178 ~ Remember Me

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There was a sudden knock on the door to the room Kimi had spent all morning in undisturbed. It was a little odd for someone to knock since the door had remained open with a welcoming presence to it. But when Kimi looked up she noticed a boy standing there who she hadn't expected to see on the prison grounds. She definitely recognized him to be a part of the Inarizaki group but she didn't think she knew his name since she had only really met the boy once.

"Hi I'm sorry to bother you, the red head with the glasses said you would be in here, is this a bad time?" the boy questioned as he continued to linger nervously in the doorway.

Kimi did her best to impersonate Connys constant smile before speaking. "No come on in. I really need a break anyways" she said as she got to her feet and brushed off her pants that were now fairly dirty.

"Alright. Well I don't expect you to remember me, but I work in the hospital at Inarizaki. My name is Shirabu. I brought you something I think you should have" Shirabu said holding out a small journal.

Kimi raised an eyebrow at the book. Shirabu seemed to be in a much better mood than the first time she had seen him. Although the more she thought about it, she was sure that it wasn't that he was in a better mood than months ago but more that he was a happier person than before. Perhaps because all the fighting was finally over... although she was sure that wasn't the reason.

"What is this?" Kimi asked accepting the book out of curiosity.

"It's her story... although I was only just a chapter in it, I thought it should be told" Shirabu explained. Kimi noticed him quickly bite his lip and rapidly blink. She knew all too well why he was doing that action. It was something she had done countless times herself. He was forcing himself not to cry.

Something clicked in Kimis head. He was happier now because of Conny. She didn't understand how Conny did it, but she always had an affect on people that forced them to smile.

"You wrote about Conny?" Kimi asked glancing down at the book now in her hands.

Shirabu nodded quickly, taking in a deep breath to compose himself before speaking. "She was insistent that I wrote about myself for future generations to learn about us. But instead I found myself writing down all the stories she would tell me about herself. She went through so much and was such an amazing person... I just thought she should be remembered" Shirabu explained beginning to blush a little out of embarrassment at the situation.

Kimi began to flip through the pages, each one a separate story about Connys experience. She quickly read through one of Conny dancing with Kageyama. Then she read another of her pulling a prank on their middle school teacher.

"I'm sorry if anything is wrong but I tried my best to write down everything exactly how she told me... she sure did talk a lot so I had a lot to work with" he said with a small smile. "I want you to have it though, keep it safe so future generations can read it and know everything our generation went through"

Kimi began to cry quickly wiping at her eyes. Shirabu didn't comment on it though.

"Thank you" Kimi whispered holding the book close to her chest. Shirabu had no idea how important his small gift was to her. She didn't ever want to forget anything about her sister, she wanted Connys story to be told.

Shirabu smiled again not saying anything in response. Instead he stepped out to the hallway and brought something else into the room. Something that made Kimi want to cry, smile, and throw up all at the same time.

"I'm leaving today to find my grandparents. I probably won't ever return here. Atsumu told me I should give this to you though. I'm sorry I held onto it for so long" Shirabu said as he held Connys hockey stick out towards Kimi.

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