62 ~ Making You Smile

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Conny walked into the living room, seeing the boy setting out two bowls of soup on the coffee table. "I found a jug of apple juice in the basement and boiled some soup." Kageyama said when the girl entered the room. His voice faltered for a minute when he looked up at her though. "You look really pretty" he added.

Conny couldn't help but smile like a goof at his comment. "Thank you!" she beamed. "Your track pants look incredible as well" she teased laughing.

"Shut up" Kageyama said with a chuckle.

Conny laughed as she moved over to the couch, plopping down and taking one of the bowls in her hand. Kageyama poured two cups full of apple juice before sitting next to her.

"Thank you, this is amazing!" Conny said between bites.

"Yeah it's really nice to have a normal meal" Kageyama agreed as he also began to eat his bowl of soup.

Conny nodded, stuffing her face too much to speak. Kageyama chuckled at her before returning his attention to his food.

"So I gotta ask because I've been wondering for a while. Both your siblings have Japanese names. But Conny isn't, so what's up with that?" Kageyama asked.

"Oh that's because Conny isn't my name" the girl simply answered before taking another spoonful of soup.

"It's not?" Kageyama asked confused.

"Nope. Well not technically" Conny said between bites. "Akane is my actual name. But all I ever heard was my parents yelling it because they always seemed to be mad at me. So I'd jump everytime I heard the name. Then one day out of the blue Kai started calling me Conny instead and it just stuck" Conny explained while still eating.

"Oh wow... I think Conny suits you much better anyways" Kageyama said. It surprised him that she didn't get upset or show any kind of emotion telling the story about her childhood. It only made him like her that much more, the fact that she was so good that she could just move on rather than holding a grudge that could never be resolved.

Conny smiled at him. "Thanks! The name kinda screams chaotic doesn't it?" she asked with a grin.

"Yeah it really does" Kageyama agreed, then grinned. "Makes sense" he added.

"Hey! I'm not that bad!" Conny shouted only making the boy laugh.

The two quickly finished up their food, and drank up the juice that had now become something of value. They discarded their dishes on the coffee table but still continued to sit on the couch, comfortable.

Kageyama moved his hand to hold hers, gently rubbing his thumb on it. Conny looked down at their hands and smiled.

"You really do look amazing" Kageyama said, repeating his words from earlier as if he was just making sure she knew.

"Trying to make me blush?" Conny asked with a laugh. Then she thought about something. "This is the type of dress I would have worn to a school dance, something simple" she said.

"Did you like to dance?" Kageyama asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah I did. I used to love it" Conny answered honestly.

"Hold on, I'll be right back" Kageyama said as he jumped up and ran down the hallway. After a few minutes he returned in the room with a nice pair of pants on and a white dress shirt.

"Dance with me" he said holding his hand out for Conny to take.

Conny couldn't help but laugh. "Right here? Is there space? And isn't the room going to get dark soon?" she questioned as she took his hand and stood up.

"Got it" Kageyama said as he pushed the coffee table to the corner of the room opening up the entire room. He then raced over to the hall closet. "Go in the kitchen, I found a lighter in the top drawer by the sink" he called out.

Conny was confused but she still did as he instructed. She found the lighter right away. When she reentered the room Kageyama was placing candles around the room. She couldn't help but laugh as she began to light each one. After the last one was lit, she put the lighter down on the coffee table.

Kageyama took her hand to pull her to the center of the room. "Dance with me now" he said.

Conny smiled brightly. "Okay" she whispered. She wrapped both arms around his neck as he somewhat awkwardly placed his hands on her waist.

"Do you know how to dance?" Conny asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, believe it or not my dad didn't teach me that." Kageyama said with a laugh.

Conny had to laugh at the fact that he knew how to hot wire a car but had no idea how to dance. "Just do what you're doing and we'll just sway" she said smiling at him.

Kageyama nodded gaining more confidence in his grip on her waist as they began to sway slowly in the middle of the room. Conny smiled at the boy. Even though the world was shit, she couldn't help but be thankful that she somehow managed to find him, he was someone that she never knew she needed in her life until he was there.

"Let's stay here, at least until we figure out how to find the others. I wouldn't mind spending everyday like this though" Kageyama suddenly said. He watched Conny thinking about his statement. The room was now dark, the only lighting coming from the candles placed around the room.

Suddenly a large smile made an appearance across the girls face. "Yeah! We can live like a gross young married couple!" Conny said excitedly.

A smile then grew on Kageyamas face. "Yeah, I'd like that" he said as they continued to sway in the middle of the living room.

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