142 ~ What Now?

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In the morning Kai glanced over to Conny. She was passed out still. He couldn't help but think about how peaceful she looked in that moment. He knew that the moment she woke up that peace would quickly disappear as she was reminded of everything she lost.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered as he gently placed a kiss on her forehead careful not to wake her. He wished he could have spent more time with her over the past few months but he had sort of let himself drift away from her. They were still close friends, they always would be, but he felt that he hadn't spent nearly as much time with the girl as he used to. Now she needed him and he wanted to help her.

"I'll be back soon" he whispered out loud although Conny was sleeping anyways. Kai pulled the blankets up to cover the girl before quietly exiting the room.

It took Kai a few minutes to find Kimi but he eventually found her sitting beside Daichis grave. 

"Hey" Kai spoke softly as he took a seat beside the girl. Kimi looked to him startled for a minute but quickly relaxed when she realized it was just her friend. 

"Hey, how's Conny?" Kimi asked looking away from Kai back over to her brothers grave.

"Exactly as expected. Not good. But she's sleeping right now so hopefully her dreams at least give her a little peace" Kai said. The whole situation still seemed so unreal to him, it was hard to believe that someone who had been around for what seemed like forever was suddenly just gone. Connys words also still rung loudly at the back of his mind.

"I don't know how to help her now Kai" Kimi confessed in a quiet voice. "Daichi would have known what to do. Hell even Conny is really good at comforting people. But me... I have no idea where to even start. I feel like if I try to help her I'll somehow manage to make it worse" Kimi added in a mix of frustration and sadness.

Kai put a hand lightly on her back. "I know Kimi. I know it's hard, but I think she just needs time. She will be okay again, she just needs to get there. And it may take a really long time for her and she might never really be the same, but I truly believe she will be okay again" Kai said.

Kimi finally looked to her side at the boy. "I don't think so Kai. I honestly don't know how she is going to come back from this. Kageyama had been the one keeping her stable for so long, she relied on him more than anyone else. I should have been there for her more but I sort of took it for granted that he would just always be able to help her when I couldn't" she explained.

"We will figure something out. She's Conny, we have to help her" Kai responded refusing to even entertain the thought of losing his friend.

Kimi nodded before moving her attention back towards the grave. The both of them sat there staring at Daichis grave in silence. Usually Kai would like to make conversation with Kimi when they were alone but this time he was content with the silence. It was almost calming as if things could be okay.

After a long time of sitting there Kais mind eventually began to wander back to Connys words from the previous night.

"I mean that Inarizaki is going to kill us. They have a bomb now and Suna said that Tobio is our last warning. But no one is going to leave this place. So we'll all die"

The fear from the night before slowly returned to him, bubbling in the pit of his stomach. Kimi needed to know.

"Kimi... can you answer something for me?" Kai questioned softly.

"Yeah" Kimi replied. She had no idea what Kais next words would be but she hardly cared. She didn't have anything to hide. Not anymore at least. No matter what she did bad things were going to happen so she might as well be honest about it. At least she could now admit to herself who she was.

"Why did you want a bomb?" Kai questioned. He remembered clearly when Conny spoke about trying to get a bomb for Kimi, he just couldn't figure out why Kimi needed the bomb now when it had been months since Conny was kidnapped.

Kimi decided on telling Kai the full truth, not wanting to hide anymore. If he didn't agree with her actions she was now prepared for that. "I originally wanted to attack Inarizaki to get Kuroo back because Suna, someone working with Miya, took him. But Conny made me promise to only use it for defense so I changed my plans to have it as a back up plan if the prison was ever attacked" Kimi explained.

"Suna... he is the one that killed Kageyama. That's what Conny said" Kai said immediately recognizing the name. 

Kimis eyes widened. "Suna was the one to kill Kageyama?" she asked in disbelief.

Kai nodded slowly to confirm that she heard him correct. "Damn. I saved his life you know? Before I knew who he was. I hate that if I never did that Kuroo never would never have been taken and Kageyama would still be alive" Kimi said in a quiet tone.

"You couldn't have known. Besides things might have turned out even worse if it was someone else. Maybe Conny and Kageyama both would have been killed or Kuroo too. We can't know what would have happened so there's no point in lingering on what you might have prevented" Kai explained in an attempt to take away some of Kimis guilt. But ultimately he knew that no matter what he said Kimi would feel guilty anyways.

"I guess" Kimi mumbled not sounding convinced at all. At that Kai pulled her closer to his side. He hated what he had to tell her next.

"Kimi, Inarizaki has the bomb now. They told Conny that Kageyama was our last warning and Conny seems to think they are going to attack us now" he explained everything finally getting it off his chest. He hated burdening Kimi with this information but he knew that she needed to know.

Kimi was taken by surprise. Deep down she always knew that a war was going to eventually break out but she still had hope that she was just being pessimistic and overly paranoid. She never imagined the group would go as far as to kill just to send a message.

"I guess we are going to war then" Kimi mumbled. She didn't want to fight anymore, she was so tired of fighting and trying so hard just to survive in a dying world. But she wasn't going to let people she cared about keep getting hurt and she was going to defend the place where her brother lay with her life.

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