trapped in this room with no way to get to her sister.

"Kimi, calm down we just need to think" Kai called out.

"I can't calm down, Connys out there!" Kimi screamed back, panic lacing her voice. She couldn't think straight.

"Conny is out there?" Kai asked. Kimi didn't answer though, she was too busy trying to break down the door in anyway she could.

Suddenly she heard a loud bang. Then Kais voice again. "Kimi move away from the door"

Kimi did and the door was quickly smashed open. Kimi looked over to Tanaka who was holding a large metal object that must have been taken apart from the bed frame. But she quickly turned her attention back to Kai, jumping into his arms.

"We have to find Conny" she said in a panic.

"Tadashi, Yachi, can you get Natsu and Mai the hell out of here?" Kageyama asked, taking control since Kimi was in no state of mind to come up with a plan. "Tsukishima, do you think you can sneak into the room with our weapons and collect as many as you can?" he asked turning to the tall boy. Tsukishima nodded in understanding.

"Tanaka, Noya, you guys check out the dinning hall for Conny. Kai and Kimi, you guys go down that hallway looking for her. Me and Hinata will take this hall. We'll all meet in the supermarket the block over. Check every room before leaving the building, one of us will find her and bring her back with us" Kageyama instructed.

"Got it" Nishinoya nodded, taking off with Tanaka.

Kimi made brief eye contact with Kageyama, nodding before they both ran in different directions.


Conny instinctively took a step away from the man. But he only laughed that same laugh again, the one that terrified her.

"What's the matter? I promise you'll like this" the man said once again moving towards her.

Conny shook her head. "Please let me leave" she mumbled. But even as the words left her mouth she knew it was pointless. The woman screamed and begged for hours but was never shown any mercy.

"Why so soon? We haven't even gotten to know each other yet" the man said grinning. Conny didn't want to see his face anymore, so she clicked the flashlight off making the entire room dark, the only light coming from a very small lantern in the corner of the room. She had to stop herself from shutting down due to the dark.

"Please" Conny whispered. The man scowled. "No" he said once again moving closer.

"Okay" Conny said quietly, a new plan forming in her head. This plan was a shot in the dark and one that would take a lot of courage but it was all she could think of.

She needed the man to be distracted. So she forced herself to pull her shirt up over her head. As she expected, his eyes immediately made it's way to her bra. 


While the man was distracted Conny found the knife tucked into her belt, the knife she had moved to her back side so it wouldn't be seen while the man searched her body with his eyes. As her hand wrapped around the handle she took in a deep breath. There was no going back after this, she wouldn't ever be the same.

In one swift motion Conny quickly pulled the knife out, driving it into the mans throat before he could even figure out what was happening. As he began to choke on his own blood he angerly pushed the girl back on the bed, wrapping both hands around her neck and squeezing.

Conny began to choke, as her vision blurred. He had to die, she needed him to die faster. 

So she forced herself to pull the knife out of his neck and plunge it back in, over and over again. She continued to stab the man well after he died. Connys breathing was heavy, her heart still racing as the man laid dead on her, spilling blood all over her bra and chest.

Conny pushed the man off herself. She started to crawl towards the end of the bed in a desperate search for the flashlight that had fallen at some point. 

All of a sudden there was a loud crash as the door burst open. The light from a flashlight flood the room as two boys entered. Conny immediately moved both her arms to her body in an attempt to cover up. She quickly realized she knew the two boys.

Hinatas eyes widened as he immediately looked away from the girl. Kageyama quickly took his hoodie off, moving closer to Conny so he could put it over her head and help her get her arms through the holes. He didn't say anything about her missing shirt, or the man laying dead on the bed. He simply helped her stand up.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah..." Conny said, her voice shaking as she still clung tightly to the bloody knife. Her other hand held onto Kageyamas arm.

"Hinata you lead the way out of here" Kageyama instructed following behind the orange haired boy who now stole a few glances at Conny and the room, curious about the situation more than anything.

"Alright, let's go this way" Hinata said jumping back out into the hallway and heading down the hall. But as the two followed they were stopped by a group of people.

"You're not leaving" the one who seemed to be the leader said calmly. Hinata glanced back to Kageyama and Conny.

Kageyama reached over to Connys other hand, she seemed to understand what he was asking for and placed the knife in his hand.

"Don't even think about it" the man said pulling out a gun and pointing it at Kageyama. 

Kageyamas brain was searching desperately for a solution, a plan to safely get the three of them out of there.

He was taken by surprise when the man suddenly fell to the ground after being smacked by a large metal object. It was Tanaka and Nishinoya who had come to their rescue. Kageyama quickly moved forward helping Tanaka by stabbing a few of the remaining people, while Tanaka took care of some with his weapon.

"Conny glad to see you're okay! Let's get going" Nishinoya said running over to Conny and Hinata and motioning for the two to follow him. They did, taking off past Tanaka and Kageyama who were quick to follow behind them.

"Out this door" Nishinoya said opening a door for them to flood out. They took to the streets at a run towards the supermarket.

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