165 ~ Ready

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Weeks had passed since Kimi and Kai had managed to rile people up enough to prepare for a battle. A battle they knew that they could win.

"Your plans will take place next week correct?" Akaashi asked Kimi as they sat at a table together eating breakfast. Akaashi was one of the first people Kimi had told about her idea to take the fight to Inarizaki and give them no choice but to return their home to them. Since then the two had been working through details together, doing everything in their power to ensure their attack attempt wasn't a fail.

Kimi nodded to his question. "We will be ready in the next couple days. So it will be either later this week or early next week" Kimi explained. Honestly she would have been happy doing the attack right that moment but she knew it was best to wait until everyone was properly prepared. They only got one chance at a surprise attack so they had to do it right.

"How far is your group willing to go? Will you completely wipe them out?" Akaashi questioned.

"I'm going to kill as many as I possibly can" Kimi answered. She didn't even have to think about her answer or consider other options. She hated Inarizaki with a passion. She knew if Conny were still around then she would try to convince her that not everyone there was evil. Kimi knew that was probably the truth but she really didn't care at this point. Not everyone at the prison wanted to fight yet Inarizaki still attacked them. If the people at Inarizaki weren't really evil then they wouldn't be okay with being in a group that wipes out others to get what they want.

"Are you sure you won't end up regretting this decision?" Akaashi asked. He agreed that action needed to be taken on the prisons side but he wasn't sure if attacking a group like Inarizaki was the wisest decision for them to make. A lot of people would have a hard time living with themselves after a battle like that. Although Akaashi was never one to intervene in another groups leadership.

"Trust me Akaashi. I don't give a damn what happens to that group. Not after everything they've taken from us" Kimi said, the look in her eyes gave even Akaashi chills. It was the look he was sure people wore before they murdered others. 

"I won't get your group involved though. We are very thankful that you all let us stay here. If you don't mind I have to go now" Kimi said standing. Before Akaashi could even respond to her she had already left moving quickly down the street.

"Kimi! We've been working with some of Fukurodanis weapons they are lending us and those things are crazy I think we have a real shot at winning" Tanaka called out running over to Kimi to give her the update.

"Good" Kimi said not stopping her fast paced walk. She couldn't talk to the boy right then. She needed to be alone. She just needed a minute to herself. "Keep working" Kimi instructed quickly, she had almost made it to her house. She was almost there. Then she could be alone.

"Sure thing boss!" Tanaka said quickly running off.

Kimi climbed the steps immediately running into her house entering the bathroom and closing the door behind her so she could have just a little privacy. 

Tsukishima was probably dead. Conny was gone and might never return.

Now that Kimi was alone she could finally break down. No one was there to see her cry or see her at her weak point. 

"I just want to get revenge for you guys. So why do I have a sinking feeling that I'm doing the wrong thing?" she whispered looking at her reflection. The person looking back didn't look like Kimi to her though. This was someone else, someone Kimi didn't know and was a little afraid of.

Kimi needed the prison back, Daichi and Tadashi were both buried there and it was a place she hoped Conny might someday return to. She could also admit that she had a selfish need to get back at Inarizaki and try to hurt them the same way they hurt her group. It wasn't fair that Inarizaki could take so many people away from them without any consequences.

Someone on the other side of the door suddenly began to knock.

"Kimi it's just me. Can I please come in?" Kais voice called out in a small whisper.

Kimi was silent for a long time before she finally opened the door for him half expecting that he might have left after waiting for so long. But there he was still standing there waiting for her. 

Without saying a word he pulled her into a hug. "I miss them" Kimi whispered. Kai knew she wasn't just talking about the dead.

"I don't think Conny is coming back again" Kimi muttered.

"Why?" Kai asked in shock. As much as he wanted to comfort Kimi he didn't want to hear those words. He didn't even want to consider the possibility that he may never see Conny again.

"I know Conny well. She probably thinks I'm going to be pissed that she took off. When she is feeling a little better she will be terrified that she disappointed me and not want to know the answer, so she will avoid me" Kimi explained. She hated to admit it but she was sure her words could often be much more harsh than she attended for them to be. 

"But Conny is going to come back eventually. She must miss us" Kai argued refusing to believe his friend wouldn't return.

"Think about it this way Kai. Would you feel comfortable returning to people you abandoned or would guilt stop you? You would probably feel like you've betrayed them and either be afraid they won't forgive you or that you will never fit in again" Kimi explained her thinking. She honestly didn't know what she would do if she were in Connys position.

"But we aren't just people she abandoned Kimi. We are her family, she knows that she is always welcome with us" Kai said defensively, he refused to believe that Conny was too afraid to come back to them.

"Does she know that?" Kimi questioned.

"I hope so" Kai responded not wanting to accept defeat. He stopped checking up on the girl a long time ago. He had always just assumed their friendship would be fine. He regretted not spending more time with her now. The image of the lost look on her face the last time he saw her still haunted him. He couldn't help her.

"I do too. I miss her so much, I've never really considered the possibility of her not being around. But right now all I can focus on is attacking Inarizaki and taking back our damn prison" Kimi replied.

"Yeah, we will go home soon" Kai responded. Although he also wanted to get back at Inarizaki he couldn't help but think about how disappointed Conny would be in them. She would never want their group to resort to a sneak attack like this. But that didn't seem to matter right then, because nothing would stop them from taking the fight to Inarizaki within a couple days.

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