172 ~ Heartbroken

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Kimi moved down the road at a fast pace, a little too distracted by her thoughts to be at the full focus required when moving through a battlefield. She couldn't help but feel upset with her sister.

Not only did Conny become friendly with the people trying to kill them but she also didn't bother to come back and tell anyone that she was okay. All those nights Kimi was up worried her sister was dead walking around somewhere could have been prevented.

"Damn it!" she cursed under her breath out of pure frustration. Everything was just so messy. She knew she shouldn't have ended the conversation that way. Conny wasn't to blame for wanting to save people, she just wished Conny could understand that there wasn't any way to save some people, and Miya Atsumu was one of those people. He dug his own grave.

Besides, Atsumu had hurt Conny without any provoking, she should hate him more than anyone else. It was Inarizaki that killed Kageyama. Why the hell didn't Conny want revenge for that?

As she walked deep in thought, her brain loosely registered the blonde turning a corner ahead of her. He clearly hadn't noticed her and had no idea of her presence there. Kimi had to blink a few times just to ensure that her mind wasn't just playing tricks on her. There was no way that this was real.

She quickly took off in a run after the boy. When she turned the corner there was no doubt that she saw him. She smiled nearly crying as she wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in his arms. She had missed him so much.

"Tsuki!" Kimi yelled probably louder than she needed to in order to get the boys attention. He froze in his spot, not turning to face her but no longer walking away from her.

Without another word she ran towards him wrapping him in a hug from behind. Tsukishima remained still his entire body flinching at the contact. Kimi slowly released her grasp on him. This wasn't him being shocked by her embrace... this was something entirely different. He wasn't happy to see her. Something was wrong.

Kimi cautiously walked around to be in front of him so she could stand face to face with him. "Tsuki?" she questioned in a soft voice. The boy had his eyes scrunched shut, fists clenched and was chewing at his lip.

"Please walk away from me" Tsukishima said in a quiet voice.

Kimis heart sunk at his words. What had happened to him?

"Tsuki it's me. Are you okay?" Kimi asked softly as she reached forward to grab his hand. But the second her hand made contact with his, he ripped it away.

"Leave me alone, I don't want to see you!" Tsukishima shouted finally opening his eyes. Kimi jumped, startled by his sudden burst of anger.

"I - Tsuki let's talk about this. I'm here" Kimi said feeling herself breaking. This wasn't the boy she was used to. He must have been through so much to become like this. She just wanted the boy she loved back.

"You're here now. Congratulations, a few months late but I guess that counts for something right?" Tsukishima said sarcastically.

Kimi felt her body physically droop at his words. They hurt. "Tsuki I promise I didn't abandon you. I just couldn't get to you. I would never leave you like that" Kimi protested. However, the guilt building up inside her didn't help her case at all.

"You promised me and I waited. But where were you? You never came. Did you even try? Or care?" Tsukishima practically spat the words.

"Tsuki I did. I really did. But I just - I - I'm sorry" Kimi said biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from crying.

Tsukishima closed his eyes for a minute trying to process everything. She left without him. She took Kai and Mai and ran off. That had to be the truth, it was he had been told for months. But why did she sound so sincere? The whole thing was confusing him. He had been cursing her for weeks but now he didn't know what to believe. 

He wanted to believe Kimi. But he was terrified of getting hurt again. He would rather die than go through the feeling of betrayal one more time in his life. He looked at her carefully, taking in every detail of her face. At one point he wanted that face to be the one he woke up next to everyday for the rest of his life. But now... all he wanted was to get away. He wanted the safety of being alone where he didn't have to trust anyone or risk getting hurt again.

"Can we please talk?" Kimi begged as the boy stared at her clearly having an inner debate with himself.

"Goodbye Kimi" Tsukishima finally said deciding that he wasn't willing to risk getting hurt again. Then he walked past her continuing on in his path, not saying another word.

"Wait!" Kimi shouted in desperation. Tsukishima stopped in his tracks waiting for her to speak but not turning to look at her.

"I'm sorry this happened, but I swore to you I'd never abandon you. I couldn't get to you. I'm so so sorry, but I didn't abandon you" a few tears slid down Kimis face as she began to break down.

"Please turn around so we can talk about this. We can figure it out. I promise. I promise I won't ever leave you Tsuki" Kimi cried out now desperate. After the long road her and Tsukishima had taken to get to this point she wasn't ready to lose him. She didn't think she could handle it if he kept walking away. She needed him. She could now admit to herself that she loved him. She let him in and now wasn't ready to just watch him leave.

"Tsuki please. I love you" she let the words roll off her tongue. The words Tsukishima would have died to hear earlier. The ones he needed to hear before. But now he stood there frozen listening to the girl he loved confess to him. He felt heartbroken because he knew he wouldn't be able to shake the feeling of betrayal. Not ever.

"It's Tsukishima" he corrected not even turning to face her. He knew he couldn't walk away if he looked at her. He knew he wouldn't be able to. But he knew he still had to. So instead he took a step away without ever turning.

Kimi continued to sob as she watched Tsukishima take that step away from her. But instead of watching the boy she loved walk away she stood in horror as she watched him step on a land mine.

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