7 ~ Karasuno

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On their way to Karasuno high school, Kimi and Hinata led the group, Kai in the middle, while Conny and Kageyama took the back of the group.

"This doesn't look nearly as busy as other places. Think we could make a break for the front entrance. There aren't too many in the way," Kageyama asked when they arrived at the edge of the school yard, still safely hidden.

"Yeah, let's go," Kimi replied setting the pace at a jog. When they made it to the front door Kimi tried desperately to open it only to find it locked.

"Switch spots with me. My dad taught me how to pick a lock," Kageyama said jumping up to the front of the group. Kimi joined Conny at the back which was now their front line of defense against the incoming monsters.

Conny and Kimi got to work quickly killing as many as they could while Kageyama desperately worked on the lock. It was mostly Kimi killing them, while Conny got the odd one, but it still worked. "There is a lot more coming," Conny announced seeing a large swarm making their way towards the group.

This only encouraged Kageyama to work faster in a desperate attempt to get them inside the building to find safety.

"Got it!" Kageyama finally said, relieved as the door swung open. The group quickly ran into the building, Natsu was still tightly holding onto Kai, her eyes squeezed shut. Conny was the last to get in, immediately shutting the door and locking it once again as the swarm came smashing against the window atttempting to get in.

"They are going to break down the door!" Conny called out desperately trying to think of a solution.

"I think that's the least of our problems right now..." Kageyama announced. Everyone turned from the window to look at what he was talking about.

A tall blonde boy with golden brown eyes and thick black glasses was standing in the front hall of the school, a gun raised pointed at the group. "Drop all of your things and slide them over to me. I want everything!" the boy yelled out the instruction.

"Okay," Kimi said slowly taking off the backpack and sliding it over to the boy. She hadn't even considered the possibility of someone dangerous already occupying the school, but the last thing she wanted was to cause problems that could potentially get them all killed.

"Weapons too!" he ordered. Kimi nodded doing the same thing with her bat. Conny glanced over to Kageyama who was already looking at her. He nodded at her as if to tell her to follow the instructions. So, she gave her hockey stick over to the boy. The rest of the group doing the same with their weapons. It was strange to her that her initial thought was to turn to a stranger but Kageyama had really taken care of her so far.

"Good. Now turn around and go back out the way you came from," the boy called out with authority.

"We will die if we go out there right now!" Kimi called back to him. She was hoping the boy wasn't so insensitive that he would let the whole group of them die painful deaths at the hands of monsters.

"Okay. Your point?" the boy asked raising an eyebrow at her as he continued to point the gun in their direction.

"We have a child with us!" Kimi shouted only making the monsters at the door behind them more anxious to get into the school. She couldn't believe this boy. Only a couple days into the apocalypse and he was already willing to kill anyone.

"Fine. You may stay but you will be locked up in a classroom," the boy said.

"Look we don't want trouble we are just looking for our brother and his friend," Kimi explained. Truthfully once they found out if Daichi and Sugawara were there or not, she would be happy just leaving without trouble. Given that the boy returned their weapons so they at least stood a chance against the walking monsters.

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