88 ~ Set You Free

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Kageyama was quick to pull up his boxers and pants before linking his hand with Connys to pull her farther into the store where they would be hidden. "My hockey stick is still in the hallway" Conny whispered in a bit of a panic, she didn't want to be defenseless.

"I know, it's okay. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, I've got my knife" Kageyama replied taking his knife in his hand. The same knife he had always chosen over every other type of weapon.

"I know that, I'm worried about you though" Conny whispered back to him in response. She was afraid he was going to do something stupid in an attempt to lure the intruder away from her.

Kageyama shook his head at her. "Don't worry about me. My dad taught me how to fight" he reassured her giving her a smile and squeezing her hand.

"Okay, I trust you" Conny said. It was the truth, if she had to trust her life to one person to defend it she would choose Kageyama without a doubt.

"I'm going to try to get a read on their personality. If I say the word walker then it is safe. If I say the word lurker then you stay in this room and hide okay?" Kageyama said making eye contact with the girl.

Conny shook her head. "No you did this last time we were in this situation. I don't want this shit though. We'll go out there together and face who it is together, okay? If we die then we die together. It'd be fucked up for me to just sit in here and listen to you get murdered" Conny said firmly. She had decided that she was going to stick to her decision no matter what he said to try to change her mind.

"Besides it only sounds like there is one of them out there, so we'll be better to face them the two of us" Conny added hoping that fact will help convince him.

Kageyama sighed, thinking for a moment before speaking. "I'm guessing you're too stubborn to even bothering arguing you on this" Kageyama said already knowing the answer.

"That's right" Conny said crossing her arms in front of her.

"Okay, stay close then" Kageyama agreed, motioning for her to follow him.

Conny followed behind the boy as he stealthily peeked his head around the wall to see the person. His head shot back immediately as a knife came whizzing by his head just barely missing him, sticking into the wall behind where his head just was.

"Holy shit!" Kageyama breathed out looking to Conny.

"What do we do?" Conny asked immediately in a panic.

Kageyama smiled at her a look of pure joy painted on his face. "Nothing my love. You are about to meet my dad!" he said raising both eyebrows at her, a small grin plastered on his face.

Conny stayed there, letting his statement sink in as Kageyama called out to the intruder. "Dad, it's me please don't take off my head"

It was silent for a moment, then a voice finally spoke up. "Tobio..." the mans voice rang out.

"Yeah, it's me" Kageyama answered again.

"Shit son, come out here! Let me see you!" the man called back now the voice was getting closer as the man began to move towards the store they were in. He sounded excited.

Kageyama looked back to Conny, his smile still visible. "Come on!" he said happily waving for her to join him. Conny did follow behind him watching as Kageyamas dad turned the corner immediately pulling his son into a hug. He looked a lot like Tobio, his hair was longer than his sons but the same black colour and his smile was just as awkwardly hilarious as Tobios was. He had brown eyes instead of Tobios blue ones and the way he carried himself seemed to be a lot different, more confident.

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