42 ~ Backseat

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[🍋 means smut. There will be one when it starts and another when it ends if you wanna skip it]

"The blankets are probably in this back room," Kimi announced as she moved towards the back of the store. Tsukishima followed quietly behind. They found several blankets and a few extra pillows before finally deciding to pack their findings in the trunk.

They both climbed back into their collective spots to get ready for the drive back to the school. Things were still quiet, they had been since Tsukishima had confessed that he had no idea how to deal with his feelings.

Kimi sat in the driver's seat, not driving. She had something she needed to say to him while they were still alone, only problem was she had no idea what that something was. She just knew she couldn't leave the conversation the way it had abruptly ended.

"You're welcome," Tsukishima suddenly said.

"Huh?" Kimi asked, confused about his sudden words.

"That's what you wanted to hear, right? That's what someone is supposed to say when someone thanks them. So, you're welcome, I would do it again," he said. He wasn't looking at her though, just staring out the front windshield, watching as a few drops of rain began to splatter onto it.

"Hearing you say that really means a lot to me," Kimi whispered, and she meant it. Even though he wasn't good at fighting and was possibly one of the worst people to rely on out there, she somehow felt safer knowing that he was watching out for her.

The only response she got was the smallest hint of a smile.

"Um Tsuki," Kimi said suddenly when she focused back to the world outside of the car.

"Mhm?" Tsukishima responded, glancing towards her.

"I don't think I can drive in this rainstorm, we might have to wait it out," she said, taking note of the rain now pounding down on the windshield. She wasn't confident enough in her driving skills yet to drive in really bad weather conditions.

"Okay," Tsukishima nodded. He didn't sound angry or annoyed like Kimi had expected, but he almost sounded completely content to be stranded in a car alone with her for who knows how long.

After a minute of sitting there silently Kimi sighed. "Okay, well I'm going to move to the backseat because I need to stretch my legs out," she said as she climbed over the seat and plopped onto the larger seat.

They sat there for about ten minutes before Kimi finally spoke, bored out of her mind.

"Check the glovebox for some cards or something. I know Suga's parents used to always keep games in their car, so maybe the person who owned this car did the same thing," she suggested, hoping for at least something to entertain themselves.

"Alright," Tsukishima said as he opened the small department. Kimi was still sprawled out across the backseat when she heard him chuckle.

"What?" she questioned, not bothering to look.

"I don't think it's the kind of entertainment you're looking for?" he said, still chuckling a little.

"Oh, come on it can't be that bad. Plus, I'm bored out of my mind here," she insisted.

Tsukishima laughed some more, for some reason finding the situation hilarious. "What is it a flask of whiskey or something? Because I'm a lot more adventurous than you think," she questioned, finally sitting up to see what the boy found.

"More adventurous?" Tsukishima said with a chuckle as he held up the pack of condoms for the girl to see. Kimi's face immediately flushed red as she felt more stupid than ever before.

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